The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1307: My apostle brother can’t be so cheeky

"Boy, let me tell you, if you can't create a semi-artifact casting hammer that satisfies me, I can never spare you, my poor beard!" For dwarves, the hair can be messy and the face can have scars, but the beard It cannot be less, and just now, Little Will smashed his beard by a fire, making Master Hanlmore feel distressed for a long time. Even if he was given a pot of wine for a thousand years, he couldn't let him relax.

Ville looked at a brand-new Grandmaster-level casting hammer in his hand, and felt the detailed structure inside, comparing with the casting secrets provided by Master Hallmore, he kept calculating what in his heart, and at the same time let the apostle Xiaowei Start to develop a plan.

Master Hanlmore is a demigod with earth attributes. His biggest obstacle in casting is the manipulation of flames. The semi-artifact casting hammer is just the icing on the cake, but the casting hammer cannot keep up with his level and cannot make him go all out. But it is also an indisputable fact that Xiaowei already has a general direction in his heart, and it is quickly passed to Xiaowei.

There is nothing wrong with Xiaowei being a conscientious and smart elf, but sometimes she pursues perfect things, which will invisibly increase the workload of Xiaowei, especially this kind of work that can be handled, Xiaowei Don't be prepared to spend too much time on it.

This time, he was not trying to improve his casting skills, but in exchange for more inheritance stones to improve his strength.

The apostle elf Xiaowei told Xiaowei very responsibly that she would deduce a variety of suitable semi-artifact casting hammers. There will be perfect and imperfect casting hammers. Finally, Xiaowei asked Xiaowei to choose by herself. "Please take your foolish brother seriously. A liar can't work for a long time."

"How can this be a scam? It's just a simple exchange of equal value. The compensation they pay is only worth the price. If I give more, wouldn't it be a big loss? If I ask them for more compensation, they will feel a loss. , After all, enough is enough, too perfect is a waste."

"Brother Stupid Apostle, please face up to his labor and be able to do better. Why must I make do?"

"Xiao Wei, I have always been very serious when I work. I can save so many precious materials and maximize the effect of the materials put into use. I can use my casting technique to play the value and role of these materials. It is the test of the foundry's strength the most."

"Why, I always have a feeling that the foolish apostle brother is coveting customer materials."

Xiaoweier: I have to say, Xiaowei, you are the truth.

The ancient god's cemetery has a long history, and countless high-end materials have been accumulated, but there is no competent caster to use it. It is a waste of these materials. After you get them, you will definitely not insult them.

Xiaowei: My apostle brother can't be so cheeky, but I like to try to live so well, I like it!

Lilith is responsible for making fires and cooking, providing food and wine. Although the level cannot be far from the God of Food, and even not as good as the five-star chefs who follow the God of Food to learn, he still makes Master Hanlmore very happy to eat.

The deliciousness of things is on the one hand, and the identity of the person who cooks is on the other hand. Can you gently mobilize a high-level demigod to prepare a table for you? Moreover, the demigod's combat effectiveness is not necessarily weaker than his own, but more versatile.

Although it was only a brief chat, Master Hanlmore found that this girl with bright attributes is also an alchemist, but her level is only a master, and her development direction is also biased towards the production of magical jewelry of the elves. Even so, There are still some common languages ​​between each other.

"There are no elves in the ancient gods' cemetery, but there are sporadic night elves. The **** magic power on them is already very weak. They are naturalized night elves, and they are no longer pure **** demons. Some forces will provide them. Habitat, in exchange for the magic jewelry they made, I have two secrets of magic jewelry making here, as a meeting gift, thank you for your food and wine." Master Hanlmore is very generous.

Anyway, if you give away these things, you won’t lose anything, and you can earn a favor, so why not do it.

You know that this girl is the real fiancee of that enchanting boy, and the power of the pillow wind is sometimes very huge.

After Lilith thanked him, he presented him with an extra wine, but this wine was even more powerful. It was made by the Devil Moody. It was called a knife. After a bite, it almost made Master Hanlmore burst into flames. Old Zhang's face flushed, but he kept applauding.

This kind of wine that meets the taste of dwarves is embarrassed to ask for it for nothing, and Master Hanlmore also feels the rich magic of life attributes in it, and he actually makes his body feel ten years younger by taking a sip. It is a good thing no matter how you look at it. .

Just one word, but the price is heavy.

A bottle of wine actually needs to be exchanged for the price of a grandmaster-level equipment. Even Master Hallmore can only exchange ten bottles and eight bottles. No matter how much it is, it really hurts.

Soon, when Master Hanlmore was not drunk, Ville came to him with a three-point plan.

"I understand your question basically. There are three options to choose from. The first option is to abandon the creation of the Demigod Casting Hammer and change it to a Demigod Casting Table, with the lava heart as the core, which can provide demigods. Class flame, solve your own lack of flame control problem."

As soon as Ville’s plan came out, Master Hallmore immediately objected. The reason is very simple. If the casting table is too low, it will appear to be of insufficient level. Moreover, this thing cannot be used as a weapon and has no offensive power, as a demigod. The inheritance of the foundry is not suitable.

"The second plan also takes the heart of lava as the core, increasing the ability of the casting hammer to blend in with flames, allowing the casting hammer to adjust its power and temperature, and to adjust the weapons in the casting. It is a semi-artifact tailor-made for you. . No, it should be said that it is tailor-made for all demi-god casters who lack the flame attribute power and flame control."

Master Hallmore thought for a while, and asked: "What about the third plan?"

"The third plan is based on the core of the heart of the earth fused with the heart of meteorite iron, and the principle of great earthquakes and pulsation of the earth is the essence. It directly discards the control of temperature and changes to the control of the earth's attributes and the deep processing of raw materials. In order to make up for the lack of firepower. The core idea is to maximize the power of your earth attribute, so as to increase the level of the forged weapon. It can be regarded as a semi-artifact casting hammer tailored for you, or for the earth attribute half-length caster. ."

Master Hanlmore hesitated a little, except for the first one, he liked the other two very much, "Or, you build two semi-artifact casting hammers for me, and I feel good about the latter two."

"Hehe, then you go and ask, the next fourteen candidates, who of them is willing to give up their place." Little Will said with a smile, "I only build fifteen semi-artifacts, no more than one, this thing is too much. It takes time and effort."

Master Hanlmore nodded and said with a sad face: "Yes, yeah, casting is too difficult, especially for high-level casting, just material handling is enough. Or, you can combine the latter two solutions. , Let a handful of castings have both the attributes of the earth flame, all the advantages and functions are integrated into one.

Little Ville rolled his eyes and said, "Do you know how much more work is needed to blend one more attribute? How much more materials are needed to blend? How many times the difficulty? I promise to help you cast a semi-artifact with only one purpose. , In exchange for peace is our demigod inheritance stone, to improve one's strength, this kind of difficult and delicate work is too bad, don't do it!

Master Hallmore's eyes lit up, but it was difficult, devoted, time-consuming and laborious. Isn't it impossible to do it?

"Brother Ver, for the sake of providing so many casting techniques just now, help me! I have double the inheritance stone, no, quadruple! You don’t need to worry about the materials. We have more of this stuff. Combining the two schemes, the foundry hammer created can definitely become the inheritance of the clan, and that is not my business alone. There must be some price to be paid in the clan."

"Brother Vail, wait a minute, I'll go back and discuss with the other senior members of the clan immediately, and I will definitely give you an answer that is satisfactory. The casting hammer needs two attributes, both of which are considered." Hanlmo finished, and took the lead. I ran out and wanted to go back to discuss with someone and get some sponsorships.

Lilith cleaned up the leftovers and looked at Little Weir with a smile and asked, "Is it really that difficult? How much more materials will be needed? Is that pile not enough?"

Little Ville chuckled: "The difficulty has indeed improved, and there are still a lot of improvements. The materials are enough, and there is a lot of surplus, but the heart of the earth is flip He rolled his eyes: "The Heart of the Earth Master Hanlmore really doesn't have one, don't you have one? "

Ville shrugged and said, "I never said that I didn't have the heart of the earth, but he was too anxious and ran away before I could finish."

"You just said that the difficulty has increased a lot, so for you, is there a big difference between the three semi-artifacts?" Lilith suddenly asked.

There are no outsiders here, and Little Weir shrugged and said: "The difficulty has indeed increased a lot, but it is more work, the impact will not be too big, after all, this is just a casting hammer, the requirements are not so demanding, plus John The information provided by Master Ermo is clear enough, and the difficulty has been reduced a lot. Mainly because there are reference materials, I have to say that Master Ermo has really rich experience, and this casting hammer is almost to the extreme in terms of details."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Of course, the work started immediately, and it's only when he comes back for acceptance."

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