The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1334: Tsundere Frost Giantess

A big battle lasted for seven days and seven nights, and Little Ville used many methods, but he was still unable to win.

Land attribute, defeat!

Flame attribute, defeat!

Storm attribute, defeat!

Ocean attributes, defeat!

Bright attributes, defeat!

Shadow attribute, defeat!

Thunder attribute, not transformed into a Thunder Giant, defeated!

Space attributes, with the help of short-range continuous space transmission and semi-artifact bows and arrows, maintained an unbeatable situation. Although it had the upper hand, it failed to win.

In the end, Ville used the half-baked ice attribute to startle the frost giant Salomi, and got a little respite.

Salomi only has relatively few people in contact, but she is not a fool. On the contrary, she is very clever. She has fought against this foreign intruder for seven days and seven nights. She is a real Tier 5 powerhouse, but the other party is just one who has not broken through five. The fourth-order pinnacle of the order.

As a Tier 5 master who has been educated by the orthodox giants, she is more aware of the huge gap between Tier 4 and Tier 5 than ordinary people, but this gap in her eyes cannot be reflected in the opponent. Although she did not use her best, she It also displayed the standard of a general fifth-stage early stage master, but he couldn't win him in the battle of seven days and seven nights.

She didn't release the water, and it could even be said that she had used at least eight points of effort. After all, there were people next to her staring at her, and she couldn't go all out. Even so, the strength of the opposite boy shocked her very much.

The most important thing is how big this little guy is, not to mention his strength, and his attributes are so colorful, earth, flame, storm, thunder, ocean, shadow, light, and finally revealed a space attribute to let himself know that his chances of winning are slim.

Well, one more thing is that this little guy actually has a cold attribute. Although he is half-baked, he is obviously at the level of a demigod. It is impossible for the master station, but occasionally it is more than enough to deal with the coldness of his own field.

"The breath on your body is very strange, messy, with many bloodlines." Salomi sat on the flat ice cube, watching the barbecue made by Lilith, Mrs. Night and others, salivating from the corners of his mouth and trying not to fall. Turning his eyes to Little Will who was replenishing juice energy, he found a topic.

Little Weir took a sip of the juice made from the magic fruit of the Elf race, exhaled a long sigh, stretched out and said, "My situation is quite special. I have used a special method to fuse a variety of bloodlines. Only bloodlines of level 5 or higher are used. There are twenty or thirty kinds, maybe even more, there are also several kinds of sixth-order bloodlines."

Salomi's eyes widened when he heard Ville's words, and he cut out his ears, somewhat suspecting that he had heard him wrong.

Littleville shrugged and said: "This is indeed the case. The result of too much blood is that the strength of the early stage is leaps and bounds, but in the later stage, it is necessary to continuously remove the weak bloodlines, evolve and merge the powerful bloodlines, and also need to overcome the drawbacks in the bloodlines one by one. It's mixed."

What can Little Will do? Originally his bloodline was not particularly complicated, but in the ninth level of the road to the dragon, the shadow king kindly did bad things, and sent the blood of many demi-god-level beasts and strong men to his mouth, which had been lost at that time. With the autonomy of Little Will, he instinctively incorporated those many blood vessels into his body. As a result...

As a result, Ville couldn’t stop rushing all the way at the level of the demigod, until the peak of Tier 4, even after taking into account so many attributes, he still didn’t drop too much, but when this benefit reached Tier 5, something similar to bloodline unlocking appeared in his hands. .

If there are few blood vessels, as long as you raise one or two blood vessels to rank 5, then suppress or eliminate weak blood vessels, or perform multiple blood vessel fusions, you can smoothly advance to rank 5, but Littleville has too many blood vessels, and there are many high-level blood vessels. , But there are more blood veins at and below the fourth order, and these blood veins have begun to slow down a bit.

Little Weier’s daily practice now spends half of his time working with the Tree of Life in the Snowwood World to extract the many messy low-level bloodlines in Little Weier’s body. In this process, some of Weier’s own power will inevitably be extracted, but it can’t hold him back from practicing. The efficiency is very high, and it only takes an hour or two to make up for it.

Blood extraction is a painful and delicate work, and it is also a long-running project. The bloodlines that Xiaowei chose to keep include dragon blood (fusion of black dragon, silver dragon, and golden dragon dragon blood), elven blood (fusion type primitive elven blood, compatible with dark night) Elf blood), giant blood, mysterious whale blood, great demon blood, ice and snow fairy blood and other blood with high level and unlimited potential.

Even if many blood vessels were drawn, the existing blood vessels in Ville's body could still be called messy, but it was no longer a hindrance to the promotion to the fifth rank, but it still needed continuous improvement and purification to further advance to the sixth rank.

Little Ville chose to follow the path of wizards, but it is still the case. It's just a matter of error and compatibility with the path of the bloodline wizards. Although the parallels are not contradictory, there are still some implications.

"Why did the dragon without body fight with me?" Salomi could feel the dragon blood in his body. This was specially trained and taught by her father. She would not admit mistakes. After all, in the eyes of giants, dragons, Both gods are their greatest enemies.

"I haven't figured out your details yet. I will launch a thunder blow to defeat you when I find out all the details. Before that, not only have to test your details, but also keep yourself as mysterious as possible, some moves. It's easy to be cracked if you use too much." Ville's words left Salomi directly speechless.

Is it really good for you to tell this so bluntly?

I am a fool, I know your plan, and let you succeed.

Little Weier said lightly: "Do you think you can have more means than me?"

Salomi snorted and said, "How about your methods? I can break it by myself!"

Ville shook his head lightly and said: "I have personally experienced your strength. In addition to myself, Lilith also recorded and analyzed, including but not limited to your strength, speed, agility, merit, defense, fighting habits and skills, and Resistance and adaptability to various magical elements. Based on this, we can completely formulate methods and strategies to deal with you."

"Sometimes, the strong may not necessarily be able to win, and the gap between us is not irreparable."

Salomi took a deep breath. He knew that Little Vir’s words were not aimless. After seven days and seven nights of war, she had to admit that the little guy on the opposite side was really difficult to deal with, especially because of his comprehensive methods. It's hard and hard to beat him.

"I, I didn't feel any malice in is your attitude towards the giants?" Salomi suddenly asked an irrelevant sentence, which made Little Vil stunned.

"Sympathy, pity, and, unite." Little Ville thought for a while to give his own answer, but this answer was not what Salomi wanted.

"The giants don't need sympathy and mercy!" Salomi looked at him coldly and said: "The giants are a great race. We will definitely break through the shackles of Nirvana and rebirth and regain the glory of the past!"

"Oh, then I wish you success." Little Ville raised his glass insincerely, but didn't have the idea of ​​preparing a drink for her. His attitude was so perfunctory that he could no longer be perfunctory, causing Salomi to complain, but his nose was full. It was the aroma of barbecue that made her reluctant to leave.

How many years have you not eaten cooked food?

Salomi suddenly snorted, stood up and walked towards the Cancer Palace and slapped both hands. The bitter cold broke out in an instant, and the entire Cancer Palace was once again frozen. "If you want to get the treasures in the Cancer Palace, please work hard. Beat me. Before that, unless you acknowledge the greatness of our giants and sincerely apologize to me, I will not let you succeed."

A faint arc appeared at the corner of Littleville's mouth, and he smiled and said, "I'll take your challenge!"

"No! You are challenging me! The challenge is initiated by the weak to the strong, and you are the weak in front of me!" Salomi will never show weakness in this respect, this is the pride of the giant race.

"I will beat you and use different methods!" Littleville said faintly: "First of all, you definitely can't cook, you lose at this point."

Salomi: Giant warriors are not chefs.

Xiaoweier: But you are a rice bucket, I have a deep understanding of this before!

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