The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1442: The frog and the man who cooks the frog

"Have you ever heard of frogs in warm water?" Ville asked back. Susan, Vivian and others were taken aback, a little unclear.

Lilith said in an interface: "This is an allusion and a very interesting experiment. A wizard threw a frog into an iron pan filled with boiling water. This sensitive frog was at the critical moment of life and death. I tried my best to jump out of the boiling hot water that was bound to kill it, and jumped to the ground to escape safely."

"Isn't this taken for granted?" Vivian whispered: "We reached out to the flames, and the first reaction was to shrink our hands."

Susan curled her lips and said, "Ordinary flames are not effective for me. At most, I feel a little warm. I can even wash my hands with ordinary flames."

"Shut up monsters with well-developed limbs and simple minds. We are having a rigorous wizard discussion." Vivian annoyed Susan with a word, and reached out to scratch her itchy flesh.

"A monster who can't feel cold even if I freeze myself into an ice cube, is it qualified to talk to others?"

The ooze monster Zac couldn't help sighing as he looked at them: "Oh, as an ordinary person, it's easy for me to mix in among your monsters?"

Susan, Vivienne, City Lord Corleone, and the Templar Knights of Wall stared at him at the same time, and said angrily: "A monster who has been stabbed with a hundred transparent holes and will never die is not qualified to say that others are monsters!"

Ville and Lilith couldn't help but laugh. Their relationship has changed for the better through the "cohabitation" (imprisoned) life during this period of time. This is a good thing.

Guai Liluo looked at them with her cute little head tilted. She didn't know what she was laughing at. She wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. Caroline (Fansti) habitually took out a book and looked down and read it, but she couldn't read it. Take a look at them and continue to be her own little transparency. Well, the sixth-order she also has the attribute of small transparency. I have to say that this is the biggest monster.

After the cerebellum, Lilith continued to tell the story that her devil teacher told herself, “Then the wizard wise man did another experiment. He filled the iron pot with cold water and threw the same frog in. The frog swam back and forth in the water from time to time, nothing unusual. At this time, the wizard quietly lit a fire under the iron pan."

"The flame is very small, and the water temperature in the thick iron pot slowly rises. The rate of increase is very slow and slow. The cold water gradually turns into warm water, and the frog is still enjoying the warmth in the lukewarm water. When it starts to realize that it is in the pot The water temperature has made it unbearable, and it must be struggling to jump out to survive, it is too late. It wants to try to be exhausted, its whole body is paralyzed, lying in the water dumbfounded, and eventually buried in the iron pot."

Susan, Vivienne, Corleone City Lord, Temple Knight of Wall, and Ooze Monster Zach changed their expressions at the same time, all of them fell into contemplation. Is it possible for something like this to happen?

The possibility is very great. People are inert and inertial. Once you get used to a certain environment, if little by little changes occur that are very insignificant, it may be really difficult to detect if it is a small change that accumulates over time. , And once this change exceeds the warning line, it may be too late to resist.

For one, the habit may have been formed.

The two are hard to return, and they can no longer resist the accumulated changes.

City Lord Corleone nodded and said, "That's how the change of the Baron of Declan, Mabstershire came about, right?"

"The Vale brothers took advantage of the temple of interest trends. Under the cover of other temples, the Ares Boxing Gym appeared. At the beginning, there were only two or three cat clan warriors and high-level warriors. They were not conspicuous in the Declan Baron, and their strength was not the strongest. , The impact is not the greatest, and the threat is minimal. Then, a little bit of expansion of their influence, while also increasing the number and influence of the orcs."

"Strictly speaking, Frina’s threat is actually not a small one. She is a natural sacrifice. At first, she was only a high-level warrior. Fortunately, we are not particularly guarded, but gradually her strength has entered the stage, and even improved. At the second level, the influence of the Ares Boxing Gym became more and more powerful, and more and more orc fighters appeared, but the people of Declan Baronies gradually got used to their existence, and there was no more defense and rejection. "

"Know that the Continent of the Gods is not the Wizard Islands. The biggest conflict on the Continent of the Gods is the battle between the human race and the orc race. But in the Baron of Declan, the orc warriors will not be hostile. This is quite terrifying! "

"If one day, the orcs led by Baron Declan suddenly make chaos, the damage they cause is absolutely beyond imagination." City Lord Corleone couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

But in exchange for the two high raised middle fingers of the Knights of Wall, "If you can't even manage your wife, you can let another man take care of it for you."

Frina, the wife of the Corleone City Lord, is the priest of the Temple of the God of War of the Baron Declan, and the leader of all the orcs in the domain. She also shoulders the responsibility of communicating with the orc empire. This identity has brought a lot to the Corleone family. Great benefits and convenience.

City Lord Corleone rolled his eyes, "It's better than someone's wife who actually cares about a little cat warrior more than he cares about himself."

The wife, Catwoman, of the Knights of the Wall, the caring for the female warrior Nicole of the cat race was better than that of the Knights of the Wall. If it weren’t for the Knights of the Wall, they used a lot of small tricks and used their 18 martial arts to add With the help of friends around me, it is really not easy to win Catwoman.

After all, the two of them are really not right at home. The way for the Temple Knights of Wall to impress the family is to cheat and deceive them.

Ooze monster Zach scratched his chin and said: "What my absolute leader wants to talk about should be the situation on the battlefield of the abyss. We have become accustomed to the current situation and intensity of confrontation. If one day, the army of **** demons suddenly invades, Can our long-standing so-called expedition team really block the army of **** demons?"

"The three-way army of **** and demons that were going to invade the cemetery of the gods, if it weren't for our chance to encounter them, and solve them one by one, you think the three-way army attacked the cemetery of the gods at the same time. Demons, three Tier 5 **** demons, dozens of Tier 4 **** demons, plus hundreds of thousands of little demons swarming in, what will the result of the cemetery of the gods be like?"

City Lord Corleone and the Knights of the Temple of Wall gave thumbs up at the same time, "Dude, this question is considered in depth! But Boss, what do you want to express?"

"We have enemies, and the enemy's power may not be able to destroy us directly, so they need to rely on the power of others, but the relationship between these so-called others and us is not really hostile. We do not have insoluble hatred, some kind of hatred. To a certain extent, they even stand on the same position. At this time our enemies begin to destroy our relationship a little bit by boiling frogs in warm water to change the relationship between them and us."

"From the beginning, we took in our opponents and let them instinctively repel us with some psychological rejection, and then to provide our opponents with limited help without directly facing us, and then facing us without directly facing us. Us until..."

"Until one day they discovered that their relationship with us had become so bad that they were irreparable. At that time, even if they knew that they were wrong, they couldn't turn their heads back. They had no choice but to smash their necks to the end. After all, hatred will accumulate little by little, and once it exceeds a certain limit, it will really be endless."

City Lord Corleone and the Temple Knight of Wall pointed at himself at the same time: "We are the boundary?"

Ville shook his head lightly and said: "You belong to the level that they can be alert but can bear. Your existence is a thread. Through this thread, the group of people who had nothing to do with us will continue to collide with us. Under this kind of unfriendly collision, they will continue to lose and their hatred will end up little by little."

"When they find that your representatives don’t have enough bargaining chips, they will extend the hand of sin to people who are more important to us, such as my parents and relatives, or guard some important people in the island. At that time, we The friction and collision between each other will turn into a frontal conflict, which cannot avoid casualties. Then, whether it is the death of the chips in our hands or the sacrifice of the hostages in their, the final result may be between each other. Endlessly die."

City Lord Corleone and the Knights of the Temple of Wall suddenly realized, "So you created the illusion of our death, so that they are not caught in it, and there is still room for recovery. They can choose whether to jump out of this fire pit, right?"

Ville nodded slightly, Susan and Vivian looked at Ville and Lilith with teary eyes, "Teacher, in your mind, is our weight really so light?"

Lilith hugged Vivienne in one hand, rubbed Susan’s red head and said softly: “This is just what the other party thinks, and it is also an illusion we want to give to each other. You are our lovely disciples. If they really hurt The consequences would be disastrous! The dignity of the fifth-order powerhouse cannot be provoked!"

City Lord Corleone and the Knights of the Temple of Wall looked at each other, "Those who kidnapped us are just a nest of little frogs, so who is behind the scenes?"

Little Ville looked at the sky with a long sigh, and said, "It's just a group of cowardly traitors who flinch."

"My dear fiancee Lilith, guarding the island is our home. It's okay to leave the task of guarding the home to you, the lord of the harem, right?"

"Xiao Luo, my most well-behaved sister, the power of the Elf Island is weak but not to be lost. Can I give you the task of protecting the Elf Island?"

"Xiao Ye, you are most familiar with the six-ring construction wizard tower, it will be left to you."

"Finally, Fansti, go where you think you should go best."

"What about you?" everyone asked in unison.

"I am going to play a game with them on a plane full of sinful atmosphere, hoping to have an unexpected gain."

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