The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1384: Countermeasures of the Giants

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Gensokyo, a holy place far away from the world, is worthy of its name. It is indeed far from the world. It is also dreamlike and very beautiful. Whether it is the snowy mountain of the ice fairy or the dream forest of the forest fairy, the lava lake of the flame fairy is unique and unusual. Where people can reach.

The sanctuary of the blood race is even more of a huge sea of ​​blood, with many monsters on the periphery. Even if three or five co-impacts can not enter the true abyssal sea of ​​blood, it is not a fluke to be able to become a holy place, and all of the four major races There are semi-god powerhouses, and there are dozens of Tier 3 masters, and there is a Tier 3 master in those sports cities outside that is already a big city.

The seal of Daxue Mountain stretched out three hundred meters deep in the ice and snow city. This is a magic stone mine, and the existence of these magic stones is largely due to the influence of the magical power emerging from the passage.

Ville and Lilith came together, but they studied the so-called seals and passages for three days and three nights. After collecting a large amount of data, they brought Zeluo and Ling directly to Bingxue. Cheng Cheng Ling began to retreat to do research.

Through the city spirit, their orders were issued one by one. Jia Simin personally sits in Ice and Snow City. All the orders are implemented without violation. The materials, information, and verification are here where they have received the greatest degree of support.

Little Ville and Lilith enter the seal every few days. Every time Jia Simin is with him, but she can’t understand what they are saying or what they are doing, but gradually, she discovers a little bit abnormal.

These two people can come and go freely through the passage. As for where they went, Jia Simin finally knew on this day.

The forest fairy demigod, the flame fairy demigod, and the blood race demigod came together to visit. If such a lineup was only before, Jia Simin would definitely be shocked, but now she also has a backer, and any of these backers can be slapped. Oneself, naturally may sling these guardians of the same level of oneself.

The Guardian of the Fairy Forest is also a female. He received a letter from Jia Simin a month ago, but did not give a reply. She has been investigating and hesitating at the same time. After all, she did not see Little Will transforming herself. Giant, with just a word from Jia Simin, it is difficult for her to persuade all her tribe to join a stranger.

Although she herself believes in Jia Simin, the demigod is disdainful of lying, especially this kind of self-defeating lies.

The fairies are in the same spirit. Jia Simin can hear the disdain for the flame fairies from Xiaoweier’s words, but she can’t act emotionally. After Xiaoweier’s retreat and research, it is easy to know the whole story from Benita’s mouth, and then for the flame. The patriarch couldn't help being disappointed.

But the flame goblin clan still needs to be drawn in. A small patriarch is nothing more than a small patriarch. Since he did not do well, he should be replaced directly. On the contrary, it is the demigod ancestor who really has the final say. Benita sent it away and asked her to relay what she wanted to say to the flame goblin patriarch, and alarmed the flame goblin demi-god guardian.

The blood race was different. They were really not attracted by Jia Simin, but after sensing the disappearance of the ruined city, they tracked down here all the way.

As for why they appeared here by accident, the root cause was still with Little Will.

Facing the three first-time demi-god powerhouses, Ville directly transformed into a frost giant, and easily suppressed them all, before starting a face-to-face conversation with the three demi-god powerhouses with swollen noses and swollen noses.

"Entering your lair is not voluntary, but a small experiment when exploring the passage in the seal. After all, if you want to completely solve the space passage, you must have enough understanding. The passage was originally one, but it was forcibly divided into four. In part, being able to communicate with each other was originally a matter of reason." Little Weier's tone was very flat.

Jia Simin suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the two of them would suddenly disappear in the seal, and then suddenly reappear. It turned out that they ran to the forest fairy, flame fairy and blood clan lair through the sealed channel.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong, isn't the seal channel only available to the three big fairy clans? Why is there a kinship lair too?

The forest fairy demigod, the flame fairy demigod, and the blood race demigod also reacted, with a shocked expression on their faces.

"It seems that you have reacted, yes, there are four sealed passages, one large and three small. The three small passages are located under the ice fairy, forest fairy, and flame fairy nest. The most important passage is in the depths of the sea of ​​blood. "The four semi-god powerhouses were shocked and speechless.

"This, how is this possible?! All the sealed passages are here, then..." The flame goblin was startled with horror, his eyes full of horror and looked at Xiao Weier.

The other three semi-god powerhouses woke up at the same time. If this were the case, wouldn't it mean that all parts of the passage were in their world, and then the giant world was isolated.

In other words, they were abandoned!

Little Will nodded, his eyes full of pity, and said: "Although it's a bit cruel, but the truth is that you, or the world, have been abandoned. Survive with broken wrists, giants, so courageous!"

The four semi-god powerhouses rolled their eyes at the same time. This is not something to be admired, good or bad, it is simply a coward to escape, and also betrayed their own people.

However, is he one of the giants?

Probably in the eyes of the Giants, they and others are all small people who can be abandoned at will, and when the Giants leave, they have taken too many people and resources. The corners and corners left behind are really not too precious. For the giants.

Moreover, the main force of the ice fairy, the forest fairy, the flame fairy, and the blood race was also taken away by them, and what was left was really only a part, a relatively weak existence.

It turned out that they were abandoned children from the beginning, but they had no hope from the beginning.

It turns out that the so-called channels and connections of the Giants are all pretexts. They have never thought about connecting them to the giant world afterwards, or re-fusing the two worlds into one. This world has been abandoned, completely abandoned!

Little Ville saw more. What the giants divide the world is not only the passage connecting the **** world and the underworld, but also the part that was directly sealed by the twelfth house is also cut off. In other words, the twelfth house is extracted. The only thing is the space origin of this world, the space origin of the so-called giant world has been preserved.

This is the real survival by breaking the wrist!

The seal of the Zodiac is very powerful. If you just split the space and fight for survival, you will definitely not be able to hide it from the twelve sixth-order powerhouses. After all, the origin of the space is suddenly reduced, and everyone will doubt it. At this time, this road leads to the **** and the underworld. The channel plays a vital role.

The seal of the zodiac not only acts on this world, but also on this passage. When the origin of this world space is extracted from the different space of the zodiac, it also extracts the origin of the **** and the underworld on the opposite side of the space passage, but these two This world is too big, even if a trace of the origin of the space is extracted for a short time, it will not have any impact, even if it is discovered by the world consciousness, it is at most breaking the space channel.

As expected by the giants, the space channel is shrinking a little as the origin of the space is extracted, and it is now very weak, almost completely cut off.

After this passage is severed, the Giant Realm will also take advantage of the trend to disconnect from the last connection with this world, completely deadlift the tail to survive, and get rid of the oppression of the zodiac different space by the method of Li Daitaozheng. After that, the Giant Realm needs a long-term plan.

"The giants are worthy of being the overlords of the world. In this case, they can still find a chance to comeback. It's amazing!" Little Weier had to say something!

But are the top twelve really so easy to deal with? I am afraid that the origin extraction of the seals of the zodiac and the different spaces of the zodiac is not all, the specific situation needs to go to the giant world to take a look.

"If all the passages are on our side, doesn't it mean that once these passages counter-attack and meet, the monsters on the opposite side can rush out of the passage and invade here, and the giants who have already escaped..." The flame goblin's face paled for a while , As a semi-god powerhouse, the masters who were chosen by the giants to stay in the town in the past, they know the power and selfishness of the giants better than later generations!

The legend of the giants is still circulated in the holy land, but the outside world has been almost cut off. This is also their deliberate control, but they did not expect the giants to do so decisively, countless times more fierce than them, and directly cut off 70% of the world. Up.

"They will cut off contact with us completely, when necessary!" Jia Simin's face is green. Although she has decided to join Little Weir, she still has some ideas about the giants, but now it seems that the greater the hope, the greater the hope. Desperate. Fortunately, I have found a way out, but I don't know whether this way is reliable or not.

"I don't believe it!" The blood demigod stood up suddenly, he couldn't accept the fact that the main body of the space channel was underground in his own lair.

"Smack~" A drawing was slapped on his face by Ville, "This is a series of pictures. If you can understand it, then go and take a look at it for Anyway, it is impossible to complete the passage in a short time. disappear."

"Wait, you said disappear?" The blood demigod reacted immediately and grabbed Weier, only to be kicked away by him.

"The passage of the **** world will eventually disappear, right? We are not abandoned, we just have to wait for the passage to disappear completely before we reconnect with the giant and return to the giants, right?" A moment of speechlessness.

If you don't know the seal of the zodiac, the extraction of the origin of the space in the different space of the zodiac will indeed think so. After all, if there is no big reason for the 70% of the space, no one is willing to give up. But for the giants who woke up and knew the truth, this fragmented space was not a resource, but a burden, so it was impossible for them to accept the world anymore.

"If it can make you feel better, you can think so." Xiaoweier shrugged slightly and said, "I need to see the truth in person, and see with my own eyes the world where the giant is."

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