The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1342: The goddess of love who wants to be liberated

After finding the righteous master, Ville and Lilith will naturally not let go of this person who has calculated them before. The one you live in offends us, shouldn't you give some labor and mental damage expenses?


We are unharmed, your nose and face are swollen.

We have nothing to lose, you have suffered heavy losses.

These are not reasons. If you lose, you need to bear the consequences of losing, nothing more.

The alchemy casting technique belonging to the Flame Giant is really very high-end. From inside, Ville saw the more detailed and high-end parts that Frette taught the Construct Wizard did not have. This is the flame giant's own alchemy casting heritage.

When Vil passed the Constructed Wizard inheritance he obtained to the flame giant Valmore, his expression was full of contempt, "The inheritance of the dwarves is nothing but the leftovers of our giants, even the sixth-order dwarves. What about the king? How can his inheritance alone be comparable to our entire flame giant clan, and our inheritance is a true, reliable, more complete and higher-end inheritance."

Then, the inheritance of their flame giant was taken away by Ville and Lilith.

Thirty or fifty demi-artifact-level magic carts of various colors were taken away, and the restored demi-artifact peak sun chariot and three steel steeds were also taken away by Mrs. Night. Valmer watched but did not dare to say anything. .

No one knows exactly what he thinks in his mind. It is probably: The fourth-order blood race of Ququ affiliated race dare to **** the things of the giant master, do you want to die?

Don't think that you are infatuated with another frost giant. If you become his lover, you are really a member of the master. The subordinate race is the subordinate race, and the slave is the slave. If you want to rebel, you are still very early.

But I am a noble flame giant. For the sake of this frost giant's family, I will let you go this time.

You can take the finished product, but you can’t take away my furnace, even if you beat me all over, this thing is your lifeblood, what? You are willing to provide the same grade of casting hammers, casting furnaces and large quantities of raw materials.

Dude, everyone is a member of the giant clan. I am embarrassed to be so polite. Well, can I add more raw materials? I haven't used raw materials for hundreds of years, and my hands have been itchy. Many of the materials are recycled and reused by myself, and they are directly used as waste. There are almost no more steel materials in the entire different space, and the ore has been hollowed out by myself.

Unlike Salomi's all-powerful and intelligent martial idiot, Valmer is a technical otaku. Compared with the fighting methods of the giants, he prefers alchemy casting, or magical guidance.

Little Ville didn't have too many raw materials in his hand, and he used the furnace to upgrade his semi-artifact before leaving.

After all, the sun goddess is not the goddess of the earth or the night. He has fallen. Moreover, Ville and Lilith are not his favorites, so they don’t have much power. He seems to be particularly optimistic about Ville and Lilith. There are also many divine tools and divine powers, and she solemnly asks Lilith not to give up on the path of light. The sun is also part of the light, and it can even be said to be the most critical part.

"I haven't fallen, but returned to the origin. The world cannot have the sun. As long as the sun is still there, as long as the people still have the sun in their hearts, I will always exist." These are the last words of the Sun Goddess.

Little Ville and Lilith came to the seventh statue. This beautiful goddess was so beautiful that Lilith and Mrs. Night seemed to be unable to move their eyes. There seemed to be something inexplicable on the beautiful goddess.

"Children, although your eyes are full of worship, is it really good to look directly at a **** like this? Although I am just a fallen god." The voice of the goddess of love is very sweet, giving people a kind of food. It feels like honey, and the whole body is warm, like a hot spring.

"Children, you have really worked very hard to be here. Since the establishment of the Zodiac, you are the first team of barriers to come here, and the most hopeful team of barriers to free us." There is a hint of inexplicable charm in the voice of the goddess of love.

"The Zodiac is a cage that seals the place of exile, and it's not our cage. We sealed the place of exile, sealed the giants for tens of thousands of years, so why not be trapped here for tens of thousands of years."

"It’s okay for gods like the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the night, and the goddess of the ocean that have never fallen. They have a considerable degree of freedom. This is a clone who stays here, but for us who have fallen, the gods here The clone is all we have."

"Children, I sincerely hope that you can pass the customs smoothly, return the exile that has become the land of death, and let us gods who have passed away get the ultimate relief."

Ville and Lilith looked at each other, "Um, take the liberty to ask, the final result you said, shouldn't it be?"

The laughter of the goddess of love sounded, "You are all smart children, otherwise it is impossible to have today’s achievements. Our fallen gods shouldn’t exist originally, but when we designed the twelfth house, we used too much There are so many ways to extract the power of the entire Exiled Land to maintain everything here, including the remnant soul of our clone."

"As long as the Zodiac always exists, as long as the exile is not unblocked, the power to maintain our existence will not dissipate, and we will not be liberated."

There was a thoughtful look on Little Ville's face, "This is also an alternative kind of longevity."

The goddess of love suddenly became speechless: do you want this kind of longevity, trapped in a stone without moving? If you want, I can give it to you for free.

Little Ville: It seems that this really can't be given, unless you give me the entire hub space, but then I still can't be a stone.

"Suddenly, I don't really want to untie the seal of opening and chasing land." Little Ville's inexplicable words caused a burst of crisp laughter from the love goddess.

"Good children, we have fallen. I, the **** of the river, the **** of war, the goddess of the sun, the **** of shadows, and the **** of death. We only have the avatar and the remnant soul. For those of us who have fallen once, death is not painful It is liberation. We are already water without a source and a tree without roots. Being trapped in this cage has no meaning for us. We see the slightest hope that there is no self-annihilation in this state, purely because The rules of the zodiac."

"Good-hearted children, go on bravely, clear the zodiac, release the seal of opening and closing, and give us the ultimate relief."

"Become the master of the twelfth house, and control the living hub space. When we are free, we will give you the rewards you deserve, the rewards you unexpected." The voice of the goddess of love made Little Ville full of charm. Shaking, turned and hugged Lilith and Mrs. Night.

The goddess of love let out an unscrupulous and pleasant laugh, "Child, you are very interesting. I said this level is simple and simple, and difficult and difficult. It is just a choice. There are so many people in the place of exile, but no one can stay. , They can't enter the Tianping Palace."

"Children, I hope you can enter the Libra Palace with your own power, instead of using the key I gave you." The goddess of love injected a trace of divine power, which belongs to the goddess of love, into their bodies.

"I am the goddess of love, and my test has always been very direct. This trace of supernatural power is the key to open the Tianping Palace, and this door is not the main entrance. With the key, you can enter the Tianping Palace and get the treasure. , But I didn't get my reward."

"Children, please remember that love is selfless, and love is selfish. If you can, I hope you will enter the Libra Palace with your own strength and take away what I left there."

Without waiting for Will and Lilith to ask more, the goddess of love threw them directly into the seventh pass of Tianping Palace, and a faint voice sounded slightly: "It's a pity, why are you not so strong in love? I have Fall, where should the priesthood of love go?"

"Hey, goddess of love, can you not mention the priesthood of love? When you mention the priesthood of, I remember the absurd things you did when you manipulated the high-level men in the army of **** demons." Maude's voice sounded, with deep fear and dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Ramod, there are deaths and no lives on the battlefield. Since they are all mortal enemies, why care about the means? Give the **** demon masters of different races a red line to pinch their love, separate their relationship, and mess up their relationship. Order, the goddess of love played a much larger role than you, the **** of death."

"So he finally died under the siege of the **** demon master, because his ability is too hateful. She messed up the relationship between more than 90% of the high-level **** demon army, the death and injury of the fifth and sixth-order hells. The devil reached double digits, and was finally besieged by more than twenty fifth-order **** demons. It was entirely he asked for.

"Asshole Lamod, the goddess of love, this is for the safety of the world. She does not hesitate to use her own clergy to disrupt the order of the enemy's high-level. You **** don't talk nonsense here."

"Hehe, no one here knows that you have a crush on the goddess of love, even if you die, you will maintain it. Why did you **** die back then? Isn't it because the goddess of love was besieged, and your eyes were red and you led the soldiers hard. Is **** demon base camp? Actually, I don’t think you should be called the **** of war. It is more appropriate to change to the **** of nympho."

"God of death, you shouldn't be called the **** of death, it's better to change to the **** of poisonous tongue. You, a coward and coward, ended up becoming a traitor. I look down on you! You deserve to be beaten to death by a big guy."

Reaper: Will I tell you that I have seen the end of the final world? Am I going to tell you that I know the world too thoroughly, that's why this is the case? Ah, the feeling that everyone is drunk and I am alone is really, very cool!

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