The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1308: You are really our brother

Master Hanlmore brought the two dwarves and demigods to Ville's casting room. He looked at the strange casting hammer in front of him, and his expression was very rich.

In seven days, Master Hanlmore mobilized all the dwarves in the Vulcan Ruins, and it took seven days to finally prepare all the materials, and then he hurried back to the alpine temple with a rush, but waiting for him was a brand new demigod Casting hammer.

Master Hallmore pointed at Little Weir's fingers trembling slightly, "You, you, you..." for a long time, without saying a complete sentence.

There are two demi-god powerhouses left, one of them is also a demi-god forge, and the other is a dwarf clan chief, who is also very proficient in forging, but has not reached the level of demigod. Well, his combat effectiveness is indeed the strongest.

Dwarves are natural casters, and those who don't like casting and wine are not real dwarves.

The two dwarves and demigods took turns experimenting with the familiar casting hammer, feeling the power inside, and exclaiming in their mouths. Even if this casting hammer is not used for casting, fighting is a very powerful weapon.

The perfect fusion of earth attributes and flame attributes. The flame can be placed outside and can be touched and transmitted. The power is controllable and can even be finely manipulated. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this casting hammer incorporates the three laws of earth attributes: Great earthquakes, pulsations of the earth, and gravity of the earth.

"Perfect, this is the most perfect casting hammer I have ever seen!" The dwarf patriarch let out a loud admiration, his eyes gleaming with inexplicable light.

Master Hanlmore snatched the casting hammer over and rubbed it carefully. The depression on his face disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye. Although he did not see the process of building this semi-artifact, it was a little regrettable, but this casting The hammer is absolutely suitable for you. With it, the success rate of building a semi-artifact by yourself can definitely be doubled.

"Master Hallmore, this semi-sacred tool is of extraordinary significance to our Earthfire tribe. I decided to make it the third heritage treasure of the Earthfire tribe. What do you think?" The dwarf patriarch suddenly asked seriously.

Master Hanlmore nodded and said, "This semi-artifact may be a little less interesting to other races and masters, but it is definitely a rare treasure for our foundry, especially the demi-god foundry, as the third one. The treasure of inheritance, it is barely qualified."

The dwarf patriarch smiled and said, "Since it is the treasure of the tribe, should it be kept by the patriarch? You can apply to me when you use it. I will definitely not be embarrassed."

Master Hanlmore and a dwarven master craftsman from two outsiders gave him a side angle at the same time, "Patriarch, this is a forging hammer, a tool for making semi-sacred artifacts. It is not suitable for you to control. You should go drink and fight, which is more suitable. You, the bear next door has become a bit dishonest recently. It's justified that you go and knock him."

The dwarf patriarch shouted: "With this treasure, I can also try to build a semi-artifact!"

"Wait when you can complete the test of the Vulcan, and increase the power of the Grandmaster-level equipment to 90%." Master Hanlmore looked at Little Weir with a grimace and said, "Brother Weir, you are too unkind. Yes, you have all the materials and I didn’t say anything in advance, so I ran around for so long to prepare everything, and the result..."

Xiao Weier shrugged and said: "Before we build the equipment, don’t we have to make a plan based on the current conditions? I have some of the materials that you lack, so I took it into consideration when formulating the plan. You ran before. It’s too fast, I won’t have time to hold you."

"You didn't give me a specific time to come back. I had to build the thing myself first. Fortunately, you are all satisfied with it, and I can be considered worthy of the trust." Little Weir shrugged and said: "But I personally For the extra raw materials, you have to pay me twice."

The dwarf patriarch's eyes lit up, and he nodded hurriedly and said, "This is the truth, how could our Earthhuo tribe let our friends suffer? We will pay twice!"

Master Hanlmore rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction. This **** patriarch is really thinking about the tribe. It is only the tribe’s inheritance treasure, not his own personal semi-sacred tool. "This is natural, but I have a question. How long does it take for the Ver brothers to build a semi-artifact?"

This question aroused the interest of the dwarf patriarch and another dwarf master craftsman. It is necessary to know that Master Hallmore returned to the clan with two design plans seven days ago, and mobilized all the people to find materials, but waited for them to find all the materials. Now, people have already built things. This speed is a bit too fast. You must know that the master craftsmen in the clan want to build a semi-artifact, and it will take a month or two to say it.

Xiaoweier shrugged and said: "My strength is relatively strong. I have the attributes of earth, flame, and ocean. I have relatively strong hands-on ability and speed. Actually, it takes only five days to work on it. The focus is not on building, but on building. In understanding the situation, collecting information, and then formulating a plan to prepare materials."

Master Hanlmore couldn't help but a black line, "All these tasks add up, and it’s only ten days and a half a month when you are full. How did you get the budget for building fifteen and a half artifacts in two and a half years? If you go all out, Two pieces a month, two and a half years is enough to build sixty and a half artifacts. Even if you count the success rate and give you a discount, there are 30 pieces, right? How are these 15 pieces calculated?"

Little Ville smiled and said: "Two months for a semi-artifact, of which the time to build the artifact is half a month, and the remaining one and a half months to explore the place of trial, secret, and inheritance, and then accept the inheritance in the inheritance stone, which is This is how it came. Think about it carefully. Every time there are five inheritance stones, even if there are only two belonging to me, the remaining three will be used by Lilith, Xiao Luo, and Xiao Ye. One and a half months is still very reluctant."

The three dwarves and demigods couldn't help looking at each other. There was a semi-artifact in half a month, you really dare to say it, but the semi-artifact in front of them can't be faked.

"Brother Ver, it's wrong for you to be like this. Our ancient gods cemetery is relatively closed. It's a rare opportunity and a rare opportunity. Wouldn't you be a loss if you don't make a lot of money and go back?" The dwarf patriarch said with a smile: "Accept the inheritance. You can go back and do something about the stone inheritance. Anyway, you can’t run away. Build a few more semi-artifacts to earn more inheritance stone. Even if you don’t use it, you can give it as a gift. Know us The demigod inheritance stone in the ancient **** cemetery is quite sought-after."


"The casting right of the first semi-artifact was won by the Earth Fire Tribe. It is not so much the right to cast the first semi-artifact, but rather the right to use the Weier brothers for the first two months. Brother Vail spends the remaining time to help us build a semi-artifact forging hammer. We don’t take up your time too much, as long as one is enough, we will pay the extra double reward." The words of the dwarf patriarch made Master Hanlmore look at it. Liang, if there is one more one, wouldn't this one be directly owned by him.

Little Ville didn’t want to shook his head and refused, “Sorry, I don’t have time, the inheritance stone can’t run, but as you said, it’s rare to come to the ancient god’s cemetery. It’s impossible for me to come to the place of trial, secret, and inheritance. I missed it. My time plan is quite full. Except for half a month of absorbing the inheritance stone, the time for exploring the secret realm, the place of trial, and the place of inheritance can't be squeezed out at all."

"It's easy to say, Master Weir will take out the two-month plan for us to take a look. If possible, we will send experienced demigods to accompany us throughout the whole process, striving to save Master Weir in the fastest and best way. Complete the strategy for these places, and then arrange for two master craftsmen to assist Master Well in the remaining time to build a new demi-god casting hammer. Don't worry, the materials we prepared are absolutely sufficient this time."

Little Ville took a deep look at the dwarf patriarch: "You are a qualified patriarch, very wise! Since you are named after earth fire, there must be an underground lava in the clan. The fire source used for casting is from time to time. Underground lava?"

The dwarf patriarch nodded openly and said: "That's right, but the ground fire is not so easy to control. There are not many really stable casting have two demigod-level mages here, Do you want to improve your lava channel fire supply system? I dare not say that it is perfect, but it is not a big problem to increase the flame stability." Little Ville's words made the three dwarves and demigods overjoyed at the same time.

"Brother Ver, you are really our real brother!"

Little Weier: No, I am 1.75 meters tall. There is no such a group of brothers who are less than 1.2 meters tall but have a big beard. But in other words, the dwarves are relatives of the giants. The blood of the dwarves of the Earthfire tribe is derived from the earth rock giants and the flame giants, and they also have the blood of the thunder giants in their bodies. Isn't it wrong to say that they are brothers?

No, the blood in his body is the Thunder Giant, which belongs to the pure blood of the giant, while the dwarves are the relatives of the giants, in other words, they belong to their children and grandfathers, and they should be their uncles and grandfathers.

However, I really don't want to have such a group of juniors. It feels bad when I look at them. I don't even say that they are a lot older than myself. With their height, waist circumference and beard, there is really no way to treat them as juniors.

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