The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1432: Giant: We love the world more than anyone else

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The place of exile ushered in chaos. Everyone in the sanctuary of the blood race looked at the huge thunder giant standing proudly in the air, all kneeling and shaking on the ground, and the blood race demigod ancestor kept kowtow and dare not stop.

The flame goblin resident ushered in Noah, the king of flame giants, and the powerful force threw all the flame goblins out, leaving only one sentence: "I, Noah, the king of flame giants, order you and others to dispatch as much as possible to capture and destroy as much as possible. The beast will be sent to the dream of immortality in three days."

Then an army of ice and snow goblins and forest goblins suddenly appeared, driving the flying battleship to and from various moving cities. A third- and fourth-tier powerhouse rushed and ordered and prohibited them, but some refused to accept violent suppression.

One after their order, they will try their best to capture the Destroy Beast and send it to the predetermined location.

A Tier 5 giant acted as a coolie, and a huge magic circle with a radius of one hundred li quickly took shape in three days. The Thunder Giant King Baldrick took Little Ville to the hillside of a small mountain, where a huge sealed magic circle is still present. It's still running, but the light on it is getting weaker and weaker.

"Has it been so long?" The Thunder Giant King Baldrick looked at the magic circle with a slightly sad expression on his face, "Child, do you know the meaning of this magic circle?"

Ville’s eyes of identification were fully opened, but he almost blinded his krypton gold dog’s eyes. The golden-red bright light flickered, behind a deep and deep black, an inexplicable breath continued to come, unknowingly the ground seemed to be lurking under his feet. The ferocious monster is full of **** devilish energy.

"If the seal of the Zodiac can't be opened, and if the giant world drifting plan fails, your original plan was to attract the devil of **** to transform the place of exile, right?" The expression on Xiao Weier's face was unusually rich, doing so. The idea of ​​death, isn’t it true?

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick nodded with a cold face, but he nodded his head very firmly and said: "We were sent to the exile to be punished. Our giants stand up to the top and dare to act. If we make a mistake, we will recognize it, even if everything comes back. We will still choose this path. But..."

"But if we want to bend the waist of our giants and let us fall from the sky to become mortals, this is absolutely impossible! The twelve strongest can extract the ordinary magic power and let the exile into the era of the end in advance, then we Why can't the **** demon energy be introduced here when the heaven and earth demon energy is scarce, and this place can be transformed into a new world full of **** demon energy?"

"Power is innocent, and power is not good or bad. What is good or bad is only those who use it, my child, you have to remember that no matter what kind of power you use, righteousness means righteousness and evil means evil. Those so-called gods Not everyone is a good person, and it can even be said that they are the world's biggest assholes!"

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick seems to have no cold with the gods. He looked at the sealed space passage from a long distance: "The power of the world is limited, and the power of the world is also limited. The gods are thieves who steal the power of the world. Leaving the authority of the world, arbitrarily expanding one's strength, invisibly weakened the power of the world."

"The reason why our giants are hostile to the gods is very simple. Our giants are the darlings of the world. We shoulder the responsibility of guarding the world. The existence of the gods will only make the world weaker and weaker. Since our giants are the overlords of the world, the world It is our home. We naturally hope that our home is as strong as possible, and safer, the better, so we will spare no effort to kill the gods and want to return the power to the world."

"Boy, what is the look in your eyes? Don’t think that these godheads in our hands are world authority. This is just a symbol of world authority. As long as no one is in charge, the world authority will always be in the hands of the world. It can even be said that our godhead needs to do something after war. The first thing is to destroy the kingdom of God, let the space return to the heaven and the earth, and let the law return to the heaven and the earth. The godhead in our hands only has the law, but does not have much authority."

Little Ville couldn't help but fell into contemplation. Ville knew about the power of the gods in the world, but he had never carefully considered whether it was good or bad.

"The world consciousness is chaotic, and these powers cannot be used well. If the gods control the powers and use this to perfect the world and derive more laws, they can actually grow the world." As a Snowwood World The master of, the understanding of the world is still higher than that of the Thunder Giant King Baldrick.

Thunder Giant King Baldrick snorted and said: "Unfortunately, such a great **** is almost not crude. They value their own strength and so-called beliefs. In order to believe in them, they can do many things that hurt the world, such as swallowing others. There will be conflicts between the gods and the gods, and the result of this is the conflict and weakening of the laws of the world."

"Another example is the battle of beliefs between gods. The power of belief has many disadvantages, and it is easy to cause confusion of the gods' consciousness, and thus change from righteous gods to evil gods, making the world consciousness muddy. Moreover, the battle of beliefs will also bring fierceness. Conflict, faith will make people ignorant. Giants have power and wisdom. We hope that the whole world is smart, not ignorant and stupid."

Little Vil froze for a moment, "So the dirty and ignorant goblin clan was taught by you to become lunatics and butchers. After you left, they became the goblin empire and almost pushed the world into the abyss."

"The human race has also received the teachings of the giants, and they have part of the heritage of the giants. They are now the new world hegemon." The Thunder Giant King Baldrick directly pushed back his words.

"Fine, don't talk to him about these entangled things, let me ask you, do you know what we did for invading hell?" Thunder giant Baldrick stared at Little Vail closely, and the latter frowned. Can not help but wrinkle.

Countless thoughts bred in my mind. After a long time, Xiao Weier's eyes lit up and he slowly uttered two words: "Predatory?"

"Papa Papa" Thunder Giant King Baldrick was beaming, hahaha laughed and said: "As expected of my son, not bad, not bad!"

"Did you know that our world protects us very well, but it invisibly limits our development height, and at the same time makes the world lose the potential for growth, the power and resources of the world have become a fixed number, plus the gods Destruction and consumption, in the long run, the Age of Domination will surely come. It was the giants who saw through all of this before choosing to fight out, and for this reason they even broke through the Temple of Creation."

"When we first discovered the world of hell, we actually knew the horror of this world, but for the development of the world, we had to actively invade. In the early stage, we had a full harvest, and even achieved the level of repairing the world. At that time, we We are already ready to retreat, but the intervention of the gods and the dragon made our retreat plan to a halt. This is how the later Lord of Hell will counterattack."

The corners of Ville's mouth twitched twice. If he hadn't known that the pride of the giants was disdain to lie, he would have thought it was a lie, but put yourself in a position and think about it. If Ville was a **** or dragon, he would not give up such a one. Go into **** to improve your chances.

If the giants want to break this road after they have gained a lot, I guess they will not do it.

"Do you know that the **** lord hates most not our giants, but those gods." The Thunder Giant King Baldrick said coldly: "Our giants plunder resources and knowledge. It’s not wrong to be tyrannical, but we don’t They don’t want to conquer the territory of hell, but the gods dream of turning **** into a hotbed for their spread of faith."

"Compared to those gods, our giants care more about the safety and strength of the world. When the twelve strong men threatened the giants, do you know what their slogans are?" Thunder Giant King Baldrick stared closely at Xiao Vail said word by word: "I would rather break the world than expel the sealed giants!"

"The reason why our giants entered the exile is not really afraid of them, but not wanting the world to be broken. The world was already quite fragile at that time. If this degree of war really happened inside, the world would be shattered. , The loss of magic power, and the arrival of the era of the end of the law in advance are possible. For the safety of the world, we only compromised and took the initiative to leave there."

"The twelve strong are insidious and cunning. They use the twelve seals to extract the magic power of the exile, so that the exile enters the Age of Doom in advance, but our giants are not the general generation, and they chose to establish contact with other extraordinary worlds outside. , Extract the magic power from other worlds to support itself. And this magic circle is the best example, but..."

It's just that the **** magic extracted is a bit tasteless for them, and it is not very useful. It is not possible to adapt to the **** magic in a short time. It requires generations of research and adaptation. The place of exile is their experiment. field.

If there is no such thing as doomsday world consciousness, they will not give up the place of exile, and this place will not become like this. With the strength and wisdom of the giants, maybe this place has become a new extraordinary civilization using the magic of hell. place.

Little Weier felt the magic of **** surging underground, and a thought quietly appeared in his heart.

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