The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1341: I wish you domestic violence every day after you get married

Ville is very annoyed now. The entire virgin palace is completely surrounded by a steel fortress. It is surrounded by a powerful magic circle. It is impossible to enter through the underground. He can only rely on his own powerful intruder to build a steel fortress and take one step. Step into the virgin palace.

The gatekeeper here has built a maze-like steel fortress on the periphery. Inside, you can see all kinds of magical equipment, all kinds of large and small magical cannons, and energy cutting lines everywhere, and he is very frantic and arrogant. The steel fortresses are connected as a whole, connected by a powerful magic circle. If there is no power to break the entire steel fortress, it would be difficult to destroy a wall.

The end result is that one must proceed step by step, honestly break through the maze, pass the tests one by one, and finally enter the virgin palace.

The Virgin Palace is a palace built by the Sun Goddess with the fallen fragments of the gods, where the power and power of the Sun Goddess remains, but it is not something a Tier 5 giant can modify at will.

Throughout the previous levels, except for the first level, the Aries Palace was changed beyond recognition by the master of the sixth-order construction, Frette. The storm giant can only move the palace to the sky, and the Frost Giantess will freeze the entire palace. , The blood race master simply threw it aside and ignored it.

What the gatekeeper of this level can do is not to transform the virgin palace, but to build a new steel fortress around the entire palace and wrap it up. Besides, he can't do more. .

Looking at the piles of steel scraps and untidy messy ore in front of him, Ville’s expression was slightly subtle. A huge five-foot-tall furnace exuded hot flames. Even when several Tier 4 masters approached, they felt a burst of heat. .

"The melting pot of the semi-sacred weapon peak level, the owner here is really generous." Little Weier smiled: "Or, he didn't expect us to break in so soon, there was no time to clean it up."

"I am the latter." Lilith pointed to the surrounding magic circle. "This magic circle provides enough energy for the furnace. The core is the furnace itself. If the furnace is taken away, the magic circle will collapse in a short time. , The next time it is arranged, it will consume a lot of money."

"What to do? Just take it away?" Mrs. Night doesn't care about this baby, but she also knows how precious it is, "If you give it to Julian, I think she will be very happy."

There was a hesitation on Xiaoweier's face, and finally shook his head and said, "Forget it, stay here for now, and it won't be too late for us to get it after we clear the customs. It is not appropriate to take it now."

Why is it inappropriate?

This is obviously the treasure of the gatekeepers. Weir does not want to offend them too much now. There is no fundamental contradiction between the giants and himself. It can even be said that they are the same in the position of unblocking the exile. Who knows this? Crazy alchemist foundry, will he have a big fight with himself because of this furnace?

The five demi-god masters found things very quickly. The gatekeeper was not in the virgin palace. The treasure that suppressed the virgin palace soon fell into their hands. The five people searched for a circle, and they really couldn’t find the gatekeeper. Leave first.

The virgin palace, which is surrounded by the maze of steel fortresses, is very dark. Except for a magic lamp and a flame lamp, there is no other light source. The air is filled with a sour smell because of poor air circulation, as if it is a squeeze. The single dormitory of the big-footed man.

With the sound of "Rumble~", the gate of the steel fortress was closed, and the light in the sky suddenly dimmed. I saw the dazzling ball of light quickly deformed into a huge chariot, three horses of steel horses moving huge. Steel chariot, a huge red figure on the battlefield stands proudly holding a spear.

"Passenger, hand over what you stole from the virgin palace, the great flame giant Valmer can spare you!" Although the flame giant in the sky said to spare their lives, he drove the steel chariot. Rushed down fiercely.

This steel chariot was in the style of an open-top carriage. It fell on the ground with a "boom!" and quickly rushed towards Vill, Lilith and others. The flame giant Valmore swung his spear in his hand, and a flame of fire went straight to them. Come.

"Flaming Giant? It just can be used to hone my Frost Giant bloodline!" There was a bright smile on Xiao Weier's face, his figure swiftly moved forward to meet the collapsed steel chariot, and as he moved forward quickly , The whole person's body was also getting bigger, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into a chilling frost giant. In the shocked gaze of the flame giant Valmore, he slammed into three steel horses.

Ville quickly stretched out his hands, grabbed the head of a steel horse in the center, his legs rooted in the ground, twisted his body forcibly and threw the huge steel horse to the ground, and then punched the remaining two steel horses on the ground. Next, the huge steel chariot fell over in a "boom".

The flame giant Valmore jumped up, and the spear in his hand slammed into the huge head of Little Will, his face was full of shocked expressions, "Who are you? A barrier-breaker, why do you have the blood of the Frost Giant?! "

Ville dodged the spear on one side of his agile figure, and slammed the flame giant Valmer's head with a fist in his back. The latter halted his advance with his feet, and quickly retreated to get a distance.

He is fully armed and holding a long weapon. It is definitely not suitable for close close combat. The middle distance is the most suitable. However, Ville’s combat experience is not comparable to him. The coldness is permeated in his fists, and he cannot move away from his vitals. He is just one pass.

The flame giant Valmore was wearing a semi-artifact-level flame armor, but he was fully armed, but he was chased by Si Xiaoweier, his spear quickly received the space ring, a three-meter-long knife quietly appeared, and the smallville fisted. Kicking doesn't give him the slightest space, and the short knife has no effect.

"Ring of flames!" A ring of flames released from Valmore's body, and he forced Weier a few steps away, ah, his steps were a little bigger.

The flame giant Valmore took the opportunity to switch weapons, the flame spear again appeared and the airtight wind waved towards Little Ville, and the latter appeared quietly with a demigod-level sword with a swing in both hands, and quickly greeted the past without retreating.

Then, the flame giant Valmo sadly discovered that he still couldn't beat it. It was only a bit painful to get a fist before. The flame armor can help resist, but once the opponent has a weapon in his hand, his own armor is somewhat unstoppable.

The giants like this kind of direct head-to-head battle, but they are not pure warriors. Their magical talents are also amazing. As a Tier 5 flame giant, Valmer’s aptitude is top in the flame giant clan, but he is the opposite. The incarnation of the Frost Giant was not below himself at all, and he suppressed himself everywhere.

The bitter cold is what I hate the most. It's just that I'm completely downwind. The weapon is actually not an opponent. The long spear is knocked down, the long knife is picked up, and the dagger or stick is even worse.

Valmer snatched the Flame Chariot back through several bursts. He hid on it and played a long-range attack. The flame crossbow was endless, but the opponent directly froze the ice and used a bow and arrow to deal with him, breaking the Flame Chariot abruptly. Defensively, he scrapped the semi-artifact-level chariot he had worked so hard to build.

"Everyone is a member of the giant clan, and if you have something to discuss, there is no need to fight each other, ah~"

"You win, I admit defeat, you can leave with the treasures in the virgin palace, I admit that you passed, ah~"

"Stop fighting, we are all giant warriors, there is no reason to fight, right? Ah~, it hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

"I surrender, don't fight anymore, whatever you want, as long as I have it, I can give you, please don't fight again!"

A long god-binding chain tied the flame giant Valmore into rice dumplings. Ville looked at the flame giant with a swollen nose and swollen face, and clapped his hands. Only then did the giant transform and restore his original form.

"Compared to Salomi, you are a bit worse." Valmer's words shuddered. "Don't mention that violent woman. Who wants to compare with her? My ambition is to become the king of alchemy, not just Know the barbarians who swing their fists!"

"Oh, it seems that you have complaints about Salomi? Do you want her to tell you about the past?" Little Ville glanced at, Salomi has recovered his freedom. ? Or, can you let me out? "The flame giant Valmo is not a fool, and he immediately heard what he meant.

"It's not working for the time being. I have to wait for me to completely clear the zodiac."

"Can't do what nonsense you said, oops, why hit me?!"

"Itchy hands, why, do you have an opinion?"

"Hmph, for Salomi's face, I don't care about you, by the way, who are you? Why are there our giant blood."

"I, an ordinary barrier-breaker, my bloodline of the Frost Giant was given by Salomi. The condition is to clear the Zodiac, help her get out of trouble, and then marry her." After Ville finished speaking, he saw the flame giant Valmore. That pitiful look.

Ville: Isn’t Salomi not beautiful? Shouldn't you show envy and envy? I snatched a flower from your giants.

Flame Giant Valmore: Ha ha, would anyone like that violent woman? I'm not a masochist. Who would like the days of being beaten every day? Can I have a peaceful life after marrying her? Boy, I sympathize with you, and I will also congratulate Salomi for finding a good sandbag.

Sandbags? Hey, you kid dare to agree to such a condition, it's really a silly bag.

"The look in your eyes, I don't like it very much." Little Weir kicked him and kicked the flame giant Valmore a hundred meters away, causing the flame giant to roll over and nibble on the dirt, his face showing disbelief. The look of this kid can kick himself into the air with his human form, how is this possible?

"As expected to be the man that Salomi's violent woman likes, he is also a violent maniac! I wish you all domestic violence every day after you get married!"

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