The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1414: Will says the giants

"You came."

"I'm coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"But I am already standing here."

Looking at the icy conversation between a large and a small flame giant, people who don't know the truth must have many ideas, but this is the first face-to-face conversation between Little Vil and the flame giant King Noah.

The flame giant king is in a high position and his aura is strong, the king's aura swept three thousand feet, Xiaowei's expressionless face, although the flames on his body were suppressed, he was not afraid of not arrogant and calm, and the most important thing is that I don't know why, I always feel two There is a very similar temperament in the individual.

Thunder Giant King Baldrick gritted his teeth and felt like facing the old king next door. He always felt that his son was not like himself, but was somewhat similar to Fire Giant King Noah. Both of them were so domineering and always so unexpected. , Both so strong and stubborn.

The most important thing is, why does it look so alike?

"Noah, this is my son!" Finally unable to bear the feeling of being excluded, the Thunder Giant King Baldrick broke in and broke the weird confrontation between the two.

Fire Giant King Noah glanced at Thunder Giant King Baldrick, and said faintly: "You can't give birth to a Fire Giant, and he is much more handsome than you in any way."

Everyone can’t help but get a black line. This reason is very good and powerful. At least it is a huge blow to the Thunder Giant King Baldrick. "Noah, you are Chi Guoguo’s slander, personal attack, I told You, this kid’s Thunder Giant Transformation is the strongest, and his Thunder Giant body is exactly the same as mine, so noble and handsome. The Flame Giant Transformation is simply weak!"

This sentence is the truth to Ville, his Thunder Giant Transformation is the fifth-order high-end, while the Flame Giant Transformation is only the fourth-order peak, and the gap is not that big.

But in fact, what is the difference?

It’s just a baptism. For Vil, the gap between Flame and Thunder is not big. The blood of the Thunder Giant was acquired early, and there were more researches. The Flame Giant took advantage of a Fire Elemental Elf. In other words, neither attribute is the most important.

The Frost Giant King interrupted the wrangling between the two indifferent Giant Kings, looked at Noah and said, "I killed this kid first, but now he is the only hope that can lead our giants out of the exile, so I Three shots are reserved, then, Noah, what are you going to do?"

The Flame Giant King glanced at Eric, with no emotion in his weird gaze, then turned to Ville and suddenly asked: "Among the many giants, who do you have the highest evaluation, who has the second evaluation, and whom? The lowest rating, what's your comment on my flame giants?"

Ville couldn't help but froze for a while, then fell into contemplation, his expression constantly changing, and a moment later, he shook his head slightly and said, "Although I think I have a relatively good understanding of the history of the giants, I also got the Thunder Giants, Frost Giants, The bloodlines of flame giants, tide giants, and earth giants, but let me objectively evaluate the pros and cons of the giants. I really can't do it. But if I just let me say my own evaluation, the problem is not big."

Noah, the king of flame giants, nodded gently and said: "This is enough. All I want to know is your evaluation. What do other people do with me."

Ville couldn't help but thumbed up and exclaimed: "I don't know how to evaluate other places, but I have to admire this kind of momentum. Although my evaluation of the flame giant is not the top two."

For the first time, an expression other than cold appeared on the face of the Flame Giant King. Although it was very faint, it actually produced other expression changes. "You kid really dare to say, then I'm not afraid that I will directly join forces with Eric to kill you. , You must know that our two giant kings join forces, even if the Thunder Giant King Baldrick and other patriarchs join forces, you can’t be saved.”

Ville stretched his teeth and said confidently: "If I want to go, even if you three giant kings join forces, you won't be able to keep me."

Having said that, Ville slightly showed the twelve faint imprints on the back of his hand to the flame giant king, and the latter had such an expression on his face, "Is the twelve house clearance imprint? Although they are a bit mean and insidious." , In the end it was still trustworthy."

Ville shook his head lightly and said, "Although the top twelve are very strong, the giants are not weak, let alone idiots. If you do not deal with you with real contract terms, you will voluntarily give up your status as world hegemon and enter the land of exile. ?"

The flame giant Noah said coldly: "Even if the twelve powerhouses were overpowering the giants, my flame giants never really compromised. It was the other giants, or the giants as a whole, that made us the flame giants compromise. Any foreign enemies!"

The flame giants are very strong among the entire giants, but after all, they are only a member of the giants. It is not easy to completely suppress the other branches. As he himself said, the reason why he entered the exile was indeed because it was. The result of the overall negotiation of the giants.

Noah was opposed to concession back then. The Giants Suiran did suffer heavy losses that year, and the Giant King suffered more than half of the damage left, but the background of the giants world hegemon is still very strong. He is confident that he can bring to the top twelve. Come enough stress and hurt.

He clearly knows that if the giants unite and fight against the top twelve at all costs, the final victory or defeat is still unknown. It can even be said that if the giants are united, it is very likely that they will win in the end, but the top twelve will definitely It can bring fatal damage to the giants and the entire world.

If the top twelve lay down their faces and adopt guerrilla attack tactics to fight protracted battles, the giants may really be defeated, but this is based on the premise that they will break the whole world at a last resort, but they have just experienced a thousand years of experience. After the war, the extremely war-weary giants continued to recuperate, and only then chose to give in.

They didn't think that anyone in the world could seal them, even the top twelve!

Noah chose to retreat at the beginning, but secretly obtained the acquiescence of Thunder Giant King Baldrick and Frost Giant King Eric. After acquiescing to enter the Exile Land, he will be decentralized to a certain extent. In addition, he has sufficient resources. It made Noah very confident that he could break through the blockade, so he chose to cooperate with them.

Just five hundred years before entering the exile, Noah was actually capable of breaking the seal of the Zodiac, but he did not do so. He needed the twelve powerful to give the giants enough pressure and persecution, so that the giants Really recognize the sinister true colors of the top twelve and make the giants feel desperate. This is the time for him to stand up and turn the tide.

But Noah didn’t know that there was a theory in the world called boiled frogs in warm water. The top twelve were not as incompetent as he thought, and his luck was not so good. In fact, Noah had hoped to be able to stand up, but he The luck was so bad that he lost both gambling.

After the failure, Noah silently endured and repaid the price of failure, tasting the bitter fruit of failure, while silently reflecting on it. He kept wondering why he failed?

Obviously, he had thought about everything, and obviously had so many powerful methods, so rich background, so sufficient preparation, but in the end it still failed.

Looking at the flame giant king who was full of decaying aura, a hint of compassion flashed in Xiao Weier's eyes, and then he said in a deep voice, "According to my understanding, the giants who are currently the best among the giants should be the giants, although half of them Moved to the place of exile, but has been recuperating and preserving strength. Although there is no Tier 6 giant king strong, the overall strength is definitely not weak, at least not worse than the current flame giants and frost giants."

The Flame Giant King sighed, and said faintly: "I thought the tree people were the best to be mixed up. You know, they are allowed to stay in the original world. There are almost no restrictions. I didn't expect that they would actually take refuge. Those gods’ slaves to the giants of the earth.” Noah didn't like the slow temper of the giant tree people. Most of the giant tree people chose to stay back then. He dismissed it, but later he was very envious.

Littleville shook his head and said, "It is because the giant tree man is too free to take refuge in anyone, it will be more miserable in the end. The earth giant has taken refuge in the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the sea, and the goddess of the night, although they are still hidden from the world~www.wuxiaspot. com~The reputation resources are not as good as before, but they can protect themselves, and the giant tree people..."

"The giant tree people suffered heavy losses in the subsequent demon invasion and counterattack, and they are already on the verge of extinction." Little Ville's words silenced the giant kings.

Little Ville did not stop and continued: "In my evaluation, the Frost Giants rank second. The Frost Giant King’s caution and indisputability have allowed the Frost Giants to be preserved, and even many of the other giants. Bloodline. And what I admire the most is that the Frost Giant King’s legacy of Frost Giant was exposed in the twelfth house early. This layer of insurance is really refreshing."

Frost Giant King Eric snorted and said, "Even if you please me, you can't change my mind about killing you."

"Then, who do you have the lowest rating? It's not my flame giants, right?" The flame giant king Noah was full of self-deprecating in his tone, and Ville gently shook his head and said: "Not so, I don't think I am the flame giant It’s a bit uncomfortable, and it feels a bit unbelievable for you to die again and again, but for the flame giants, I still admire it. After all, you really dare to drive away."

Although the results would only get worse each time, this sentence was not exported.

"I really want to know that the giant clan will be the last existence in your mouth." Noah suddenly improved his favorability with this kid by a large margin, feeling that he was not that failed.

"Thunder Giants!" Ville's words made several giant patriarchs look at each other, and the Thunder Giant King Baldrick's face suddenly turned dark. "Son, are you so shameless? You are the new Thunder Giant patriarch. , Is it really good to say that your own people are?"

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