The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1426: Soul Gold Coin

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"I want to know, are you a creature in this world?" The red-haired man weakly separated a soul clone and asked a seemingly insignificant question.

Segores laughed and played with the huge soul source in his hand, and shook his head with a happy arc at the corner of his mouth and said: "There is no comment on personal privacy, but you can guess for yourself."

The red-haired man couldn’t help but get a black line. I guess your uncle, you girl is not a little girl at all, but a demon demon in the skin of a beautiful woman. He split out fifty or sixty soul clones back and forth. It became her trophy, and so far, a qualified soul gold coin has failed to condense successfully.

Without soul gold coins, you can't board her Styx ferry, and if you can't board the ship, you will definitely be melted by this so-called Styx. Although you are world-conscious, you are only a higher-level soul, the soul of the world!

And the all-inclusive Styx has the strongest power to wash the soul. He has clearly felt that the soul is being melted little by little, and the decline of power makes him have to play this kind of quiz game with the little girl in front of him. .

He was looking for, looking for the weakness and flaws of the little girl opposite, looking for a chance to escape.

Asking the so-called "personal privacy" will be rejected. This is clearly mentioned in the contract. After all, everyone has a secret, and no one likes to be thoroughly studied. There is a clause in the contract that seems very reasonable. I feel that there is a problem with this place, but whenever I want to make a calculation, I feel creepy.

The strength of the little **** the opposite side is only the fourth-order pinnacle. This is definitely not wrong, but why can he give himself such a weird feeling? It seemed that what she was facing was not a Tier 4 little girl, but a demon demon who was wearing a beautiful woman's skin and unable to resist.

"Under the contract, can you lie to me?" The red-haired man suddenly asked a question.

Segores showed a big smile on his face and gave him a thumbs up: "This question is a good question. I thought you could wake up earlier. My answer is no! All the answers I gave you. , Are the answers I know, they can be incomplete, but they can’t be false, otherwise I myself will be sanctioned by the contract."

Sure enough, the red-haired man's face remained unmoving, and his heart turned for thousands of years, but then a heart-piercing pain made him lose the ability to think, and another soul clone shattered into a group of souls in the opponent's hands. origin.

"Go on, your soul is really delicious, you can't stop it." Segorith's smile was extraordinarily sweet, but this sweet smile made the red-haired man creepy.

"Have you never wanted to let me leave here?" The red-haired man separated a soul clone and asked a question with the help of his mouth.

Segorith nodded gently and said, "Your soul is very, very delicious. You fell into the Styx when you first arrived. This kind of prey that fell into the net by yourself will not be easily missed by any creature in the underworld, but the water of the Styx River creatures also have great restraint effects, and no one wants to fish for food in the Styx."

"No effort, no gain. Since you want to harvest, you have to pay. When the prey is too big, it is not a good way to divide the hunt. The contract is broken, the water of the river is washed, and the quality of the divided soul is high but the quantity is limited. , Harvesting your soul bit by bit, can you feel this joy?" Segorith's face showed an intoxicated smile, making the red-haired man a black line.

I am pleased with your uncle. It is not your soul that divides. Why don't you try it yourself?

The red-haired man can basically confirm, or from the beginning, he is very sure that the other party regards herself as prey, and everything she does is within the scope of the rules, cutting as much meat from herself as possible.

After getting this answer, the red-haired man was not disappointed, but he was relieved, not afraid that you have nothing to do with me, but afraid that you have no desires and desires, that oneself will really cry.

"I want to know what are the shortcomings when I gather the soul gold coins, which has caused me to fail repeatedly." The question of the red-haired man silenced Segorith.

"According to the contract, you need to answer my questions, especially if you know the answer, I think you are not willing to violate the contract." The red-haired man has a slight smile on his face, but this smile The meaning is a bit far-fetched.

Segores took a deep look at him, and said with a little helplessness: "It is really difficult for a soul gold coin to condense through itself, unless the strength is strong, the soul power is sufficient, and it can endure huge amounts. Pain, there are two reasons why you fail. The first is that it takes a lot of soul power to condense the soul gold. If you subconsciously refuse to do this, the soul power is insufficient and the soul gold cannot be condensed."

"The second point is that condensing soul gold coins is originally a delicate work, which requires a lot of energy, but when you use your own soul power to condense soul gold coins, your soul is constantly divided, resulting in continuous spiritual power. At the same time as the decline, it is also distracted by pain. It's a strange thing to be able to gather soul gold coins."

"Your strength is really strong, so many failures have brought you a lot of damage, but even so, the quality of your soul copper coins and soul silver coins is constantly improving. So far, there is no sign of deterioration in quality. very scary!"

"You are a terrible person, cruel to yourself, if I can, I don't want to be an enemy of you." Segores said in a deep voice, "As long as an undead like you gives you a ray of life, your future will be irrelevant. Limited, especially in the underworld."

"To be honest, I am very conflicted in my heart now. I don't want to offend you. I am afraid that you will retaliate against me in the future. I am not willing to bear your soul power. So I will act in accordance with the contract. If you succeed, I will take you out of here, but , I need you to make a soul oath, not to persecute me directly and indirectly in the future, can you do it?"

Segorith fixed his eyes on the red-haired man, who had a look of excitement on his face, "What if I refuse?"

"I will try my best to make the answers I give you simpler and more obscure, and I don't even rule out the use of language and terminology that you don't understand to describe professionally." Segores charges no mercy, a red-haired man The question just now was only subconscious, but Segorith still shattered one of his soul clones and harvested a group of high-quality soul power.

The corners of the red-haired man’s mouth twitched frantically, and a black line on his forehead almost turned into a black waterfall. This woman who is desperate for money has lost the trace of goodwill she just gave birth to, completely gone!

Paying one after another soul clone, the red-haired man forcibly endured the exhaustion and pain from the soul, tried again and again, and continuously refined and processed the failed products in his hand, and finally returned to the original source.

A faint golden light bloomed in his hand, the red-haired man's face was blistering, his eyes were blood red, and the powerful soul power poured into his palm without money: "Soul gold coins, condense me!"

A bright light rushed straight into the sky, and a thumb-sized pale gold gem quietly appeared, suspended in the hands of the red-haired man, and Segores’s face was shocked: "You, did you really succeed?!"

Immediately, Segores changed a flattering face: "Dear guest, can I do anything for you? According to the contract, only one soul gold coin is needed for a problem."

The red-haired man almost fell headlong into the Styx. He spent countless costs. The soul clone was destroyed hundreds of times to condense such a soul gold coin. Why?

Just want to ask you a question?

"Take me out of this ghost place!" The red-haired man looked at the gem in his palm, his expression changed three or five times in a row, and then he reluctantly said: "Don't tell me you don't know this thing?"

"Knowing, acquainting, the question is answered, please pay the guest..." Before Segores finished speaking, a soul clone of the red-haired man was shattered, turning into a small group of soul power and falling into the hands of Segores , Something that should have been very happy, but seeing that gem, Segorith was not happy at all.

"Take me out of here, this thing is yours."

"Pay the money first, then board the ship, and sign the contract." Segores threw out a contract casually: "This Styx branch is the only one who is the Styx ferryman. I refuse to take the bargain, or I can wait. , When your soul is completely eroded and dissolved by the water of the Styx, I will come again..."

The red-haired man didn’t want to sign the contract directly, and then threw the gem in his hand. Segores smiled and held the gem in her palm, wrapped it with the essence of the red-haired man’s soul he had collected, and carefully put it in the bag. This took him to the Styx ferry.

"The front leads to the Jedi, where the poison is full of death and no one is inhabited. After leaving the Jedi, you can go to other places and you can encounter many undead monsters. Where do the guests want to go?"


"Then sit down and send you out immediately."

"No, I want to live, so send me into the so-called Jedi."

"Well, don't you think about it anymore? That's the real Jedi, at least it's not something that Tier 6 can step The red-haired man gave Segores a sideways look. "The so-called Jedi is not because Does Styx exist and become a Jedi? As long as I can cross the Styx, is the Jedi still the Jedi? Moreover, can I really survive the outside world after consuming much of his soul power? Since the outside world is not safe, why can't I recuperate for a while in the so-called Jedi. "

"At least, after I recover, I can continue to gather soul gold coins. Presumably you won't refuse such a ferry business, right?"

Segorith grinned and rubbed her fingers and said: "As long as there are soul gold coins, the little girl is on call! Is it really not considered? Jedi is very dangerous."

"I'm determined, let's sail."

Segorith curled his mouth and waved his hand. The Styx ferry shook suddenly and slowly approached the Jedi. On the opposite bank of a half-withered tree, a beautiful blonde girl was sitting quietly on a branch, holding it in her hand. With the skull of an unknown monster.

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