The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1335: Ready to showdown

Amid the loud noise of "Rumble~", ice and snow demon wolves rushed forward, and the longbow in the hands of a ten-meter-high ice giant shot out ice and ice, and the earth roared with ice and snow.

The long sword in Salomi's hand danced horizontally, and a biting sword aura swept out, half of the ice and snow demon wolves where it passed were cut, and the other demon wolves jumped and collapsed and dodged. Salomi stretched out his left hand and made a low noise Drink: "Shield!"

A huge frost shield with a height of more than ten feet and a width of more than one foot appeared quietly, and every time Bingling fell on it, making a "ding-ding" sound but it didn't hurt it at all.

"Shield strike, shock wave!" Salomi's big shield slammed on the ground, a burst of cold air suddenly erupted to form a huge shock wave, the ice and snow demon wolf was also frozen where the shock wave passed, and then cracked into ice dust.

The Frost Long Sword in Salomi's hand withdrew slightly, and then quickly pierced out. A bright cold light from the tip of the sword shot straight to the ice giant, the ice giant raised his left hand, and the crystal clear shield was slightly tilted, and the sword light was blocked forcibly. .

With a soft "squeak~", a thin crack appeared on the ice shield, and the crack deepened rapidly, cutting straight toward the ice giant's arm.

"Ice formation, get up!" Behind the ice giant, Ville let out a loud shout, and a formation quickly rose, "Ice giant, clone!"

As his voice fell, the ice giant's figure shook slightly, turning into three in a blink of an eye, and then from three to nine, but the height changed from ten meters to five or six meters, holding a bow and arrow and shooting straight into the ice. Came to Salomi, the frost giant on the opposite side.

"The ground is cracked, the ice wall! Assault, the ice thorn!" The frost giant Salomi squatted slightly, her left hand slammed on the ground, and the ice field ground was broken, and a crack went straight to the ice barrier. He broke it abruptly, but a thin wall of ice was erected in all directions, blocking countless ice.

The ice barrier was shattered, and nine ice thorns sprang up from the feet of the nine ice giants, making them have to move quickly, but these ice and snow creations are not real creations, and their movement speed is not proportional to their size, more or less. There is some damage.

"Ice thorn, burst!" Salomi's attack was not that simple, his fist hit the ground, and the ice thorn that was sent out suddenly exploded, "Cold shock, freeze!"

The eighteen legs of the nine ice giants were all frozen by ice, and Salomi slid under his feet and quickly came back like an ice skater. He swung his long sword and headed straight to Little Ville with his dignified sword spirit.

"Ice shaping, ice and snow fortress!" Little Ville didn't mean to dodge at all. He slapped his hands on the ground fiercely, while the ice city wall rose from the ground, abruptly holding Salomi's sword attack." Ice and snow construction, bed crossbow!"

"You have been fooled!" Salomi let out a soft drink, and the whole figure flickered to the side. The long sword in his hand quickly cut out Dao Jianqi, and the target was not Xiao Weier, nor the ice and snow fortress, but the ground.

"Boy, shiver under the mighty power of the giants, this time, you lose again!" Salomi let out a roar, and his hands plunged into the ground, accompanied by a sound of "lifting" the ice and snow fortress with a radius of 100 meters. She was lifted up and thrown into the air.

"Frost, shock cannon!" Amidst Salomi's roar, a huge shock wave blasted fiercely, smashing the huge ice fortress to pieces. Ville's figure was a thousand meters away in an instant, and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly. This giantess It's getting more and more violent.

"Ville Declan, you used your spatial ability, this time you lost again!" His chest rose and fell quickly, and even a pale Salomi laughed on his face, "Boy, want to be in the ice You are a hundred years earlier than me in terms of attributes. No, a hundred years is not enough, at least a thousand years!"

"The time is up, it's time to eat." Lilith's voice came over clearly. Hearing this voice, Salomi waved his fist triumphantly, and his figure was a hundred meters away in an instant. Flicked and flicked to Lilith's side, so fast that it was not real.

Salomi is much stronger. What is powerful is not her own strength, but skills and experience. Now she is able to beat the two of herself three years ago. It is not only herself who has improved, but her opponents are also improving rapidly.

Little Ville sighed helplessly. It was really not easy to defeat this Frost Giantess. After three years, her strength had improved a lot, but she still couldn't completely convince her.

During these three years, the two of them had to play one game every month, each lasting ten days.

After half a year, Ville was able to remain undefeated with his earth attributes. After all, he and Lilith used the Dragon Whisper Magic Array to change the terrain here, so that the earth attributes were greatly warmed up, and the earth attributes were no longer completely suppressed by the force of frost. Ville wanted to be the most familiar with it. 'S strength was barely able to remain unswerving, but it was still at a disadvantage.

A year later, Ville successfully used the power of the storm to find a way to counter Salomi. He was able to stand in a stalemate with her for a long time to remain invincible, but the consumption was very large. The storm was not suitable for defense and he had to keep High-speed movement can ensure safety, and Salomi is not easy to deal with at all.

A year and a half later, Ville drove the power of the Thunder and fought Salome on a par, and even almost succeeded in a sneak attack, and was eventually tied by Salomi.

Two years later, Ville drew with Salomi with the shadow attribute. Although he was slightly disadvantaged, he remained unbeaten because of the super strong registration method of the shadow attribute, and even brought a lot of pressure on Salomi.

Two and a half years later, Ville's flame attribute made progress, and he abruptly held Salomi Frost, played a match, and finally delayed until the end of the game and barely made a tie.

Today, three years later, Ville's light attribute can be entangled with Salomi for a while after the free transition of starlight, moonlight, and dawn has made breakthroughs. In the end, only the ocean attribute and the ice attribute are left.

The ice attribute is a variant of the water attribute, and Ville counts these two as one type. After all, using pure water attribute attacks on the glacier is really not suitable.

In the three years of fighting, it was not only Ville that improved, Salomi’s combat experience was also rapidly improving, and Ville and Lilith never shy away from her when they practiced, analyzed, summarized, and formulated tactics, and let her learn. A lot of new things have arrived.

The giants are worthy of being a natural fighting race. Salomi's improvement in combat is much faster than pure practice. According to her own words, the current year is comparable to the results of the past ten years.

After fighting, you can listen to the summary, learn new things, and eat and drink well. Salomi has been very happy these three years. The only unhappy thing is that the kid is actually closing the gap with himself, even vaguely. There were signs of catching up with himself, which made Salomi very upset and vaguely worried.

"Lilith, I want to eat ice fruit and that ice cream, and finally give me two thousand catties of barbecue!" Salomi can walk This was unimaginable before. As for the matter, her control of the body has been qualitatively improved, and most of these methods were taught by Lilith, and the younger part was her own comprehension.

"Wow, today's meal is very rich, what's the good thing?" Salomi sat on the ground, his saliva began to grow infinitely.

"It's a celebration of the third anniversary of our acquaintance." Lilith smiled slightly. In the past three years, she and Salomi have also become friends. The most important thing is that her craftsmanship is very good, and Salomi is somewhat inseparable from her. Up.

Well, her food is inseparable.

Hearing this, Salomi paused slightly with his outstretched hand, and his smile froze for an instant, "Is it the third anniversary? Haha, time flies so fast."

"You guys, are you ready to leave?" Selomi is not a fool. From being indifferent and indifferent from the beginning, to the initial approval and wanting to take a breath, to being tempted by food to try to contact, and then eavesdropping on their conversation to learn new things , And gradually became friends who got together every day and talked about everything. A lot has changed in three years.

Lilith nodded and said: "There are some things you have the right to know. Our temporary departure is for the next better encounter."

"But, I can't bear you!" Salomi's words are very clear, and it has to be you, but you.

Lilith rolled her eyes: "What you can't bear is my food, right?"

"It's all the same, it's all the same." Salomi waved her hand deliberately pretending to be silly, but the dismay under his eyes was really real.

"Salomi, I hope you can authenticate and listen to us, even if it is unreasonable, don't interrupt halfway, now we don't need to lie to you!" Lilith was about to showdown.

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