The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1366: IQ is actually not as good as a big bug?

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Under the dim setting sun, the shattered city wailed in the cold wind, and among the ruins, black figures sneaked silently. The three-foot-tall blood-eyed ghost crow stood on top of the tall city clock tower, making a sharp and piercing noise. Scream.

An abandoned city more than ten miles long and wide, surrounded by high walls, has not collapsed even after a hundred years, but has been covered in dust and lost its original luster.

Ruins and broken walls can be seen everywhere in the broken city, countless tall buildings collapsed, but the former glory is still vaguely visible, and there are countless fragments of magical equipment, but there are not many corpses.

The high city wall is ten feet long, blocking the wind and sand outside, and the outside of the city wall is desolate. It cannot even be described as barren, and it is more inclined to desert.

The bald yellow ground under the setting sun was particularly dazzling. There was no green, no cyan, or blue, but only endless yellow and gray.

From a distance, a smattering of smoke came, and I saw a strange magic car with a length of five feet and a width of more than four meters quickly approaching. This sharp spike was installed in the front of the magic car, and traces of dried flesh and blood were faintly visible on the spike. The six sturdy wheels rolled up smoke and dust on the ground. They were very fast but were able to maintain very good stability, without the slightest skew.

Two clear traces were left on the ground. The ground was trembling slightly. Obviously the weight was not light. A tentacled underground suddenly stretched out and pierced towards the magic car. The magic car only slightly turned sideways, and the tentacles deflected at an angle. The arrow shot, and amid the screams, the tentacles fell to the ground from the interruption, pouring black blood.

"Guli, this kind of ground burrowing worm is not worth using Will Steel's arrows. It's wasted." The middle-aged man with a cigar in the driver's seat, with a sloppy scar on his face, said casually. : "The defense of the armored tank is not that weak, and it will not be broken by such low-level mobs. You have to believe in my driving skills, uncle. But I..."

"Thirty years of driving experience, 108 trips on missions, five monster waves, three monster battles, the super life saver, the first driver of Silver Mobile City, Lord Gordon." He was called Gulistan. The girl is wearing a yellow body tights, holding a long bow, carrying twenty or thirty arrows neatly in the quiver, with a three-foot sharp blade on her waist, a spiritual short brown hair, and her bronze skin is slightly rough. .

"Gordon, you are not driving a high-end thing like a magic tank. Our magic stone reserve is seriously insufficient. The magic tank will not be dispatched until the real critical moment. Our exploration vehicle can Not that strong defense power. And..." The man who was speaking was a middle-aged man with a flat head wearing a silver-gray armor and holding a five-foot sword. The man's face was solemn, and his eyes flashed with a touch of sorrow: "Drilling the ground. Worms are not mobs either."

"Yes, yes, it's no if the captain said no. After all, for these rookies, the burrowing worm is indeed very deadly." Gordon drove one-handed, a beautiful and elegant tentacles flashed out of the ground, and He vomited a big eye circle: "This time this is an exploratory mission, there is no need to be so nervous. The city spirit has already reconnaissance, and there is no large animal herd for hundreds of miles around."

"Uncle Gordon, the city spirit is not omnipotent. Otherwise, there is no need for the exploratory team to go out frequently to explore. The herd is not static. We are making progress. The destruction beasts are not always making progress. The mobile city ahead is the most typical. Example. I rely too much on the city spirit and underestimate the example of the destruction beast." A shapely and slender young man with short silver hair is holding a compass in his hand, constantly adjusting his direction to measure something.

Gordon squinted at him, his hands kept moving, and he cleverly avoided the two selling lipsticks in a row and said: "The mission of the exploratory team is never to explore the destruction of the herd, but to explore the resources. For the mobile city, the resources are. It's everything."

"Hey, I didn't expect Uncle Gordon to say such profound and philosophical words. I thought the uncle would say that this is a desperate world. He has never experienced the beast tide, and the hairy lads who have seen monster wars have no say. "Gu Li said with a smile, but suddenly found that Gordon and the leader were a little silent.

"Bang Dang~" With a soft sound, the exploration vehicle shook slightly. Everyone shook, but the bearded Gordon suddenly accelerated without change. The exploration vehicle smashed the ground boring worm out of the ground and grew. go with.

"Don't worry, I modified this car by myself. These little bugs can't penetrate the deck I built by myself." Gordon lazily said, "Get ready. It's about to enter the urban ruins. Now This is the beginning of the danger. Rookies, follow the team leader later and don’t leave us within ten meters, otherwise no one can be blamed for death."

"Hey, Uncle Gordon looks down on people. We are all game graduates of the Martial Arts Academy. All of us are good students in the top 20, and I, the third-ranked master!" The bronze girl Gu Liqi He hummed: "I'm an intermediate fighter who has awakened fighting spirit. My strength is only below the commander, the senior fighter. Don't underestimate people, Uncle Gordon. In the simulated battle with Destroyer Beasts, I have challenged the advanced level. A game graduate who can retreat from Destroyer Beasts."

"Simulated battle? Haha." Gordon let out an unexplained laugh, which made the girl annoyed for a while, but the exploration car rushed towards the ruined city wall without any intention of braking to slow down, causing the girl and others to exclaim.

With a loud bang, the ground behind the vehicle shattered, and a five-meter-long monster emerged from the ground, waving its paws and dragging its long tail to quickly chase the exploration vehicle.

"High-level destruction beast, rock thorn beast?!" A young swordsman exclaimed, with a touch of astonishment on his face, and a series of exclamations suddenly sounded around him.

The corner of Gordon’s mouth twitched slightly, his forehead was full of black lines, and the head of the group’s expression was not very good. The young man holding the compass turned his head and said softly, “It’s not a rock beast, it’s just a middle-level destruction beast burrowing into the ground. Sandworm."

"Impossible, the burrowing sandworm is not like this, its tail..."

Gu Li was holding a bow and arrow, and a sharp arrow shot out fiercely. One of the monster's forelimbs in the middle made its forward thrust suddenly turn into a tumbling, and the dust on the ground was flying with a wailing sound.

Gulistan's subordinates did not show any mercy. The three arrows flew out in the shape of "Pin" and penetrated deeply into the monster's chest, forelimbs and head. The monster's screams stopped abruptly, and then they staggered and finally fell down. Not moving on the ground.

"Confirmed, it's only the intermediate Destroyer Beast, the high-level Destroyer Beast is not so weak." Gu Li put away the bow and arrow, her face full of pride.

"Perhaps it is a rock thorn beast cub, after all, it looks really alike." The first young man who exclaimed embarrassment resisted the shame, instinctively justified.

The young man with the compass in his hand cast his eyes on the compass in his hand. The pointer turned steadily and finally pointed to the back. There was a surprised look on his face, but he explained very plainly: "The burrowing sandworm is not a kind of weird bug, but a kind of weird. The collective name of the insects, the full name of this monster is the six-legged spiny-tailed sandworm, which belongs to the outstanding one among the sandworms. According to legend, there are some bloodline of the rock spines, but in fact it does not touch the edge at all. It is just a rough look, The appearance is similar to three points, and one more thing to note is..."

"The six-legged spiny-tailed sandworm has a very high IQ. In other words, it is very cunning. Its weakness is not in the chest, not in the head, but in the back of the cervical spine. In other words, this six-legged spiny-tailed burrowing ground Sandworm has been attacked so many times by Gulistan, and it looks like it is dead. But in fact, it is not even seriously injured. It is waiting for us to collect the spoils."

The young man's words left all the newcomers speechless, and Gu Li's face was a little uncomfortable.

The team leader took a deep breath, nodded approvingly, and said: "Gula's analysis is very It is indeed the first name of the exploration department among the graduates. It is indeed an intermediate-level destruction beast with six-legged spurs. The burrowing sand worm, and Gulistan wasted so many arrows just now, it did not actually pose a fatal threat to it, it is waiting for us to pass. You haven't found that there is very little blood on the ground?"

Except for Gula, all the newcomers are full of black lines. Their IQ is actually not as good as a big bug?

Gordon made a beautiful deflection. The exploration vehicle traversed a beautiful arc and raised the dust in the sky, and finally stopped dangerously against the wall. Gordon nodded in satisfaction, and spouted a big smoke ring: " Boys, don't be so depressed. Where is this? There are more despairing people in the future. Compared with these mentally weak bugs, the boring, more powerful and cunning Destroyer beasts are still waiting for you."

Gu La, Gu Li: Uncle, will you comfort people? If you can't, just shut up. Didn't you see that the faces of these newcomers have changed?

Gordon: Little guys, you two seem to be newcomers too, right? Is it really good to exclude yourself from newcomers? Also, do you really feel good about yourself, do you think that you are excellent?

Hehe, little guys, you guys, it's still a long way away.

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