The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1336: Salomi's Wisdom

Looking at the three letters in front of him, Salomi showed no expression on his face. Suddenly he looked up at Little Weir and asked, "You have the blood of the Thunder Giant. Can you turn into a Giant?"

Little Will chewed the food in his mouth and nodded slightly, but said nothing. This is not a secret that needs to be kept, especially in front of the giants.

"What you said does not seem to have too many flaws. I know the people in the previous stages and Hiram, their breath should be correct, and the letter should be true, but I still don't believe that the giants will decline because of this. "Salomi said in a deep voice: "If it is true that tens of thousands of years have passed, then something must have happened in the clan, this change..."

Salomi didn't say anything, but his face was very bad.

"You want me to cooperate with you?" Salomi suddenly changed the subject. Lilith had told her about Frette and Maloney Sydm before, and she could guess their plans, not to mention that they didn't. The slightest concealed meaning.

"Yes, it is very important that the giants want to escape the twelfth house. If they cannot complete the complete control of the twelve house, the exile will not be unblocked." Ville said very seriously: "This is not just a giant. The clan’s own affairs are also the affairs of our world. The total offensive of the **** demons will soon begin. Their vanguard has just been defeated by us, but this is only the beginning."

"It's okay to want me to cooperate with you, but you need to promise me one condition." Salomi was very direct.

"Let’s talk about it, if it doesn’t cause us trouble, we can consider agreeing to you." Ville’s words made Salomi roll his eyes: "Don’t worry, I won’t let Lilith stay for me. To be a chef, she still needs her efforts in the following levels, and there are not all the gatekeepers of the zodiac, and you need to fill them. People with this ability..."

Speaking of this, Salomi paused. After all, it is not good to say that Mrs. Night, Caroline, and Segores are too weak, but compared to Ville and Lilith, the three of them have no doubt more difficulties in reaching the fifth rank. Big.

"Then what do you want?"

"If the seal of the Zodiac can be unblocked smoothly, I hope you can marry me." Salomi's words made Will spit out a sip of juice, and the whole person coughed violently.

Lilith was thoughtful, but Mrs. Night's gaze was suspicious and unhappy.

"I refuse!" Little Weier didn't even want to directly reject this proposal. He was not a stallion nor a marriage tool.

Salomi shook his head and said: "You don't have to make a decision in such a hurry. I may not marry you. My condition is that you pass the twelfth house and be able to unblock and save the exile. If our three giants return Now, the giants have not declined, so my marriage may still be decided by my father, and it is naturally impossible to marry you or something."

"However, if, as you said, the land of exile has become the land of the end, and the giants have completely declined, then in order to ensure the safety of the giants, we must have enough retreat, otherwise it is better not to unblock the zodiac, at least Our seven Tier 5 giants can still survive. And you are one of our retreats." Salomi took a deep look at Xiao Weier, and the last word was halted.

Little Ville waved his hand and said: "After clearing the 12th house and unblocking the land of exile, I really have the confidence to break through and advance to Tier 5, but Tier 5 strength can't protect you giants. The cause and effect of giants is too great, which was offended in the past. There are too many people. I can't bear this burden."

"If the giants really reach the point you said, we will not pursue revival and prosperity. We just want to be able to thrive. Your portable space or small world is the best choice. We can do it for you. Fight, don't ask for any status." Salomi's words shocked Little Ville, and then a murderous opportunity appeared quietly on his body.

"Don't make progress like this. Although things like small worlds are more precious than different spaces, they are not easy to snatch. That is your trump card. As long as you advance to Tier 5, even a Tier 6 strong cannot be deprived. Now you are at Tier 4. , We, Tier 5 giants, will also be suppressed in your world. You don’t need to worry about us being able to rebel.” Salomi said directly: “You have a small world is just my guess, but I believe I won’t guess wrong. ."

Silomian raised the barbecue in his hand, with a faint smile on his face: "Space equipment and different spaces and small worlds are completely different concepts. Some things cannot be kept fresh in three years. Even, it has always been. Live."

"My moonlight hut has this energy and can stock animals." Little Ville retorted, but admitted a lot of things invisibly.

Salomi laughed, looked at Little Weir and said: "Now you have the ability to keep everything about yourself, including the small world, and you should know this by yourself, otherwise it is impossible to be so negligent to be seen by me. And, There should be a lot of people who know this, right?"

"No, there are very few people who know this." Ville shook his head slightly and said, "After all, I only had this ability after entering the twelfth house secret realm. I used to keep this secret with a group of Tier 4 demigods. It was very unpleasant."

Salomi waved his hand and said: "You have been worrying too much. It is yours who can't take it away. Although I don't know how you got this small world, and I don't know what your so-called unpleasantness is, but there is one thing I am sure , This small world is destined to be yours from the beginning. Others can **** it, but they can't **** it. There should be someone behind you."

Little Weier's face changed slightly. He heard Salomi's implicit meaning. The so-called someone is not just a backer, but the implicit meaning is that someone behind him is pushing everything. It is not accidental that he got the small world.

If so, who is that person?

Black Dragon Sage Professor Witzel?

Brother Human Emperor, the first apostle?

Or is it the unfathomable, super-powerful wisdom **** that he can't see clearly until now?

"You don't need to worry, the person behind should have no malice towards you. The small world is so precious that you are willing to give it to you, which shows that he values ​​you more than the small world. Don't think I'm joking, the small world The power possessed by the first master is completely different from the power possessed by the second master. This is the clear and important knowledge recorded in the inheritance of our giants." Salomi looked at him word by word and said: " Essential knowledge about the world!"

"My father is the king of the giants, he loves me very much, so I don't think my father will lie to me in this matter. If it were not for a clear understanding of the small world, I would not be so sure of your trump card. I It's a Tier 5 powerhouse, but in the battle against you, you can only fight for a five-to-five mark. Even if you consume more than mine, the support time is actually comparable to mine."

"The final stop is not due to your lack of physical strength, fighting spirit, and magic power, but your energy can't keep up. Even so, your energy is no longer inferior to the average Tier 5 powerhouse who has just been promoted. Don't tell me about talent. , Don’t tell me about blood, our giants are on the pinnacle of the world on these two points. What we can’t do, others can’t do!” Salomi’s strong self-confidence comes from his heart, and he can See clearly.

"I have a giant bloodline, a giant dragon and several fifth- and even sixth-tier bloodlines, why can't I do it? Giants are not invincible!" Ville’s words left Salomi speechless. Forget that this **** is a freak, a freak in blood.

But then Little Weier's words made her smile, "I promised, if the giants have declined, I can provide you with shelter, as evidenced by my little world!"

"Hee hee, please advise me a lot, my little man!"

"Stop! All I promised is to provide you with shelter, not an undead marriage contract!"

"There is no love for no reason, nor hate for no reason. You help us. Our giants are very grateful, but if this help is free, please forgive us for not accepting it or daring to accept it." Salomi The meaning of is very clear, and Ville couldn't help but get a black line.

"You can give me more blood of giants in return." Weier's request undoubtedly violated the taboo of the giants. They can study others, but they will not be studied. However, the exception of their own people is the current Xiao Weier. Is an alternative Thunder giant.

"This is okay, but if we can't really turn you into our own person, we can't rest assured to enter your small world." Salomi took a deep look at him and said, "Or, do you like men more than women? Blame you for not doing racial reproduction with them in the past three years. If this is the case, it would be a little troublesome. We have so few giants, and racial reproduction is a big deal."

"I'm a man and I like women!" Little Weier couldn't help but let out an angry roar.

"Oh" Salomi glanced at him contemptuously, curled his lips and said, "Then you can prove it to me."

Little Will: ...

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