The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1306: Vs. helmo

"The heart of the meteorite iron, where the core of the meteorite iron outside the sky lies, is the size of a palm weighing three thousand five hundred jin."

"The big subway mother, the core of the black iron ore, weighs three hundred and sixty-five kilograms of thumb, and is placed in the earth. After a thousand years, a miniature iron ore can be generated.

"Mysterious iron essence, the most quintessential part of black iron ore, only exists in large and giant black iron ore. It is unusually hard, hard to damage from water and fire, and it can be injected into the earth's magic as lightly as possible.

"Mithril, a super high-grade material refined from mithril ore, one pound of mithril from 100 tons of ore, the best material for casting a semi-artifact, here is 120 pounds."

"The heart of lava, the core of the demigod lava demon, contains powerful energy. The crystallization of earth flame fusion has been purified by the gods and can be used freely. It contains twelve lava laws."

"Fine gold, the materials needed to build the artifact..."

"Golden outside the sky..."


When a scruffy dwarf keeps a bunch of materials in front of Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo, Ville can’t wait to rob him immediately. This **** is really rich. Many of these materials are needed to build artifacts. , He actually took it out to integrate himself into the semi-artifact casting hammer.

"You only need a semi-artifact forging hammer, which can help you increase the success rate of forging alchemy, right?" Ville directly interrupted Master Hallmore's introduction of materials, and said lightly: "You are willing to do so. Give all the materials here, and pay me ten demigod inheritance stones condensed from the Vulcan relics."

Master Hanlmore didn’t mean to be offended at all. He looked at Little Weir and nodded and said, “That’s right. These materials are my personal collection for thousands of years. I exchange them for a semi-artifact that can help me improve my casting technique. The foundry hammer, I think it is worth it, provided that you can really create a semi-artificial foundry hammer that meets my needs."

Little Weir nodded and said, "With so many materials, it is not difficult to build a semi-artifact forging hammer. The difficult thing is to tailor a forging hammer that fits you perfectly, so I need to have enough for you. Understand. So, the first thing is to get to know you."

Master Hanlmore took a big jug in his hand and took a sip of wine and asked, "Then, how do you want to know me?"

"Of course it is the easiest way to fight, and then please show me your casting technique in front of me. If there is a secret technique, please show it and explain it slightly so that I can comprehensively consider that the most Don't have any conflicts if you don't help." Ville's words made Master Hanlmore nod slightly, and a nine-foot-long axe appeared quietly in his hand, which was a high-quality semi-artifact.

Master Hanlmore grinned: "Actually, I have always been curious about what charm you have that can alarm so many forces in the cemetery of the ancient gods. I have read your information carefully, but every time I look at it, I feel scared. I am I suspect that you are a reincarnation under the crown, otherwise it is impossible to achieve such a great achievement in such a short period of time, or you are just a clever liar. Now, let me see your true strength, whether it is the reincarnation of a god. Or a liar, I will judge by myself!"

A faint arc appeared at the corner of Ville’s mouth: “I have arranged a simple demi-god magic circle around here, which can isolate many things, but it may not be able to stop the impact of demi-god high-level powerhouses controlling top-level semi-sacred tools. If you add my domain, the problem will not be big. My domain space, open!"

With a low sip from Little Ville, a force instantly spread around him. The surrounding scenery changed slightly and turned into a bare rocky ground. The breeze brought a trace of heat, and the magic of the surrounding earth flame seemed to be Extraordinarily sufficient.

"Haha, in the field of space attributes, sure enough, your secret information mentioned that there is space in your attributes, and it is also a demi-god-level space power. Then let me see how far your space laws are. , Will it be broken by the power of our dwarves!" Master Hallmore waved the long axe in his hand, and the khaki light on his body instantly spread, and in a blink of an eye a ten-mile-diameter area quietly appeared.

"Earth attribute?" Ville nodded slightly. There are generally only two orthodox dwarf attributes, namely earth and flame. Master Hanlmore is a demigod alchemist, and Ville originally thought he would be a flame. The attribute dwarf, I didn't expect it to be an earth attribute.

"Earth Realm, open!" With a low voice from Ville, the domain of the same color unfolded quietly. A scepter in the shape of a long sword appeared in Ville's hand, or a long sword in the style of a scepter, but the quality was just a master. The level made Hanmore's face a little ugly suddenly.

"Boy, are you going to fight against my mountain axe with that gorgeous toy in your hand?" The demigod powerhouse does not rely on equipment. For a master of any level, equipment is very important and has the same attributes as his own. Level equipment is definitely a good treasure to enhance combat power. With Hanmer's big axe in hand, his strength is increased by at least 50%.

"I don’t have a demi-god sword, but it’s an overkill. This scepter sword is a weapon that can accompany me through my life. It is not a simple master-level equipment, but a weapon. The bag grows rapidly with the battle, and the upper limit is as high as mine. The growth equipment is as high as mine." As soon as Ville's voice fell, the long sword in his hand was swung out, and a biting sword aura went straight to Master Hallmore.

"Earth Tear and Cut!" The shot was the sword energy that was fused with the law. Master Hallmore swept out the long axe in his hand, and the earthy-yellow light flashed on it. The sword energy played by Little Ville shattered, but his whole body withdrew three or five times. Just before Zhangyuan stood firm, his face was full of incredible expressions.

"Very good, very powerful, to be able to use this level of weapon to emit such a powerful sword aura, or a sword aura that incorporates laws, I believe you are taking this duel seriously. Next, let you take a look. Our dwarven warriors are awesome! Slash!"

"Gravity Sword of Melaleuca!" After the long-range attack, Ville switched his combat mode to the close combat that dwarves are most adept at. The long sword in his hand greeted Hanlmore with layers of sword shadows. The master's axe made a sharp sound, and the two of them retreated half a step at the same time.

Master Hallmore’s semi-artifact long axe was undamaged, and a thin crack appeared in the sword of power in Little Ville’s hand. As his magic power was poured into it, he instantly recovered to its original state. The magic made Master Hallmore’s eyes light up, “Interesting, Come again. Landslide!"

"The guardian sword of the earth!"

"Rock piercing sword!"

"Earth Pulse Sword!"

Little Weier would not simply be passively beaten, switch freely between offense and defense, sway the long sword in his hand freely, and integrate his own laws into it to exert extraordinary power.

As a dwarf demigod who has comprehended thirty laws of the earth, Master Hanlmore fought very comfortably in this fight, and the demi-artifact long axe wielded freely. The opposite boy seemed to be willing to feed himself, switch between offense and defense, and always treat himself. Putting pressure on without being overly compelling, taking care of his own rhythm completely, and never interrupting his spellcasting at will.

And what excites me the most is This kid actually dared to head-to-head with him. This collision between power and power allowed him to return his strength to the extreme. The law of his own understanding was used from beginning to end. There were no mistakes or omissions, and even certain laws were implemented three or five times.

Without him, excited, so easy.

After releasing the Mystery Space, Ville moved the battle to the Snowwood World for the first time. The outside world left a phantom that seemed to be true and false, and asked Lilith and Guai Liluo to cover himself. He had asked before, every request Those who take the semi-artifact can only come alone, the interface is easy to find, and the semi-artifact is kept secret!

Master Hallmore’s laws have been displayed time and time again, but they have left their own traces in the world of snow woods, and they were quickly recorded. It was not until Ville received feedback that the yield of the 30 laws was completed, and the realm suddenly changed from the realm of the earth. Switching to the Flame Realm made Master Hanlmore uncomfortable all at once.

A weird feeling of being restrained everywhere grows in his heart. Master Hanlmore feels that his rhythm is starting to have problems, and he can't send out a complete move. The kid is forced to jump around and flee.

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