The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1417: These two young saplings are mine!

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"I've been keeping a low profile for a long time, and didn't directly occupy the entire giant world. It's not that I don't have this strength, but I don't want to cause a backlash from all of your giants, but now..."

"There are only two different spaces left like a cancer of the world, and one and a half of them are controlled by me, the giants of the earth can't come out, and you are trapped here by me, who else can prevent me from occupying and controlling the entire world?!" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah let out a wild laugh, the flame giant's secret realm space was forcibly sealed off by him, and the giant realm slowly plunged into darkness.

"Darkness is my world. I spent a thousand years spreading my power across the giant world. Now is the time to collect the fruits of victory. When I am under the control of the entire giant world, it is when I devour this body. Then I His strength will surpass all giant kings, and you, will also become my prey, and even food!"

"My children, fight for me, fight, devour, let this world be stained with my color!" Noah's voice in the world consciousness of the doomsday carries a trace of madness, and patches of black appear out of thin air in the aerial projection. As the blockbuster group photos appeared and expanded rapidly, the gray spots were dyed black, and the entire giant world was plunged into darkness.

Doomsday World Consciousness Noah looked at the still calm face of the Frost Giant King Eric, and looked at the mocking smile of the Thunder Giant King Baldrick, with a cruel sneer on his face: "The giants will pay a lot for their arrogance. The price is the same as you were thousands of years ago!"

As if thinking of something, a big arc appeared at the corner of Noah’s mouth in the doomsday world consciousness: "I have been entangled with the consciousness of this body for thousands of years, and his memory has been blocked a lot, and I have been in control for a short time, but I also got it. Some fragments, among them are some very interesting things, such as the suppressed things under this palace, and the passage in the secret realm of the earth giant, the thunder giant, and the frost giant. I don't know where that place leads to?"

"But one thing I am sure is that the Flame Giant King is very afraid of me knowing that place, and you are also afraid of which place I know, even at the earliest opportunity to freeze the entire hall. It is not this body that you want to freeze. It’s not that I’m afraid of running away, but that I don’t want me to know that passage and contact that place, right?"

"It is difficult to break the secret space of the giant earth giant before taking control of the entire giant world. The secret space of the thunder giant is unknown, and the channel suppressed by the flame giant is suppressed by you personally. So what about the channel suppressed by the secret space of the frost giant?" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah looked at the Frost Giant King coldly, the wild smile on his face getting bigger and bigger.

"The Thunder Giant King drove the flying battleship to visit the Storm Giant, the Tide Giant, the Giant Treeman, and the Bimon Giant. He broke so many toys along the way. He didn't conceal his whereabouts and exposed too much information. The destination is the Secret Realm Space of the Frost Giant!"

"There is no secret realm there now, so is that passage still there?" As soon as Noah's voice of Doomsday World Consciousness fell, the dense black figure in the projection exploded fiercely near the Secret Realm space of the Frost Giant, and the sound of strong explosions was endless. , A huge guardian barrier appeared out of thin air.

"You really have hidden something, but this thing will soon belong to me!" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah burst out laughing, but after the light, he found the surprised look on the faces of Thunder Giant King Baldrick and Frost Giant King Eric. They seem to know nothing about this guardian barrier.

The two giant kings looked at each other, with a hint of surprise and anxiety on their faces at the same time.

has a problem!

The world consciousness of the doomsday, Noah's heart moved, countless black figures appeared around the barrier out of thin air, and the dense attacks smashed through. The white barrier was particularly dazzling in the black world, and it was also particularly dazzling, which made him feel very uncomfortable. As the supply progressed violently, the barrier gradually became thinner, and the situation inside caught everyone's eyes.

Above a large space passage, Lilith, with long golden hair dancing in the wind, is holding a white staff, wearing a god-level five-color armor and a beautiful crystal crown. The shadows of two big trees on the left and right are looming. .

"Have you found it? But, just find out now, won't it feel too late?" Lilith had a bright smile on her face, and a finger of the staff in her hand made a pleasant voice: "The night is coming, and the sky should be there. Fanxing!"

With her chanting, a small and exquisite pagoda phantom appeared quietly above her head, and bright stars flew out of the pagoda and followed the light shot from Lilith’s wand straight into the sky, and the endless shady scene was abruptly broken, "Bang!" With a loud noise, the bright beam of light exploded in the sky, turning into starlight hanging around the entire sky.

The stern starlight wandered the sky, leaving behind a photoelectric, and countless photoelectricity formed a star map, a star map that made the eyes of the Thunder Giant King Baldrick and the Frost Giant King Eric's tears blurred.

The two giant kings looked at each other, and at the same time saw a trace of nostalgia in each other's eyes. This is the starry sky of hometown!

Noah let out a muffled hum from the world consciousness of the doomsday, and an abnormal blush flashed across his face, "The world of the doomsday does not need the shining of stars!"

With his voice, endless black spread quickly, trying to cover up the starlight in the sky, but Lilith held the wand high in her hand, and the continuous light provided energy to the starry sky so that they would not be covered by darkness.

The world consciousness of the doomsday Noah was furious, and immediately launched a violent impact on Lilith’s defensive enchantment, unable to follow the explosion of a series of Tier 4 and Tier 5 monsters, the defensive enchantment was finally overwhelmed, groaning, and finally "Boom" collapsed.

The black torrent rushed towards Lilith like a torrential flood.

Lilith sits still in front of the space channel, holding the wand high in her hand, her magical infusion stops, as if indifferent to everything around her, the endless black torrent is the power of Noah, the meaning of the apocalyptic world, and she reaches Lilith in a blink of an eye. Away.

A strange sound of "buzz~" sounded around Lilith, and the tentacles of the branches drilled out of the ground, surrounded Lilith in a blink of an eye, and quickly spread out.

The colors of emerald green and grayish-brown are intertwined, as if a large number of venomous snakes are overwhelming the sky and occupying a large area, and the black torrent is forcibly blocked by a new strange forest.

No, the "forest" not only blocked the black torrents, but even swallowed them and absorbed them, turning them into their own power, making the "forest" more powerful and magnificent.

Thunder Giant King Baldrick and Frost Giant King Eric looked at each other, and at the same time exclaimed: "Tree of life, tree of death?!"

Doomsday World Consciousness Noah's eyes shrank suddenly, and his eyes shot greedy rays of light: "They are two more tonics that are of great help to me, quack, quack, so fun! These two little saplings belong to me!"

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick and the Frost Giant King Eli at the same time cast their silly eyes on what the tree of life and the tree of death are. No one here knows better than them. After all, the giants broke the creation of the world. They also participate in the temple. A single tree of life and a tree of death are not but the cooperation of the two trees can definitely leapfrog the challenge.

They can feel that these two trees are both new and their strength is only Tier 5, but even so, the two trees are entangled and cooperate with each other, and it is not the average Tier 6 master that can win. The most important thing is life and death. Under entanglement, the ability to swallow, absorb and transform the enemy's power is too cheating.

Fighting for consumption, even if the doomsday world consciousness is based on the entire giant world, unless they use absolute power to launch a thunder blow to defeat them, he will undoubtedly lose in a protracted battle.

I have to say that because of the retreat of the giants, the doomsday world consciousness boiled frogs in warm water to get more than half of the giant world, and gradually suppressed the flame giant king Noah, it is really a bit floating, thinking that it is invincible in the world, but not Knowing that his own background can't be compared with the giants.

Compared with the small world consciousness, the giants, the former medium-sized world tyrants, are much stronger, but their luck is not very good.

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