The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1386: Choice and regret

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"I really envy Jia Simin. If I can, I would also like to take a look at the vast and boundless world, the world that gave birth to our fairy clan." The forest fairy demigod saw the projection of the flower fairy in Jia Simin's hand, and was even more convinced. Doubt, because she perfectly explained the doubts she had in countless studies when she was young, and the giants' careful blockade of them was simple and rude, but not perfect and meticulous.

Perhaps in the eyes of the giants, they are not that important, and they are not worth paying too much.

The flame goblin demigod's face was extremely ugly, and he said coldly: "We all know the power of the giants very well. There are three major sixth-order kings and dozens of fifth-order powerful people. What qualifications does that little guy have to comment on the great giants, and Compared to them, I believe in giants more. Green-haired ones, don't stand on the wrong team!"

The blood demigod looked pale and shook his head vigorously: "The giants cannot abandon us. Our world occupies 70% of the space. An incomplete world will only make the world weaker. As long as the space channel is completely closed, the giants must Will accept us again, it must be so! I will continue to stick to my duties and wait for the return of the giants! After completing the task, we will surely be appreciated by the giants. As long as there is the training of the giants, Tier 5 is not a dream anymore. !"

The blood clan demigod let out a long and stern whistle, and the whole person soared into the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The flame fairy demigod took a deep look at the stone tablet, his expression kept changing, and finally he let out a long sigh and turned and left.

The forest fairy demigod stood in front of the stone tablet, looking at the line of words, and couldn't calm down for a long time, until a small snow-white hand fell on her shoulder, and she was awakened.

Three days later, the Forest Fairy Holy Land experienced violent shocks, and the Holy Tree City disappeared. What was left in place was also a stone monument with only two simple lines of text on it.

I respect your choice.

I have my own choice.

Looking at these two lines, the flame demigod and the blood demigod have very rich expressions. They are convinced that on the Snow Mountain, the forest goblin demigod, like them, is at a loss for everything, but why they suddenly left. But he still doesn't know anything?

The two demigods were not stupid idiots, and at the same time they thought of a possibility. They left early, and they almost expressed their attitude as a team, but the forest goblin demigod did not leave, and even expressed envy of the ice and snow goblin. Desire.

Therefore, the forest goblins sought benevolence and benevolence, they left, and their two races were abandoned again, because they did not want to leave, they chose to believe in the giant race.

In other words, they do not completely believe in those young people. They are powerful, but they are not hierarchically suppressed. They are too far behind the giants. Even if that young man can transform into a frost giant, he still cannot represent the entire giant. Family.

"I am too good for the flame goblin clan. I have my skills from the flame giant. I am not a person who forgets my roots. I will abide by my duty and keep guarding the seal of the space channel until the day of death." "But I can’t impose my will on the tribe. They are not puppets or playthings. They have their own ideas. Three days later, when I return to the clan, I will summon everyone to disclose the situation here. If anyone wants to leave, three days later. Will gather here."

The flame goblin demigod turned and left after speaking, leaving the blood demigod standing there stupidly. This time he did not leave without anger. The excitement of the news of the stone tablet on Daxue Mountain has passed, he has already calmed down, and the forest The goblin's choice pushed him again.

The kinship is the experimental product of the Thunder Giants, and the fear of the Giants has deepened into the bones, especially those kinship members who grew up under the deterrence of the Thunder Giants, and there is no way to talk about betraying the Giants.

In the past few days, he has thought a lot. He can be said to be the deepest of the four semi-god powerhouses for his understanding of the giants. He doesn't doubt the power and ruthlessness of the giants at all.

Has the giants abandoned this world?

He himself was a little uncertain, but one thing can be confirmed. If the existence of this world threatens the survival of the giants, then they will not hesitate to abandon this world, even if it occupies 70% of the original world.

However, the seal was carried out in an orderly manner. Because he was a close friend of the Thunder Giant, he had some understanding of the seal. According to his observations, the seal could be completely completed within a hundred years. By then, the world would be safe, and the giants would have no reason to let it go.

He did not believe that the demigods of the Frost Fairy and Forest Fairies could not see this. He returned to the embrace of the giants with full of honor and merit, and invested in the power of four unfamiliar demigods. The gap was as big as a world. But why would they choose to betray the giants?

Sad and disappointed?

Although this possibility cannot be ruled out, in the face of interests, this level of betrayal can completely pretend to be deaf and dumb as invisible, after all, in the future, you will still have to live under the hands of others.

Unless, they are completely disappointed and no longer trust the giants, but what is their basis? Is it just the huge mistakes made by the giants on the Daxueshan stele?

Like to die, and every time I die.

This is indeed very worrying, but when the sky is falling, there is a high support. What are they afraid of?

The blood demigods have forgotten. The reason why they have been struggling for five thousand years in this place is largely because of the giants, or that he subconsciously does not forget this place.

Isn't it an honor to wipe the bottom of the person above?

Countless thoughts rolled in my mind, and finally turned into a long sigh: "It's nothing, I am old, and the lifespan of the blood race is not infinite, although we were created with the original intention to explore the infinite lifespan. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. I insist on my way."

"On the 5th, the Abyssal Blood Sea is a little bit away from here, and it takes a little time to prepare for your children and grandchildren. Five days later, members of the blood clan who are willing to leave with you will gather here. I hope that the adults can treat them kindly." The blood clan demigod confronted them. The empty forest fairy resident gave a deep salute.

A voice rang in my ear, "Goodness!"

Just one word made the blood demigod rejoice, and the momentum of the body rose steadily, and the spirit and spirit rose to the peak in an instant. After another salute, the whole person rose up into the sky, and laughed unscrupulously: "I have myself. Dao, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and they have a way of retreat. The race is indestructible. Why can't you continue to stick to your own way and keep going! I won't give up!"

Three days later, thousands of flame fairies came here in magic vehicles and airships with countless resources. They didn't even plan to set up camp. They directly chose to live in the vehicle. The two Tier 3 flame fairies were headed by, and most of the rest were not. Among the old and weak women and children entering the stage, the most eye-catching one is Benita, the elder daughter of the clan.

Benita was ignorant of being asked to come here, but when she heard that she wanted to take refuge in Ville, she immediately raised her hands in agreement, nodding her head while drooling, she didn't know how much resources the patriarch's wife was trying to deduct, just because of her last time. Too many people have been liquidated, this time I am afraid it is not a good deal.

On the first day, nothing happened, and the flame goblin tribe was slightly unstable.

The next day, densely packed flying battleships descended in the sky, and tens of thousands of blood races descended. Ten third-tier powerhouses led a group of second-tier elites with thousands of people, directly scaring the flame goblin enough.

The army of blood races came, divided the area and leveled the ground for the first time, and established a simple camp to settle everyone down. The flying fragments formed a simple defense, and the methodical advancement directly threw away the flame goblin miscellaneous army. in.

Regarding the behavior of the blood clan "occupying" the forest goblin territory with great fanfare, the flame goblin clan said that "you are sick", it is just a temporary settlement, and may even leave the next moment. What are you doing so complicated?

But what happened next proved the wiseness of the blood army. Time passed, but nothing changed. No one came to pick them up, no one told them what to do. After the materials carried by the flame elves were artificially detained, they appeared unexpectedly. The food crisis.

The blood army not only established a camp, but also had sufficient supplies. It even started hunting, picking and other operations with the help of the outer forest of the forest goblin, and began to continuously replenish the resources before the resources were exhausted.

On the tenth day, the flame goblin clan members who had run out of ammunition and food and accepted the blood clan’s charity for two days were a little unbearable. One of the two third-order masters left with a group of people, and the remaining flame goblin was third-order. The master stayed by Benita's side at all times.

Her task is to protect Benita, everyone else can give up, but Benita can't lose, this is the death order issued by the Supreme Elder!

On the fifteenth day, the flame goblin began to save themselves, but most of the resources were occupied by the blood race. They wanted to do it too late, they could only go farther, and some people left. They were disappointed with the so-called savior. After all these years, why must we change?

On the thirtieth day, Ville and Lilith quietly appeared, moved away the few remaining flame fairies for the first time, and then contacted the blood family army. Under their control, tens of thousands of blood family members completed the collection and migration in just one day.

When the flame goblin tribe received the news and came back, pay attention to an orderly and empty only a dozen or twenty flame goblin tribes were left on the scene, and the reason for their being abandoned is very simple. : Unqualified!

Seeing the spies sent by him standing alone, the high-level Flame Fairy clan looked livid, but helpless.

The flame goblin demigod stood there for a long time, and finally sighed faintly: "If you lose, you will lose your body. In the end, you won't even be able to compare with the blood race. It has become the lowest existence among all the holy land races."

The flame goblin patriarch said with a cold face: "This month is the inspection period, and it is also the time when they are outside the holy land. According to intelligence, two dwarf mobile cities, one goblin mobile city, and three human mobile cities have disappeared. It should be Taken away by them."

"They may not come back again!"

Regret it? It is false to say that it is not regrettable, but if everything starts over again, he may still choose this way, even if he is given 10,000 chances.

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