The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1367: Mind Master and Special Destroyer

The transport vehicle stopped next to the city wall and was only half a foot away from the city wall. It opened with a dull "slip". The head of the group first stood up and took a step forward. The solid ground under the city wall trembled twice, and it was three meters away. A puff of black blood came out on the ground with a "pounce".

All the newcomers showed admiring eyes, even the outstanding graduate Guli is no exception. The eyes of the Gula, who are covered with large bags and small bags, flashed a little, and said in a flat tone: "Senior warrior, plus the awakening of the earthly blood. , Worthy of being the captain of the ninth team, the top ten masters in the entire mobile city."

Gordon locked the car, took the controller, took the chain under his feet with a cigar in his hand, and walked out of the transport car slowly with a palm-sized jar in his other hand.

Ignoring the excited or disturbed newcomers, Gordon shook his hand, the seal of the jar was broken, and a strange smell wafted away. Gordon spread the powder in the jar evenly on the ground around the truck and the upper and lower surfaces of the truck. Finally, After looking at the remaining amount inside, he sprinkled a handful of it on himself.

The head glanced at the curious newcomers, but Gula had already walked over, "Uncle Gordon, this life-saving thing, give me a little bit of it. I am a logistics staff, and I can't compare to you fighters."

Gordon glanced at him, a flash of approval flashed in his eyes, but he said casually: "This thing is a treasure. Use a little bit less. Uncle I don't have much."

After some bargaining, all the newcomers received two battle points each in exchange for a small amount of powder and sprinkled it directly on the body. Guli was quite disgusted but did not refuse. Gula directly wiped it on the body carefully, and got a lot of trouble. Both.

Gordon directly ignored other people's questions about the source of this thing. "Trade secrets will not be leaked. Welcome to come again next time."

The premise is that you have another time. Gordon did not say this sentence, but implicitly expressed his best wishes.

The head of the team did not move. He really praised Gordon’s approach. The mortality rate of newcomers is very high, especially for the previous tasks. Therefore, the mobile city has its own set of methods for the training of newcomers, except for college internships. The first step after graduation is a lot of practical training, and the first task performed out is always exploration rather than combat.

Fighting will kill people, and exploring, the chance of surviving is higher, and there are more things to learn.

Five rookies, three veterans, in addition to the commander of good combat effectiveness, the old driver Gordon, there is also a high-level fighter who has a very low sense of existence and doesn't say a word. I just don’t know if there are too many things to experience. The whole People are a little numb.

The ten-foot-high vertical city wall could not stop the high-level fighters. The four small suction cups had only a thin layer. Gordon moved left and right to the city wall in a blink of an eye, and then a cable chain hung down, coldly facing the high-level fighters. Assisting from the side, behind the head of the regiment, everyone quickly reached the top.

Large and small bags of materials set up a suggested camp on the city wall. The thumb-sized sky eyes in the Gula backpack flew out and quickly spread to the surroundings, focusing on exploring information around the city wall.

Small dots quickly appeared on the compass, light red, light red, dark red, and even a few dark red dots. There was a soldier guarding each side of the city wall. Gulistan and Gordon were responsible for patrolling and responding. They were two of them. He is the best long-range attacker among the rookies, and the other is an experienced and intuitive veteran. It is not a problem to cooperate, but compared to Gulisti's hard work and hard work, Gordon seems a bit too lazy.

One of Gordon’s eyes gleamed with a faint light. It was a mechanical eye. He simply patrolled twice and walked slowly back to the temporary camp. He sat down beside Gula, looking at the projection above the compass, and his mouth uttered. "Tsk tusk" exclaimed: "It's worthy of being a rare psychic in ten years. This exploration ability is really not a joke. It's much stronger than my half-hearted mechanical eye."

Gula smiled slightly, but there was already a little sweat on his forehead: "The predecessors have passed the award. The Nianqi Master has the role of the Nianqi Teacher, and the Warrior has the role of a soldier. Many times we focus more on assistance and intelligence collection, and the real decision of life and death is Still a senior fighter like Senior."

"Decide the outcome of life and death, we half-hanging senior fighters are afraid that it will not be enough." Gordon dangled the cigar but did not light it. His eyes were cast to the sky, and the sun was still hanging diagonally in the sky. "The improvement gap between junior fighters and intermediate fighters. It is relatively large, but there is only an increase in quantity between high-level fighters and intermediate-level fighters, and there is no qualitative leap. However, no matter how junior fighters, intermediate fighters, or high-level fighters are, they can’t be regarded as true masters. Only when they become earth fighters can they be able to do so. Have some influence."

"Earth warriors, there are only five earth warriors in our entire mobile city. The strength of the seniors is already very good, much better than my half-aided mind master." Gula flattered, and suddenly his face was slightly different. Very well, a blood-red light appeared on the compass quietly.

"Senior, there may be an earth-level destruction beast in the ruins of this city. It is only five miles away from here, located in the center of the city. There is also a group of destruction beasts." Gula's voice surprised everyone.

The head of the group came to him in a flash: "How many are there? What is the overall strength?"

Gula closed his eyes tightly, and his powerful mental power quickly increased to establish contact with those heavenly eyes, and let these heavenly eyes land to observe the specific conditions of the destruction beasts nearby. "The number is large, no less than a hundred. There are about ten high-level destruction beasts, and most of the remaining are ultimate destruction beasts. There is only one earth-level destruction beast. There are very few primary destruction beasts, and the type is rodent."

"There are also many branches of rodent destruction beasts. What is the specific type of this group? How much influence does it have on us?" The head of the group dare not to be careless. Only himself and Gordon are slightly more powerful here, but they are only advanced. The Warrior Peak did not really break through the earth warriors. This step is indeed a world away. Let alone the two of them, even if there are ten or eight high-level warriors, they may not be the opponent of the earth-level destruction beast.

"Most of these destruction beasts are lurking underground, and their strength levels are judged based on power fluctuations. The type is initially judged to be a gold-thirsty rat, but what is strange is that there seems to be some unknown power fluctuations underground, and the power level seems to be very weak or not. It's very weak and has a weird feeling that makes me unable to judge." Gula's voice was suspicious.

"The ability to hide or shield?" Gordon took the cigar into his, took out a metal wine bottle, and took a sip of the wine cautiously.

The expression on the head of the regiment changed slightly, "Special Destroyer Beast?"

In the mobile city, fighters are the main fighters, but they have some special talents with special abilities. This kind of genius is often called Nianlishi. They are famous for their strong spiritual power and use special abilities to fight. Of course, more are still used. For other purposes, such as research, intelligence analysis, deduction, and reconnaissance and assistance.

Among the destruction beasts, in addition to the general destruction beasts, there are also some special destruction beasts, which have a variety of strange abilities, and among them, the most headache is the destruction beast that hides and shields.

In the battle with the Destroyer Beasts, they had no advantage. They were forced to hide in moving cities, fight guerrilla warfare, and continue to improve themselves and weaken the enemy. It is undoubtedly their principle not to head-on, so intelligence is of the utmost importance.

Under this circumstance, a encounter with a powerful destroyer that can use hiding or shielding capabilities will undoubtedly bring them inaccurate information and cause great damage.

Gula shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, but I can basically confirm that the city walls are safe. There are not many traces of destruction beasts. There are no flying and climbing destruction beasts in this ruin, plus the time for destruction has already passed. It's very long, and the resources available for the Destroyer Beasts are almost exhausted, and the remaining Destroyer Beasts don't have much overall."

A hesitation flashed across the head of the regiment, and he finally nodded and said: "Define a safe zone and conduct preliminary exploration with the sky's eyes. I will see the situation tomorrow, and whether to send a team to conduct in-depth exploration."

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