The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1403: Wind-eye baptism, a huge improvement


Wind Eye is the place for the storm giant to baptize. Ordinary baptisms will gather a group of school-age teenagers together. However, the last baptism was for a hundred years ago, and there is no suitable person yet. This baptism is only prepared for Littleville alone, but the resources invested are More than usual, even doubled.

After the baptism, it’s common knowledge that the young giants who are sharply prepared are mostly second-tier, and the third-tier is already a small genius. After the baptism, such a young genius is promoted to the fourth-tier, which can be regarded as an elite in the group. Baptism is not non-existent in the history, but it is extremely rare, and the fourth-order peak is still a teenager, and Xiaoweier is the first case.

The eye of the wind, as its name suggests, is the eye of a huge hurricane. It can be called a huge nature by the giants and it is no small thing. When viewed from afar, a huge whirlpool is bottomless, and the whirlpool rolls the clouds, but it seems to be still.

It's not that the wind doesn't turn, but that the wind eye vortex is too huge, and ordinary power can't push it at all. It's thick, huge, and magnificent. This is the first feeling that wind eye brings to Little Weier.

Baldrick looked at the wind eye below and had to sigh. This thing is indeed a good thing not weaker than the Thunder Pool of the Thunder Giant Race. It is not easy for each Giant Race to pass on to this day, but the descendants are somewhat unbelievable. Thinking of this, I glanced at Levi, and then he was a little confused.

Is the Thunder Giant King unexplainably nervous again?

No, he must have thought carefully, um, he must be observing our actions. If he invests less, the old **** might say bad things about us in front of this kid, so he waved his hand, temporarily added resources, and turned over. Times!

The huge wind eye began to change after countless resources were put into it. The situation changed like this. Countless storm laws, rhythms and fluctuations appeared one after another. Just looking at it from a distance made Littleville's heart surging and unable to worship himself. Wu Fan came to my heart.

"Go, it's up to your own good fortune where you can go." Levi still feels a little distressed about the resources invested, but thinks that these resources will not be wasted. After his baptism is completed, the resources that can't be used up can still be used. After precipitation until the next time I used it, my mood suddenly improved a bit.

"This baptism, we invested several times more resources than usual. After all, it is the first time to baptize the fourth-order pinnacle clansmen. It is never an exaggeration to prepare more." Levi calmly pleased a wave of Xiaoweier. , Let Baldrick gritted his teeth on the sidelines but was helpless. He had seen the baptism of a normal storm giant, and naturally knew that Levi did not lie.

At this time, it is too wrong to say more, and it is better to shut up by yourself, so as not to continue to increase the favorability for the storm giant.

The complete baptism process and precautions have been clearly understood before, and under the gaze of the masters, the sound jumped straight to the center of the eye of the wind.

"Hey, this kid is really confident enough." The Tier 5 giant guarding the space channel couldn't help but laugh. This wind eye is unusually close to the core, the greater the resistance, if not strong enough, it will only be When thrown out, the ordinary storm giant will choose the edge area, try to get closer to it, and finally find a suitable place for baptism, but this kid challenges the highest difficulty when he comes up, and he is not afraid of being thrown out, causing the baptism to fail directly. end?

Little Ville is really not afraid, because he has a treasure from Lilith and Caroline in his hands. This treasure was originally hidden in the Levi Treasury China. Caroline and Lilith went through all the hardships and took seven days. Qiye only got it.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the powerful wind pressure abruptly supported Xiao Weier and pushed it outward. Weier's hands were combined and slammed down, and the wind swept through his fist, like a drill. This violent wind barrier was torn apart, and the whole person took advantage of the momentum and plunged in.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, Weier hurried all the way to the bottom, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Baldrick and Levi looked at each other, is this a successful entry?

Ordinary storm giants approach the core a little bit from the periphery, each person entering the storm range will form a small whirlpool. Although no one can be seen from above, they can see their respective small whirlpools. The larger the whirlpool, the more obvious it is, indicating the storm. The larger the giant's range of influence, the more energy it absorbs, and the more benefits it will naturally get.

But this kid didn't take the usual path, and made a breakthrough directly from the core of the wind eye, the whole wind eye was his whirlpool?

Layers of storm clouds covered him as a whole, and there was no change at all, or the change in the eye of the wind was his change?

"Really, don't take the usual path." Levi couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. This kid's intelligence was no longer available this time.

Ville knew that he was a little bit bigger, and the tiers of obstacles had become extremely strong because Levi had invested too much resources. He stepped deep into the bottom of the core area. Every step was extremely difficult, but as Ville continued Go deeper, the more benefits you get.

The wind roar seems to want to throw itself out, every sliver of wind is like a sharp blade, falling on the body like a knife, and it seems that the pervasive wind can even penetrate into the bone marrow. The pain of thousands of swords is maddening, but it is constantly strengthening The strength of this little Weier's body, from bones to flesh and skin, is experiencing tremendous strengthening in every inch.


Little Weier let out a painful roar, and the support grew louder. This kind of pain suddenly appeared and almost made him collapse. The ordinary storm giant would step by step, but he directly challenged the difficulty of hell, and he said that he was an idiot like himself.

With the powerful injection of power and the endless painful stimulation, the fifth-order barrier of the storm giant's body was shattered like a fragile paper, and the momentum of his body climbed steadily. The entire wind eye vortex slowly rotated, and countless forces swarmed to inject. Inside, Xiao Wei hurriedly pressed the Sky Godhead to the center of his brows, and the powerful mental power suddenly pierced it.

In an instant, there was a violent turbulence in Ville's spiritual sea, and countless information swept through his spiritual defenses like a torrent, and "booming" poured into his spiritual sea.

How large is the law information contained in the sixth-order godhead?

"Xiao Miao, help me!" Weier's spirit was almost dissipated. He connected to the world of Snowwood for the first time and asked for help from the World Consciousness Xiao Miao. Within the spirit, a huge portal appeared quietly, and the mighty flood of information found a catharsis. The mouth usually rushed in.

The amount of information after the diversion is still very large, but it is not enough to overwhelm Little Will, and even a trace of energy can be divided to pay attention to the situation around him. Countless gusts of energy poured into the body, accompanied by dots of blue light.

Little Weier’s body grew taller and bigger, and the cyan light lingering around him slowly formed a dreamlike cyan armor. The armor seemed real and imaginary, but it was extraordinarily gorgeous, giving Little Weier an indescribable weird feeling. , A name popped up in my heart: "The Storm God Armor!"

Is it an artifact?

Is it a supernatural power?

Is it inheritance?

Little Weier does not have much energy to think too much for the time being. He has too many things to receive. The storm part of the sky godhead stolen by Lilith and Caroline quickly fills the gap in Little Weier and relaxes the ground. The law of ocean storms is combined to form a complete law of storms.

The complete law of the storm aroused the power of the eye of the wind, attracting countless storm essences deposited in it and throwing it on Little Weier, promoting his body evolution, and at the same time bringing countless storm giants' law inheritance.

Ville couldn't help but indulge in it, his strength seemed to be swept by a violent wind and rushed straight for nine days, physical pain accompanied by spiritual pleasure, Ville fell into a state of ignorance and epiphany.

A quarter of an hour after entering the eye of the wind, Ville broke the Tier 5 barrier of the Storm Giant and was promoted to the Tier 5 Storm Giant.

After half a day, Xiao Weier completely stabilized the body of the Tier 5 storm giant and entered the practice of ignorance.

One day later, Little Vil's storm attribute wizard achieved the fifth rank, his body and law were the same, and his strength was further improved.

Two days later, the body of the storm giant of Littleville entered the middle stage of the fifth stage, and the storm armor began to take shape.

Five days later, the storm attribute of the Sky Godhead was passed by Xiao Wei together with Xiao Miao. The blue sky and white clouds appeared in the snowwood world, and the whole world began to greatly improve in the changing color of the wind and clouds.

The wind roared, lightning flashed and thunder, white clouds piled up and turned into black clouds, and then the violent wind turned into frost and snow and rain took turns. The changes in the snow wood world stimulated the godhead of the sky, and more laws of thunder, wind, frost, snow and rain came in madly, constantly improving this The world that Fang Chu was born in was also nourishing Little Ville, the Lord of the World.

On the sixth day Following the Thunder and Storms, Ville's marine attribute wizard career advances to the fifth rank.

On the seventh day, Xiaoweier digested and merged the inheritance from the ancient river god, the water attribute was improved, and the ocean attribute was fed back.

On the eighth day, the storm attribute connects the ocean and the sky, the storm rule is further strengthened, and the ocean attribute rule is upgraded to the middle of the fifth stage.

On the tenth day, the snowwood world has a perfect sky, wind, rain, thunder and lightning are available, the power of frost erupts, the frost attribute is greatly improved, and the ice attribute law breaks through the fifth order.

On the fifteenth day, the continuous advancement of the sky and ocean stimulated the earth. With the accumulation of countless strengths, the attributes of the earth finally ushered in a qualitative leap and successfully advanced to the fifth rank.

When the three attributes of sea, land, and air were promoted to Tier 5 at the same time, the entire snowwood world had undergone tremendous changes. The world was cheering. The creatures in all the worlds heard the singing of the world, and the world class broke through the barrier at this moment. The tree, the tree of death, seems to have lost its **** and climbed.

I don't know how long it has passed, the snowwood world has a stroke and stops raining, and the sun, moon and stars shine on the earth.

The light and dark attributes break through the fifth rank at the same time.

At this point, Little Ville's land, ocean, shadow, light, thunder, storm, space, and frost have all advanced, only the flame attribute has stayed at the fourth-order peak and has not taken the final step.

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