The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1433: This pseudo-world, I accepted it

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The super-large magic circle in Baili Fangyuan was initially completed in just three days. Ville triggered the magic of **** underground, and the concentration of magic power in Baili Fangyuan was instantly increased by a hundred or thousand times. If it weren’t for the powerful magic circle, Space ability, and hosted by the three giant kings personally, I'm afraid it will be exploded in the first place.

Five Tier 4 **** demons, including Victor and Moros, each commanded a group of destruction beasts and formed their own forces in a small space of a hundred li. Various resources that they had previously dismissed also competed for, even for a good deed. He did not hesitate to beg for little Vail and Lilith.

They can’t help but bow their heads. Let’s not say that the fifth-tier Ville and Lilith can’t beat them. The sixth-tier Fansti feels terrifying at a glance, and the three sixth-tier giants outside the magic circle almost make them pee. Well, if it hadn't been for Ville's promise to release them back to hell, they wouldn't be so obedient.

Seeing the hordes of Tier 5 giants doing hard work, the faces of the five Tier 4 **** demons were stiff, and they almost began to scold their mothers. Which **** provided the news that the giants had died? Are these all undead?

Moros told them that I swear as a lich, they are all living giants.

Three days later, five small gathering places appeared, and five Tier 4 **** demons became the leaders of the gathering place.

Five days later, the magic of **** began to spread throughout the inner space of the magic circle and completed the initial natural cycle.

Seven days later, with the efforts of the giant tree people, suitable plants took root and sprouted and dyed the barren land a little green.

Ten days later, the transplanted trees got rid of the half-dead state, began to adapt to the washing of hell's devilish energy, and were able to provide some fruit and food.

Fifteen days later, the destruction beasts began to move freely under the devilish atmosphere of hell, and were artificially divided into active areas.

Thirty days later, simple and crude magic towers appeared quietly. With the help of **** magic power, they could exert their strength against Tier 4 **** demons. It was not the **** demons who manipulated the magic towers, but the so-called blood soul warriors in the moving city.

The rules are set by the strong, and there are hundreds of thousands of creatures multiplying on a small site with a radius of a hundred miles, and all creatures have extraordinary powers, but the strengths are different.

Victor, Moros and other **** demons cheered and danced under the spirit of hell. They expressed their kindness to those blood soul warriors who took refuge in them, and signed a contract in front of Ville and others, vowing not to embarrass them. You can even reuse them after returning to hell.

They already know the general plan of Little Weir. Although there are some risks, it is definitely a great opportunity for them to escape from the battlefield and return to **** and return to their hometown. There are risks, but they should not be considered a big win-win thing. Think it's worth the risk.

War is a matter for the big people. They are just small people. The small people make money as long as they live well. The so-called loyalty is not important to the **** demons. They are fourth-order small people who cannot enter the eyes of the **** lord.

On the small hill, Little Will stood on top of the simple seven-story magic tower, wearing a wizard robe and holding a magic wand, taking a deep breath, "It's going!"

"In my name, the world should be a barrier!" A fist-sized ocher shard on Xiaoweier's left hand quietly exudes light, the earth is trembling slightly, the ground is undulating like waves, and there is a huge underground hidden in the ground. The magic of **** flourished, and the magic of **** merged into the khaki power emanating from Little Will, quickly forming a translucent barrier.

The light of the barrier flickered, and after a while, the earth calmed down, and the earthy yellow of the barrier gradually faded. The black magic of **** took the upper hand, and the yellow and black rays of light reflected each other, and finally turned into invisible.

"World barrier, success!" As soon as Xiaowei's voice fell, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to change instantly. The hill below the magic tower trembled slightly, and finally calmed down without much vibration.

Everyone took a deep breath. One of the most difficult nodes has passed. This is a good beginning.

"There must be light in the world, in my name, light!" Little Ville pointed his wand in his hand. Far east, a magic tower shone with light, a ray of morning light quietly appeared, and then a ball of fire slowly flew up mid-air. , Following the command of Ville’s wand to fly in mid-air.

"Dawn and sunrise!"

"Scorching sun at noon!"

"Sunset at dusk!"

Little Will uttered a word every moment, and every time he uttered a word, it would lead the huge fireball in the sky to bounce and circulate, and finally the fireball returned to the west and disappeared.

In the Snowwood World, the Fire Elemental Elf quietly appeared, making a crisp cry, and the momentum of his body slowly increased, and the whole world seemed to become brighter and warmer.

"Born in the sunset and the moon, stars are shining!" Xiaoweier's exit became a constitution, and the stars of light quietly appeared, and a full moon was hanging diagonally in the sky.

"Space becomes, time rotates!"

"The earth carries everything, the sky is high above, lightning and thunder, wind roars, when rain and snow fall to the world!" While Ville was talking, the sky flashed thunder and roared, heavy rain fell from the sky, flowers and trees swayed in the wind and rain, and the earth gradually gathered on the ground. A small stream came out.

"Water is the source of life, and there should be rivers in this world!" Little Ville pointed his magic wand in his hand, the earth cracked, and small rivers appeared. The small rivers converged into a big river, and the big river twisted through things, and finally fell into the ground. The river, the underground river, went all the way from east to west, and finally sprayed out on a high mountain, forming a complete cycle.

"Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, the sun rises and the moon sets, there should be trees in the world, and the fruits are fragrant!" Little Ville pointed to the magic wand in his hand. Stubbornly drilled out, the flowers bloomed and fragrant, and the small fruits quickly formed, and finally turned into mature fruits.

"Reincarnation of life and death, endless life!"

The melons ripen and fall, the seeds fall into the ground, and the vegetation will eventually wither, but the new vegetation will be reborn and thrive in death. In a blink of an eye, a new world full of vitality appears.

"The world should have creatures!" Ville's wand waved, and everyone including Victor and Moros felt the strange power fall on their bodies at the same time, and the warm and familiar feeling filled their whole body. They seemed to hear the world cheering. Tier 4 **** demons as strong as them also felt a slight increase in their strength, and half of those weak blood soul warriors even increased by one level, some of which were small and some were large.

Under the perfusion of this power, the Destroyer Beast has undergone slight changes, or its strength has increased, or its wisdom has been activated, everything seems to be different.

Little Ville took a deep breath and tried to cheer himself up. This kind of experimental creation opportunity is too rare. If the resources consumed were not supported by the giants, he would definitely be reluctant to bear it.

"The reincarnation of life and death, the living belong to the world, and the dead belong to the underworld. This world should be connected to the underworld!" Ville raised his hands high, a door of space appeared quietly, and a winding river on the opposite side surrounded a barren land. , And where is the underworld Jedi that is not the secret realm of the Thunder Giant.

"Water brings life, fire brings civilization, thunder purifies the world, storm brings vitality, and plants bring vitality!" With every word Ville said, a giant king or giant patriarch integrated his own law into In this new pseudo-world, the world barrier has become more stable after the emergence of these laws, and the entire world is rapidly taking shape.

"The world, be self-reliant!" Ville's voice sounded like thunder, and the sky and the earth shook. For a time, lightning flashed, and the wind roared. The earth shook violently under the wind and rain. .

"World barrier, UU reading!"

"World coordinates, move!"

"World, success!"

With the loud noise of "Boom!", the whole world fell into silence, time seemed to have stopped, the sound was no longer, everything was still, only Little Ville stood there quietly, with inexplicable power pouring out. .

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" Suddenly there was applause, a figure quietly appeared in front of the passage of hell, and a lazy voice came over: "Little guy, you are very capable. You dare to create the world with only fifth-order strength, you The courage is big enough! However, it is also enough to die! The entire pseudo-world, this seat accepts it!"

Little Ville was shocked. As the creator of the world, he actually didn't know how or when this person appeared, as if he had always been here and never seemed to be there.

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