The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1290: The monologue of Patricia

"My stupid brother, how could I not know what you all know." Patrice held Patrick tightly in his arms, his face full of regret.

"Not only do I know that we were created deliberately by a strong man, but I also know that after we were born, our physical origins were forcibly exchanged. Your natural attributes are not fiery fire at all, but soft water. , My natal attribute is the strong fire. Only shortly after we were born, we were forcibly extracted and exchanged by that bastard, in order to create a perfect dual realm and a great devil with a dual realm."

"My stupid brother, the reason why the power of your sacrifice can be so smoothly integrated by me, in the final analysis, this is not a sacrifice, but a return. The return is my origin."

"I know everything from the beginning. Our parents are not indifferent to us, but they are gone after we are sensible. It is not our real parents who accompany us at home, but two puppets. Two Tier 3 puppets manipulated."

"Most of the clues left by my father were erased by the strong man, but he didn't know. The clues that he erased were deliberately thrown to him, in order to make him think that I knew nothing and everything was in his own. Within control."

"Before Tier 2, our two brothers could not be separated. At that time, the origin of our body was not completely transferred, and the body would automatically give birth to some original attributes of power. In order for these forces to be smoothly discharged from our bodies, we must be close to each other. Through physical contact, the original source attracts and completes the transfer."

"The strong man knows all this, and I also know all this. When I was young, I was exposed to the flames because on the one hand, I was influenced by the origin and nature of my participation, and on the other hand, I was cooperating with that **** strong. The brother closest to me, I was injured. The first person to take care of me is you. This is the best opportunity for us to transmit power to each other. You follow instinct, but I take the initiative, for Live!"

"The big devil clan has various attributes, and the natural attributes determine many things, including personality and talent. Your water attributes are really soft, and it has smoothed out the bursts and impulses in my heart time and time again, making me fall and hurt me again and again. There will be no more serious injuries afterwards."

"Your attributes have taught me how to calm down, learn to think, and learn how to pretend and deceive. Although this is something everyone in **** must learn, your attributes give me an advantage in this respect."

"Continuously challenging the strong, and not bullying the strong is determined by my bursting fire attribute, and to maximize this aspect without affecting my wisdom, this is your attribute passed to me, you will give me all the advantages It's all passed on to me, but all I leave to you is dross."

"Obviously got your water attributes, but didn't get your healing and defensive abilities. Instead, you developed the icy power of ice. You stupid got the power of my bursting flame, but turned it into The warm flame has become a powerful auxiliary demon. When on earth are you fools going to sarcastic me."

"That **** and strong devil has too superficial understanding of the origin, and my understanding of the origin is not enough to explain what happened to you, maybe from the beginning to the end, it is you who really all this is, this is your talent, and It will not be lost because of being forcibly twisted."

"I am very afraid, afraid of the arrival of that one. I am afraid that all my efforts will be in vain and eventually become the food for that **** devil. For this reason, I continue to work hard to improve, and finally choose to take refuge in the spider lord, and leave that. Asshole strong, just to prevent this day from coming."

"But when you appear in front of me again, I know that this is our destiny, an inescapable destiny. Obviously, I have left to you the secrets of the dual realm and the darkness and risks hidden in it, you fool. Why do you want to show up next to me?!"

"I almost thought you were controlled by that bastard, but after trial and error, I knew that you were still you, but at that time you were no longer the little brother who was crying behind me, but a Tier 4 powerhouse. You have not been distanced by me under the cultivation of that **** powerhouse. After all, the balance required by the dual realm cannot be broken, otherwise it will not be able to take shape."

"My avoidance made it difficult for the **** to catch it for a while. Since you can't suppress me, you can only forcibly increase your strength and keep us in a basic balance, and he did it and succeeded."

"I hurried to the battlefield in order to avoid that bastard, but when I found out that the commander was the bastard, I realized that we have never been able to get rid of his clutches. He has been playing with our destiny. !"

"Dual realms must be studied, otherwise we will die miserably. I have never doubted his strength, but my destiny is my own. Why should I bow to him? I want to become the strong, and then complete the counter-kill against him! Before this, my stupid brother, why did you show up in front of me again and again, do you know that the desire to become stronger will make me unable to help you."

"I want to become stronger. This obsession has always existed since I was born. I want to make the **** who manipulated my life pay the price. I have always known that he is waiting for me to grow into a strong one, and then take my roots to complete his Improve and evolve. But how can my destiny be controlled by others, even if I am under your hand, I can still get rid of your shackles, making you unable to start."

"Becoming the master of space is the first step, not being alone with you is the second step, and flying far and high after achieving the fifth rank is the third step. I step by step to get rid of your shackles, break your shackles, and finally take the mighty momentum. Defeat you in one fell swoop and devour your original achievement who is stronger!"

"My stupid brother, when my brother becomes an absolute powerhouse, he will go to the underworld and find you out. By then, you will still be my brother!" Patrice's voice is low and can spread all over the world, every word It can make the entire Ice and Fire Realm tremble, and with the shaking of the Ice and Fire Realm, more and more power is integrated into his body, and the control of the Ice and Fire Realm has gradually become proficient.

Ville and Lilith were not in a hurry to attack, but instead watched them with relish and kept making their own comments.

"Is this the tears of a crocodile?" Lilith pointed to the dead, blood still draining from her body. The fire-attribute demon whose power was slowly extracted by Patrice had a look of disgust on her face: "It's obviously oneself. Killed his own brother with his own hands, but he was acting arrogantly here, making excuses for his evil deeds."

Little Ville shook his head and said, "It's not that it is. Hell demons do evil. It is commonplace to use conspiracy and tactics for power and wealth. He doesn't need to cover up too much. Just one sentence, my stupid brother, that Your flesh and blood, soul, will become my resource to become stronger. Such a sentence is enough, but he has said so much, and, do you really think that fire-attribute big demon is a good boy?"

"Human nature is selfish, and the devil is even more so. Whatever Patrick actually sacrifices to his brother, it feels against him, unless..." There was a solemn expression on Little Ville's face.

"Unless you know you must die, in order to die better, that's why..." Lilith gave her own analysis results. After all, their enemy is the commander, a Tier 6 powerhouse, and Patriege faces that A strong person still maintains a strong fighting spirit, but it does not mean that Patrick is also the same. Although they are twins, their personalities are too different, just like their attributes.

"No!" Ville shook his head and said, "I think of two possibilities. The first is that Patrick is no longer Patrick, but a puppet, controlled by the sixth-order powerhouse. The second is that Patrick is no longer Patrick. , Patrick is no longer Patrick. He has recovered his memory and actively wants to return."

Lilith was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly fell into contemplation, her eyes turned to Patricia, her face could not help showing deep pity.

"I hope he still has a little bit of conscience, and he doesn't want to devour the soul of fusion Patrick, otherwise..."

A small bead in the Patrick singer quietly appeared, and a gray soul was collected by him. As the soul was separated, Patrick's body could no longer resist the absorption of Patrick Song, and his body collapsed in an instant. The fly ash fell gently, and a dark flame stopped where he was originally.

Patrice stretched out his hand tremblingly, but stopped at the last moment. The strong sense of crisis made him creepy, and the whole person was deadlocked there motionless.

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