The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1427: Visit the giants of the earth

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"I thought you would come earlier. You are more patient than I thought." As the patriarch of the Earth Giant clan, Magnolia Earl showed her sincerity in person, but Seeing a word from Little Ville, it made the Thunder Giant King Baldrick, the Frost Giant King Eric, and the Flame Giant King Noah look weird.

"If I came here early, how would you receive me?" Ville smiled and looked at the beautiful patriarch of the fifth-order earth giant, who was seven-point similar to the guardian of the different space in Pisces, with a smile on his face. After all, this He was a giant patriarch who had already taken refuge in the gods and walked on the "right" path, and was also one of the few female giant patriarchs.

"I will drive you out without hesitation." Magnolia Earle tore a sentence and did not forget to add another sentence: "Even now, if you don't meet my requirements, I will Will expel you mercilessly."

Ville was stunned for a moment, looked at Lilith, Caroline, and then shrugged and said: "Whatever, after all, I am asking you, but I hope your request is not too difficult, otherwise I may give up, after all... ."

After all, this so-called demanding request is not so indispensable. In addition to this, oneself can actually get the help of other giants of the earth to complete the baptism through the goddess of the earth.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't complete the baptism of the giants of the earth. Little Vil's current strength is no longer fully improved by the baptism of one or two giants. What he needs is something deeper and higher.

Magnolia Earl didn’t understand Little Vail, but she knew that what she had in her hands helped him a lot. As long as she mastered this, it was enough. She voluntarily led half of the giants of the earth to the exile. It's not that nothing has been considered.

Half of the giants of the earth took refuge in the gods, but it didn't mean that they were really willing, and it didn't mean that they didn't have their own back-hands and careful thoughts.

Almost all giants have their own means. The flame giants try to find a new way with the ability to break space. They know that after the world barrier is destroyed, the door to the outside world has been opened, but their luck does not seem to be very good. , The first time it opened was the passage to **** and the underworld. These two worlds were not what they can play now. The second time they opened the passage to an apocalyptic world. After successfully conquering the world, However, he was almost repelled by the opponent's world consciousness.

The Thunder Giant hooked up with the Death God and tried to use the Kingdom of Death to escape from birth, but in the end they proved that they thought too much. From the beginning, this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy to calculate them. The Thunder Giant saw a passage, a trace. Hope, but it was almost annihilated in the end.

The Frost Giants use powerful ice-sealing capabilities. Their idea has been bizarre from the beginning. They divide the world and get rid of the seal, then use the ice-sealing ability to strengthen the space barrier of the entire different space (the giant world), and then use the power of the tidal giants. Drifting in space, finally get rid of the seal and return to freedom comfortably.

As for the thoughts of the Giants of the Earth, Little Ville currently has no way of knowing, but one thing is certain is that they seem to be very confident.

Is it just because you have taken refuge in the gods, thinking that the gods will not shed their grit and kill the donkey?

This is absolutely impossible. The giants are not so naive. Even the Thunder giants who were miserably pitted by the death gods have left behind the blood and the blood **** kingdom in the outside world.

What's more, the giants of the earth have always been very stable, which is more than the giants of fire, giants of thunder, and giants of frost.

The attitude of the three giant kings towards the giants of the earth is a bit subtle, not good, but definitely not bad. It always feels a bit complicated, and there is some respect in the complexity, which makes Little Weier feel very strange.

Magnolia Earle made her first request, “Save the giants. This task is not difficult for you who entered the Exile through the Zodiac. It can even be said that you have done a great job. Good. The Thunder Giant, Storm Giant, Tide Giant, Beamon Giant, Frost Giant, the flame giants that have caused the earth-shaking giants in the giant world have been saved by you recently, and we are the giants of the earth."

Speaking of this, Magnolia Earle tore a moment, nodded slightly and said: "So after saving our giants of the earth, my first request is fulfilled. It is not difficult for you to speak."

Little Weir nodded and said: "It is true, and I originally wanted to do this. When I was in the twelfth house, the first level was that I couldn't force it through anyway, even now I am self-defeating. I don’t have this strength, unless I join forces with Lilith and Fansti. But it is the different space of the twelfth house of Pisces that really brings me the crisis of death. If it were not for the gatekeeper to rescue me in time, I would have a high probability. It’s going to fall there."

"The name of the gatekeeper in Pisces Palace's different space is: Willoughby Earle!"

Magnolia Earle, the patriarch of the Earth Giant, narrowed her eyes slightly, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of her mouth: "I can impress you so deeply, it seems that little girl is doing well now."

Little Weir nodded and said: "Velobi Earl is a powerful Tier 5 earth giant. I was not an opponent at all when I had only four peak strengths. If I don't play my hole cards, I have almost no chance of winning. That would really be endless. But in the end she chose to make a deal with me."

"As the mother of that child, may I know the content of the transaction?" Magnoria Earle, the chief of the giants of the earth, still values ​​the news of her daughter very seriously, even at the expense of the three giant kings and several giant chiefs. Throw it aside and ignore it.

"She asked for the same treatment as the frost giant Salomi, because in her mind, the smartest person in the zodiac is Salomi. She thinks she can't be smarter than Salomi, so she chose to be like a smart person. Treatment."

"Oh, it is worthy of my daughter. She uses her strength to be invincible, and then uses the wisdom of smart people to get more benefits." Magnolia Earle was very satisfied with this choice and asked casually. One sentence: "I don't know what benefit that clever Frost Giantess wants?"

Little Ville took a deep look at her, and then said quietly: "She, want me to take care of the Frost Giants and help them as much as possible if I can. Then, she asked for the identity of a flat wife."

Magnolia Earle tears:...

Forget it, after you go out, have a good chat with your daughter. Although this kid looks like a giant of the earth in front of him, you are still essentially a human race, a human race with multiple After a request is completed, I will give you a chance, a chance to baptize the giant of the earth. "Magnolia Earle said very directly: "The highest level of baptism opportunity created by the existing conditions of the giant of the earth." "

"Deal!" Will naturally not miss such a good opportunity. After all, it is a pity that this free good opportunity was missed. He also saw that this is just a deal, a "deal for the patriarch of the giant earth to save face." ".

The giant of the earth is not arrogant, she is also afraid that if she goes too far, she will make this little guy irritable regardless of abandoning the giant of the giant, although the giant of the giant has branches in the outside world, but Magnolia Earl does not want Continue to stay here and become the abandoned person.

Other giants paid the price of baptism in exchange for freedom, why can't they? After getting the promise and salvation, wouldn't it be better for you to bargain with the good things in your hand? The first step is just bait.

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