The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1418: The bright counterattack has begun!

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"It is the starlight that guides the direction in the dark night, but it is the moon, the moonlight, and the light that illuminates the night!" Lilith stabilized the starlight and temporarily forced back the first wave of dark attacks in the giant world. Instead, she did not adopt a defensive posture. Converted witchcraft, with the help of the divine power of the goddess of night in the seven-story holy tower, creating a full moon.

The holy moonlight hung in the sky, the bright moonlight pierced the darkness and fell on the ground. The entire giant world was shrouded in the moonlight. The dark shadows in the darkness let out a scream, and their strength was abruptly weakened by one or two. ingredient.

The power of filth and darkness was greatly weakened, but the moonlight was too soft to cause fatal damage to them, but to a certain extent, it severely suppressed the expansion of the doomsday world consciousness and directly began a comprehensive cleansing and purification.

"The night should be quiet, and everything rests!" Lilith chanted softly, and the inexplicable halo in the seven-story holy tower appeared quietly, spreading around Lilith in an instant, like an invisible shock wave sweeping away.

Not one meter, not one meter, not one mile, but directly sweeping the world.

Where the invisible shock wave passed, all non-ranked monsters turned into nothingness and no longer existed, and all monsters of less than second-ranked strength fell to the ground without snoring. In the snoring sound, the body became thinner, with strands of black smoke. Qi rose from his body, and countless faint black smoke gathered into a black cloud overwhelming the sky.

"The stars are shining!"

"The moonlight should be bright!"

Lilith's two magic arts were displayed at the same time, the dazzling starlight with a trace of coldness turned into a meteor shower, and the sky was smashed down, the black cloud was beaten in time, and the bright moonlight was even more ubiquitous. The dark clouds caused by the moonlight disappeared quietly.

The first-order monster was shrouded in moonlight in his sleep, and disappeared quickly, disappearing with a peaceful and peaceful smile on his face, the second-order monster was staggered as if drunk, and the moonlight fell on his body and made a "Zizlara" sound. , Wailing hiding around looking for a place to hide from the moonlight.

The aura of Noah in the world consciousness of the doomsday has declined a little bit. He can create black monsters, can make them immortal, but it is not without cost, nor without limits. He also has his own limits. The more powerful the monster, the more. Difficult to manufacture and control, the human sea tactics are precisely what he is best at, and quantity is his advantage.

And Lilith’s method, Chacha restrained his crowd tactics, directly weakened his strength by ten or two percent, lowered his threat by one level, a large number of cannon fodder was cleaned and purified, and even the dark destruction home he created was destroyed. The other party broke, and the giant world of the doomsday image was turned a little bit by her.

This is absolutely unacceptable to the world consciousness of the doomsday. A black monster appeared directly around Lilith by airdrop, "booming~" facing the tree of life and the tree of death with a violent bombardment over the area where Lilith was located. A huge black cloud quickly condensed, trying to envelop the entire area, but was unable to break the beam of light emitted by Lilith for a long time, and could not even get close.

The world consciousness of the doomsday, Noah can stand in a stalemate with the giants for a thousand years, and even eroded the giant world by more than 90% during this millennium, causing the flame giant to suffer heavy losses. He is definitely not an ordinary person. He is constantly trying and punching out. Attack Lilith's guarding the tree of life and the tree of death while looking for a solution to the starlight and moonlight.

Pure darkness cannot restrain pure light. Bright stars and bright moonlight cannot be shrouded in darkness. Doomsday World Consciousness Noah quickly discovered Lilith’s cleverness. Light restrains darkness, but starlight and moonlight. Not directly breaking the darkness, but quietly blending into the darkness and changing the darkness.

Moreover, it is not the starlight and moonlight that really caused the death and injury to one's own men, but the traces of peculiar power hidden in the starlight and moonlight. These traces of other powers are hidden in the starlight and moonlight, and there is no way to prevent them from coming and going. That is: don't let the stars and moonlight approach.

A cloud of black clouds swept across the sky and dust enveloped the entire world, the light of the stars and moon gradually dimmed, and the world consciousness of the doomsday, with more than 90% of the giant world as the source of power, gradually gained the upper hand and began to weaken Lily a little bit. Silk exerts an influence on the giant world, and constantly squeezes her living space.

Time passed by, but Noah was not in a hurry. He was able to boil frogs in warm water and spent thousands of years in the giant world. He naturally didn't care about the short-term gains and losses. At the same time, he was constantly exploring and searching. The passage in the mysterious space of the Thunder Giant hidden in the incomplete memory.

He is very sure that this channel is very, very important. The Flame Giant King Noah has stood in a stalemate with himself for this channel for thousands of years. The Frost Giant King will freeze it and suppress it as soon as they meet. The space channel that the two giant kings care about is absolutely hidden. With a huge secret, this secret is very important to yourself!

At the same time, he is also quietly strengthening the penetration of the tree of life and the tree of death defense line, strands of powerful and concealed black light shuttles back and forth between the defense lines of the two big trees, slowly sneaking towards Lilith.

However, his goal is not Lilith, but the passage next to her. He has a strong hunch. If he can control the passage and get the secret behind the passage, his strength will usher in a huge improvement, when the flame giant Wang Noah will be completely suppressed and swallowed by himself.

Gradually, the night passed, a faint yellow light appeared quietly in the sky, the starlight gradually became dim, and the moon seemed to be a little imperfect and gradually smaller.

A bright smile appeared on Noah's face in the doomsday world consciousness, "The sun rises and the moon sets in nature, you are proficient in the way of the stars and the moon, so what about the day? This time, I won!"

As soon as Noah's voice in the world consciousness of the doomsday fell, the light from the magic wand in Lilith's hand dissipated, and the starlight in the sky lost its support and became darker and gradually disappeared. The moon seemed to have been eaten by a tengu, and his body was also hidden.

The time for the dark to counterattack has arrived. Amid the loud noise of "Boom! Boom! Boom!", the tree of life and the tree of death line of defense were shattered steadily, and a black sword light fell from the sky and pierced the line of defense fiercely, and was finally Lilith. After breaking, a dark light in the black sword light flew out and landed on the space channel like lightning.

The spear in Lilith's hand appeared, and the carbine pierced like lightning when she moved back, and the dark light was pierced and destroyed by her as soon as it entered the space channel.

"The darkness before dawn has passed, and the world will usher in light!" Lilith threw a spear from her and slammed through a ten-foot-high monster that had rushed through the defense line. The wand was raised high to the top. The powerful power of the gem is bred.

"Boom!" A dazzling light burst out with a loud noise. Wherever the light passed, the black monster screamed like Tang Woxue and turned into nothingness. A dim light from the sky showed through, and Lilith held the wand in her hand high, showing vigor. The vigorous morning light flew out, and the place it passed was full of vitality. The black clouds in the sky were pierced and blown away, and the monsters on the ground exposed to broad daylight screamed screamingly.

The monsters below Tier 3 were unable to resist the sudden morning light, screamed and fell to the ground, and eventually turned into a pile of dust that drifted away with the wind. Monsters above Tier 3 screamed and fled around, and even had to hide indoors or In the shadows underground.

The monsters besieging Lilith received the strongest attack for the first time. Lilith held a wand in one hand and a sword in the other. Divine rays of light spurted out: "Sword of Dawn!"

The counterattack belonging to the light has begun!

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