The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1402: The storm giant's guess

Each giant tribe has a place dedicated to baptism, which is the treasure of the giant tribe's heritage. Thunder giants have thunder ponds, and storm giants have their own eyes.

Regarding Ville's request for baptism and raising the level of the storm giant by the way, Levi fully agreed and said that he would arrange it for him soon, by the way, inviting all storm giants of Tier 5 powerhouses to come and watch the ceremony.

What is an observance? What kind of ceremony do you observe?

The baptism of the storm giant, or the baptism of all the giants, represents only one meaning, adulthood!

The grown-up guests at the ceremony represent the importance of this giant in the clan. Levi promised to invite all Tier 5 storm giants to attend the ceremony. This undoubtedly raises Wil’s identity in the storm giants a lot, and makes Thunder The Giant King was very upset.

Ville’s baptism in the thunder pond was personally operated by himself, which gave him many benefits, but the entire Thunder Giant Secret Realm space was left with only a living thunder giant, and it was impossible to give Ville a vigorous coming-of-age ceremony. The entire secret realm was given to him, and he was appointed to be the next thunder giant patriarch, but only he knew it, not recognized by other giants at all, and even no other clansman.

As the saying goes, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well. Although Xiaowei has received his own recognition and inheritance, he is not a true heir because he did not hold the ceremony of the whole family.

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick secretly vehemently, when this kid collects all the members of the Giant Clan, he must hold a grand throne ceremony so that his name as the patriarch of the Thunder Giant can be secure and no one can **** him. go.

Baldrick was not worried about other Thunder Giants coming to grab the seat of the patriarch of Thunder Giants, but was afraid that other Giants coming to grab the seat of the patriarch of the Thunder Giants, he was the key to the Thunder Giant's re-emergence, and he must not be robbed.

So when Levi arranged a place to live, Baldrick was bitten to death and wanted to live with Ville. He must not be separated. However, Levi wanted to invite Ville alone several times, but Balderek stopped him. , This made Levi more suspicious.

There are weird, definitely weird!

But every time I wanted to inquire, I was stopped by Baldrick, and vowed to say: It's not the time, and I will tell them when they are ready to leave.

It’s very simple to introduce a young four-star storm giant like Weil to other storm giants. Ordinary people are only the secret weapon cultivated by the patriarch. The other four Tier 5 storm giants were called together by Levi Weir's origin and the existence of Thunder Giant King Baldrick explained one by one, and discussed the hidden secrets.

The only five Tier 5 powerhouses of the storm giants gathered together. After some serious discussions, they thought of various possibilities. Only one of them was the most exciting, and then they began to actively arrange for Little Ville’s baptism. , And at the same time every Sanchawu wanted to invite him to the house as a guest.

The ordinary treats were naturally blocked by the Thunder Giant King Balderick one by one, but Baldrick was very welcome to compete and learn from each other. In just ten days, Ville had ten battles and ten finals, and he suppressed it with a crushing posture. Ten Tier 4 masters who were quite famous in the storm giant clan immediately set off a storm.

But for this result, Balderick was very dissatisfied, because Ville used the transformation of the storm giant, which failed to show the power of the Thunder giant, but soon there was a chance, a Tier 5 powerhouse of the guard team. In private, I want to ask Weil for advice and advice. After all, my children have lost so badly. As the elders, they are really dull.

This time, only Baldrick, Levi and a few Tier 5 storm giants were present. Ville played the Tier 4 storm giant against the Tier 5 storm giant, fighting day and night regardless of victory or defeat, although she had the upper hand, but it was too late. Can't hold Little Will.

At this moment, the impatient Baldrick yelled, and the momentum of the Tier 6 thunder giant steadily increased, and he ordered Ville to fight again as a thunder giant. Levi wondered if Ville was really that powerful. , Do you really have the body of a Tier 5 Thunder Giant?


An asymmetrical battle lasted only half an hour. The Tier 5 storm giant was defeated with a blue nose and swollen face. He looked at his family chief with bitterness. Is this what you call the newly promoted Tier 5 Thunder Giant?

Although I am also a newly promoted Tier 5 storm giant, I have been promoted for nearly a thousand years. After devouring the doomsday world, the accumulation of thousands of years is actually not as good as this little guy’s adaptation for several months. I am too stupid, or This little guy is too strong?

Or, is the Thunder Giant really better than the Storm Giant?

Ivali subconsciously avoided the gaze of the storm giant. It was her own request to test the details of Little Ville. It was related to the future of the storm giant, but he really did not expect that the strength of this little guy was so strong, not even in her own. It's only down, how do you fix this stuff?

A kid can't hold it, and there is an even more unreasonable level 6 thunder giant next to him. Even if they all go together, they are not opponents. Although this is the secret space of the storm giant, he also has a secret weapon in his hand and does not fear them, but It is impossible to pinch them.

Baldrick’s constant protection of Little Weir made Levi very uncomfortable. He wanted to know the so-called secret before Weir’s baptism. He intuitively told himself that the sooner he knew this secret, the better. After the baptism, this little guy Maybe you will have nothing to ask for them, and if you ask him at that time, you may pay a great price.

But Baldrick left himself like a thief, leaving Levi very injured, and the baptism time for this little guy has already been arranged, and the wind eye does not mean that it can be started by starting. Many preparations are indispensable. Wye decided to increase investment and put more resources into it, in order to gain little Vil's favor, and at the same time open the legacy of the storm giant to him.

The land of the storm giant’s heritage is inaccessible to the Thunder Giant. Baldrick was excluded, but the **** giant banned them from being alone with Little Weir, even if we let Little Weir in, without letting anyone know. Fumble alone, and Levi will not succeed.

According to Balderick, inheritance or something can be inherited again later, as long as he completes the baptism and promotes to Tier 5 Storm Giant, he will not care about things after that, and you can never get close to my son until then.

Baldrick deliberately bit the word "my son" very hard, making the five Tier 5 storm giants very helpless.

Levi repatriated the others and stayed alone outside the place of inheritance and talked privately with Baldrick, "Is the secret in that kid's hand a way to take people away?"

Balderick glanced at him for a while, but Levi had already seen a glimmer of hope in his expression, "He broke in all the way from the twelfth house. Although he is opportunistic, he is a winner after all. After successfully entering here, he must have a way to leave. I want to know how many people can he take away?"

Seeing Baldrick rolled his eyes, Levi reluctantly said: "The place of exile is a huge cage, and this cage is made a mess by ourselves, but is this what we want?"

"The twelve powerhouses are too ruthless and cut off our path of ascension. If we don't save ourselves, our giants will only have one way to go, and the magic of the exile is attenuated. If we do not divide the space, I am afraid that even the giant world will not be able to keep it. This method keeps us vigorous."

"But it only preserved the vitality and allowed some Tier 4 masters in the clan who had already reached the bottleneck to improve to Tier 5. However, the space potential is limited and cannot carry more powerful players. If we do not expand, plunder and swallow, how can we? There will be new developments."

"Lifelong system is not a development, it's just a recovery to a certain extent. After devouring that small world, a new Tier 5 master appeared in the clan, proving that we are correct. It's just that the world is a bit weird and a strange world was born. Consciousness brings us and some minor troubles."

When Baldrick heard this, he couldn't help but smile: "I'm afraid this trouble is not small, right?"

Seeing Baldric speak, Levi smiled immediately, not afraid of your refutation, but afraid that you would not open your mouth, "No matter the trouble is big or small, it is our own choice. It is not our character to sit and wait for death. Giants have their own domineering nature. !"

"It's easy to stop. UU reading finally doesn't want to leave this ghost place." Baldrick said with a curling mouth: "Wait, wait until my son completes the storm giant baptism, I will tell you."

"Well, you seem to want us to reject him?" Levi glanced at Baldrick quietly and told his own guess. Baldrick couldn't help but retorted, subconsciously, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't have one. "

Levi showed such an expression as expected, "This kid has the blood of the Thunder Giant, but after entering the twelfth house, he has continuously accepted the blood of the Storm Giant, the Frost Giant, the Flame Giant, the Tide Giant, and the Earth Giant. He is no longer purely a member of the Thunder Giant Clan. Other Giant Clan may also have the possibility to woo him, or that he can take people away, and other Giant Clan is also eligible to compete."

"You baptized him, and even gave him the position of patriarch, in order to completely control him. If I refuse to baptize him, no, it should be said that if the storm giant refuses to baptize him, then you must be Will directly pull him and turn his head and leave. When we finally leave, we, Storm Giant, are afraid..."

Levi chuckled, an expression that I had already seen through you, making Balderick amused, but his face was calm, and he thought to himself: When you know that this kid's quota is not counted by people , I don't know what kind of expression it will be, I am looking forward to it!

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