The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1385: Frozen fairy's divorce

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After learning the truth about the passage and the seal from Little Ville, the ice fairy wanted to follow him more desperately. The forest fairy followed closely, especially after knowing that he had a giant tree man friend outside, and the flame fairy clan no longer resisted. Somewhat worried, after all, the flame goblin patriarch had mentioned it with the demigod guardian before, and Ville had very little affection for them.

The only people who really resist are the blood races. They can’t believe that under the sea of ​​blood is actually the last and most important seal of the space passage. The semi-god powerhouse always firmly believes that the giants will return. They are the most perfect experiment for the giants, the giants. It is impossible for the clan to give up theirs.

Little Ville doesn't care whether they take refuge in him or not. He doesn't care too much about the goblin tribe, blood tribe, goblin tribe, dwarf tribe, and even human tribe. He really cares only about the giant tribe.

Without him, the giants’ ability to die is too strong. They almost collapsed the world before. After being exiled, they almost collapsed the world by doing it again. They can die like this without dying. I have to say this. It is also a kind of talent.

The seals of the several passages are quite perfect. The giants’ deaths are not without plans. They have done quite well in the aftermath, but there is not nothing hidden. The huge blood power in the sea of ​​blood is the biggest hidden danger. The two opposing world powerhouses used it to reopen the channel, with disastrous consequences.

So in line with the principle of doing good things without leaving a name, Ville spent a day and a night sending out the tree of life to forcibly swallow more than 70% of the blood essence of the entire blood sea, especially the blood of the **** demon within the sealed channel. Nothing deeper is left.

As compensation, Ville added the Sun Stone he had obtained from the Sun Goddess, hoping that the undead and **** demons on the opposite side would like it.

The magic circle level of the sealed space channel is very high. Ville and Lilith are not enough to use the power of the apostle elves. They also asked the first apostle, the elves through the apostle space, to fully understand what is going on. For the giants The fear immediately raised a level.

Even if the sixth-order magic circle is arranged according to the script, Ville and Lilith don’t have much confidence. How long have they been promoted to the fifth-order magic circle, the most important thing is that their own strength has not kept up, but it is just modified and perfected. This is difficult. Living in Little Ville, after all, is just an unhosted magic circle, and it still needs to be sealed.

Ville and Lilith relied on their extraordinary understanding of the magic circle to shuttle back and forth between the sea of ​​blood and the three holy places of the fairy clan, whether it was an ice fairy or a forest fairy, or the flame fairy that they didn't like, suppressing the guards. All the space passage seals were strengthened, not to mention, they also liberated their city.

On the tenth day after the return of the flame fairies, forest fairies, and demigods of the blood race, there was a roar from the Daxue Mountain, and the world was shaken for a long time. The vibration lasted for more than half an hour, and waited until the three demigods returned. When I came here, the entire Ice and Snow City disappeared.

The Daxue Mountain was nearly a hundred meters short, countless ice and snow poured down, forcibly burying the entire place where there was no snow below, and the Daxue Mountain became a veritable snow mountain, and there was a powerful threat coming from the faint brilliance above. A semi-god strong man was afraid to approach him.

The ice and snow goblins are gone, leaving this abandoned world completely. What's their future, the three semi-god powerhouses don't know, but they are definitely not worse than their own and others.

After all, this world has been abandoned by the giants, and huge hidden dangers lie in ambush. As demigods who have lived for thousands of years, they clearly feel that the world is becoming weaker and weaker, even One day, this world will die.

Seeing the empty snow mountain, the mood of the three semi-god powerhouses was extremely complicated. They had the opportunity to leave this world that was about to be destroyed, but the momentary hesitation brought endless melancholy.

The three demigods are confident in their eyes, but they are also not blindly confident. They still inspected the entire Daxue Mountain carefully, and found a huge stone stele on the top of the mountain, on which is the police left by Xiaowei and Jia Simin. Words.

The passage has been closed. The entire Big Snow Mountain is the source of energy. If you don’t have enough strength, it’s better not to explore the inside of the Big Snow Mountain casually. The words “Sufficient Strength” have been marked and increased. The three semi-god powerhouses see these four. The words were a little dizzy, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

Just when the three semi-god powerhouses were about to leave, a faint light suddenly lit up on the stele, and a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"You should be the first person to see the stele, my old friends." Jia Simin's voice was a little erratic, and a small ball of light appeared above the stele in the form of Jia Simin.

"Just taking a picture." The excitement on the forest goblin demigod's face instantly disappeared without a trace. The picture is different from the clone. At least the clone can communicate and ask for the information they want to know, while the picture is just an image. What do you listen to what I say.

Maybe the intelligence is the same, but the meaning is completely different. If it’s a clone, it means they still have a chance. Jia Simin still misses the old feelings and leaves them a glimmer of hope, and the photo shows that everything is over, that boy I have been disappointed with them, and there will be no more chances, they have been abandoned again!

"Old friends, I am leaving, leaving this place where I was born and raising me, but abandoned me, leaving this place where there is no hope, no future, full of sadness and despair."

"I was born in this place and grew up in this place. By then, this is not the root of our fairy clan, history has been tampered with and concealed, and it is the giant clan that controls everything, and it can only be the giant clan."

"We were born in a huge world, full of vitality and hope, where there are thousands of races, beautiful and rich, our fairy race is just a very ordinary and trivial race. The overlord of that world is also the giant race, but the giant race is Unable to cover the sky with one hand, the gods and dragons maintain the rule of the giants."

"The giants are not satisfied with the status of the world overlord. They want to be the masters of the world. They passed into the palace of the **** of creation, shattered the foundation of the world, made loopholes in the world barrier, and attracted the invasion of **** demons."

"A war with the fate of the world as a bet has destroyed too many races. In the end, our world ended in a tragic victory, but the price paid was too heavy, and it also left a huge hidden danger. The **** demons have found our world. Coordinates exist at critical moments."

"Under this situation, the giants provoked a great war among all races, hoping to restore their vitality through plunder, and finally was suppressed by the combined forces of the angry gods and dragons, and then exiled to a huge alien space. This alien space is called the land of exile. ."

"The background of the giants is quite strong. They took too many things and developed this alien space into a new world, and then..."

"Then they opened the door to another world again. What they want to find is the weak world, in order to seek greater development, and even find a new way to escape from the different space, but what they open is to the underworld. And the gates of hell. Two powerful existences that our world cannot match even if there are ten or one hundred."

"The giants, who knew that they might fail from the beginning, chose to dock their tails to survive. After a little trial, they retreated decisively, and according to the established strategy, sealed the passage to divide the world, and separated with a part of the essence of the world."

"All of us are abandoned children. From the beginning, the education we received and the history we knew were all false. Our ancestors knew from the beginning. We might even be selected carefully for the sake of This is a prepared pawn. And this day has finally arrived So, of course, we were abandoned."

"I'm leaving, leaving this sad place to go to the place where our ancestors lived. The lackeys of the giant race have abandoned the traitors of the tribe from the very beginning. I don't admit that they are my ancestors, who really gave birth to us. In this world, there are other members of the Fairy Clan, with even more races and numbers. I saw a group of flower fairies here, beautiful, kind, innocent and lovely flower fairies!"

"When I was studying at a young age, my puzzles were finally solved. I will enjoy life for the rest of my life."

"Goodbye, friends, also good luck to you!"

Jia Simin's projection turned into stars and disappeared, and the three semi-god powerhouses couldn't help but look at each other. This so-called truth is too amazing, and it makes them a little unacceptable.

Hearing that the Ice and Snow Fairy clan lived so well, they were all in a bad shape!

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