The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1415: World consciousness, doomsday melting pot

"Hahahaha, interesting, really interesting!" Fire Giant King Noah couldn't help laughing out loud, and his whole body trembled so that Thunder Giant King Baldrick, Frost Giant King Eric looked at each other, and several other giant patriarchs. Can't figure it out.

Xiao Weier suddenly threw a few magic arts over, "Purification!" "Exorcism!" "Quiet!"

The flame giant King Noah trembled violently, a strong black aura spreading all over his body, his eyes gradually turned into scarlet, and a low muffled hum in his mouth: "Boy, you are fine, but you shouldn't have come!"

"Doomsday World Consciousness?" Xiaowei looked at the Flame Giant King and suddenly said a name that shocked all the giants.

"Apocalyptic world consciousness?" Fire giant Noah shook his head gently and sighed, "No, after my world merges into this new world, I am no longer a doomsday world consciousness, I am a brand new giant world world consciousness. You can call me: Noah, Noah the Giant!"

"Oh, isn't it Noah in the Giant Realm? With the Doomsday Furnace as the foundation, it eroded the Flame Giant King and seized half of the Flame Giant's Secret Realm space authority, more than 90% of the Giant Realm's mutated world consciousness." Weir smiled and looked at it. He, the latter flashed a dignified breath, and finally said coldly: "As long as I can eat you, I will become stronger, little guy, you are the best food on my evolutionary road!"

"That stupid Flame Giant said that you shouldn't have come, and after I opened my eyes, you should leave immediately. Now, everything is too late!" The Flame Giant King Noah suddenly raised his hands high. , Let out an angry roar: "The space is closed!"

The sound of "Rumble~" was endless, and the entire suspended island was enveloped by dense black figures in all directions, madly attacking the suspended island defense enchantment.

"You have full energy to compete with the Flame Giant King for the control of your body and the control of a different space. The strength of the Flame Giants alone has made you unable to win. Now that there are two more Giant Kings, do you think you still have the hope of winning? "Little Ville smiled coldly, and immediately began to give orders: "The Thunder Giant King, a large-scale group attack, clean up the monsters outside, the Frost Giant King, freeze the entire palace!"

"Don't direct me casually!" The Frost Giant King Eric let out an uncomfortable growl, and his very honest hands suddenly lined up on the ground. The freezing cold broke out instantly, and the layers of frost instantly swept away and swept the entire seat. The palace was frozen, but they bypassed the Flame Giant King Promise, the Thunder Giant King Baldrick, and Little Weir, and only the buildings were frozen.

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick grinned at Little Weir and his whole body suddenly rose into the sky, and in a blink of an eye he was in mid-air, raising his hands high in the air and let out a loud roar: "Thunder is coming!"

A dense cloud of thunder and lightning came over the sky, fiercely cleaning the monsters from all directions on the hanging island. The group attack of the sixth-order giant king is definitely not a joke. The dark red monsters are like dumplings. When he fell to the ground, no monster could be seen for ten miles around the entire hanging island.

Countless monsters are swarming from farther away, but the strength of this group of latecomers is really not comparable to the monsters that came in the first step. The members of the flame giants who are defending on the periphery can easily cope with them. They, Already used to war!

"Sure enough, you have a lot of hidden codes. This **** flame giant has fought with me for nearly a thousand years. Knowing that he will get weaker and stronger, I will get stronger, but he still refuses to leave this alien space that is on the verge of destruction. Refused to leave this hanging island, even refused to leave this palace."

"There must be something you want to protect under this palace?" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah said with a sneer: "I don't know how big your secret is, after all, it can't be more helpful to me than this kid, as long as it is swallowed. You, I can become stronger, kid, I have blocked the entire giant world and this alien space, you have no way to escape, as long as I control the entire world, it will be the end of all of you!"

"I, giant Noah, will become a brand-new world devourer!" The light on Noah's body of doomsday world consciousness flickered. Before he had time to take any action, he was punched by the Frost Giant King Eric, and "clicked" on his body. "There was a violent sound, and a layer of solid ice instantly sealed all of his neck down, leaving only a talking head.

"With one against three, you have no chance of winning. If it weren't for Noah's concerns, do you think you can really do anything to him with your small world consciousness?" Frost Giant King Eric sneered: "Don't be too self-righteous. Noah, Noah did not lose to you, but to himself!"

"Hahahaha, is it just frozen? Why not kill me directly? Or, kill this body directly?" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah laughed loudly and said: "Come on, kill me, at least you can You stay for a while, at least you can let this cool world that I control will be free for a little more time. You should have this strength. Rather, it is only you two who can really kill the Flame Giant King. Moreover, the aura in the two of you is not very smooth. If you miss this opportunity, you will be killed next time."

"No, no, maybe, you won't be able to live long without killing you, that's it, haha, it's really sad." Doomsday World Consciousness Noah has a trace of pity in his eyes, looking at Thunder Giant King Baldrick and Frost Giant King Eric smiled and said: "Would you like to put yourself under my command and become my servant? I can give you eternal life."

Frost Giant King Eric curled his lips and pointed to the group of crazy attacking black figures outside and said disdainfully: "Just like those unconscious puppets, you play with them at will? Resurrect when you Fight again and die again?"

"Isn't it your honor to be a part of me and be immortal with me?" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah said coldly: "This world will belong to me after all, and you will become my detached resources and become mine. Part! Give up the unnecessary struggle. I am very clear about the so-called boring pride of your giants. The so-called pride has no meaning in the face of absolute strength. Your struggles will not have any effect. You can't even delay the time of death. Here!"

"And I, will become a true detachment!" Doomsday means Noah's body flashed, and the ice made a "crack, click" sound, and then fell apart. I saw him casually pointing towards the sky, on the high sky. On the surface of the gloomy and unclear sun, a small stove quietly appeared, and then moved a little bit, making the sun gradually brighter.

"Boom!" A loud bang was shaking the earth, the stove was completely separated from the sun, turned into a stream of light and smashed through the fire giant's secret space, breaking the suspension to the defensive barrier, and instantly reached the end of the world consciousness Noah, rounding him Protect it.

Amid the sound of "buzzing~", black flames radiated from the stove, and Noah's body also changed a little. His long red hair turned into jet black long hair, his eyes flashed with deep black light, and his body was aura. It keeps rising.

The ice of the Frost Giant King was excluded, and the Thunder and Lightning of the Thunder Giant King was easily received by the furnace.

"The Doomsday Furnace?!" Little Wil's eyes narrowed, his face was slightly unwell, but the doomsday world consciousness Noah on the opposite side showed a triumphant smile.

"I'll win this battle!"

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