The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1443: Terrell, don’t tell me you don’t know anything

The Twilight Plane is a special plane. The limit of the powerhouses that can be carried here is very high, but it does not have rich resources and vitality. It seems to be a natural plane prison. It was owned by several semi-god powerhouses five hundred years ago. Occupy, because the resources are too scarce and the area is not large, plus they could not find the key to the space, it was kept privately by them, and it was not registered and handed over to the sanctuary.

People are selfish, and the demigod is no exception. The teleportation array leading to the plane of twilight is not in any sanctuary, but in a few resource planes that are extremely dangerous and have been controlled by the sanctuary. For demigods, those resource planes can come and go freely, and then enter the dusk plane through the resource plane's secret teleportation array, which is relatively safer.

A faint crisis appeared in the hearts of more than a dozen demigods. A tall figure stood up, and his eyes fell on Terrell, the Judge of Justice. His voice was a bit cold and impatient, "Trell, we The current situation is very dangerous. The death of these people makes us very passive. It is no longer a matter for you to save Teresa, but how to give them an explanation. You must know that these people who died are all his relatives and friends. "

"Some of us are accomplices, and some are insiders, but apart from you and the shadow killers, the rest of us can still get away. The people behind us are too anxious."

"Perhaps because that kid's strength has increased too fast, and the multiple Tier 5 powerhouses are too threatening, so he has to start early, but, Terrell, it is not easy to tie us to your thief ship. Tell me, who killed them?" The tall figure's words caused an uproar.

Sometimes you can still be friends if you don’t see it through, but sometimes if you don’t say it, it’s easy to cause unnecessary estrangement.

Terrell, the Judge of Justice, looked at the friend in front of him, his mouth twitched slightly, and finally slowly lowered his head and said, "Do you think one of us killed them?"

"Isn't it?" The tall figure said helplessly, "I suspect that my friend is really wrong, but Terrell, don't you think this is the last chance to bring us together? If that little guy treats this group of friends enough We will be implicated in this group of people, and the people who killed them can use this as a handle to make us obey him and continue to fight against those enchanting little guys."

"And we never really thought of offending them before, never!" The tall figure's voice became extremely cold, "Trell, it's not wrong for everyone to be friends, but the enemy of a friend is not necessarily our enemy, that enchanting evildoer. The little guy is a warrior on the battlefield of the abyss, our comrades in arms, we people have no reason to stand on the opposite side of him, half a month ago, until..."

He didn't say this until his group of relatives and friends was killed inexplicably, but everyone knew very clearly that Terrell could not refute it, and he was also plunged into deep self-doubt.

The tall figure stood up, walked out slowly, and threw a thumb-sized crystal over: "This is my life crystal. If the crystal is broken, it will prove that I have fallen. If the crystal is dim, it will prove that my state is not very good. Okay, at least it's still alive. I hope that all of you here will stay here and don't leave. If I don't have any accidents within three days, you will leave one by one. After that, we will meet in the rest of the darkness. The plane of twilight is not safe.

The words of the tall figure silenced everyone, no matter who moved the hand, since the group of people were killed on this plane, it is enough to prove that the murderer had been here before, or even here originally.

The murderer can kill those prisoners, and they can also kill them, just as he said, this plane is really unsafe.

Terrell, the Judge of Justice, stared at the life crystal on the table, no matter what the result was not the best for him, of course, he was more inclined that nothing happened than this friend. .

Time passed, and there was no sound in the hall, no one spoke, and suddenly a slight noise caught everyone's attention.

"Kacha~" A slight cracking sound sounded, and everyone was shocked, their eyes surrendering to the life crystal on the table.

"Kachacha~" The broken voice became clearer, and a shallow crack visible to the naked eye appeared on the thumb-sized life crystal. The Justice Judge Terrell suddenly stood up, and the whole person instantly turned into a stream of light and flew out of the hall.

"Chasing!" A white figure with wings on its back, turned into a white light and chased it.

"Don't be reckless, everyone will be dispatched together!" a short and stout dwarf demigod shouted loudly.

"Little dwarf, don't be naive, keep distance from others as much as possible, and take out all your best defenses. Now, it's dangerous!" A woman with a faint thunder light, her eyes full of alertness, swept away Glancing at the demigod powerhouses around him, shook his head and said: "I'm going back to the elemental sanctuary, and finally I will personally go to the demigod Vil to ask for sin. I will not expose anyone, but this place and the death of those people, Will tell the truth."

"Speak these words, aren't you afraid to be the next target to be hunted?" A voice came from above, and a translucent figure slowly appeared in the darkness, "Although I am afraid of those evildoers, although I I also felt an inexplicable force enveloped me. Although I did not kill the people, I was still very scared. You still have a way out, but what about me?"

"Theresa intercepted the kid halfway and was caught alive. I don't know why they were so reluctant to let her go, but we can basically confirm that Teresa is still alive and in good condition."

"After that, we planned to kidnap that kid’s relatives and friends in exchange for Teresa’s freedom, but we offended many people at once, many people we couldn’t afford to offend. I fled to the battlefield of the abyss alone, and Terrell sought the guarantee of my credibility. That kid’s understanding, ready to solve the problem peacefully."

The shadow killer's voice was a bit tired: "I never think of myself as a wise man. I am really good at latent assassinations. From the time I planned to attack the guy around me, I felt an ominous premonition enveloped my whole body. As things develop, I vaguely feel that there is an invisible big hand behind us pushing us forward."

"If you can, I hope you can withdraw. The invisible black hand must have a conspiracy, and the greater the power we gather, the more serious the consequences may be, the more dangerous the situation we face, and the greater the consequences we will bear. . I don’t have many friends, and I don’t want you to have trouble."

"Friends of Terrell, please don’t let your feelings become an obstacle to your right decision. This matter has nothing to do with you from the beginning to the end. You are the heroes against the demons of hell. The blood of comrades-in-arms, otherwise..."

What else?

Stained with the blood of innocent comrades-in-arms, their identities as heroes and warriors will be tarnished, and the major sanctuary on the battlefield of the abyss will not be able to provide them with This may be what the behind-the-scenes guys really want to do. Right.

Ripping off their defenses, they had to be reduced to butcher knives in the dark, beheading people who might affect their safety, that is, other innocent heroes.

A look of horror appeared on everyone's faces, "Is it too late to withdraw now?"

"You don't really have the blood of your comrades in your hands, why is it too late? Don't continue to sink into the quagmire, now is the last chance!" The Shadow Killer said coldly, "The only one who can protect you is the little guy. Go Find him, confess everything, and you will be able to get rid of this shadow immediately."

"As long as your affairs are exposed, you will lose the value of use."

"Not necessarily, or we can become a brand new victim of that little guy behind the scenes." A hoarse voice sounded.

"Crack~" There was a crisp sound, the life crystal on the table cracked, everyone was stunned at the same time, and the bone-to-earth chill passed through the forehead.

The Shadow Killer smiled and said, "Isn't this better? Just spread it out and let that kid send someone to protect you. He has many Tier 5 giants."

"Go, leave this ghost place immediately!"

Heavy footsteps sounded outside, and Terrell's painful voice followed: "The teleportation array is destroyed!"

The Shadow Killer suddenly fell from mid-air and let out a wild laugh: "Hahahaha, sure enough, our enemy is around, and the teleportation array will definitely restart after the people behind the scenes use our identity to do more things."

"For example, pretending to be us and attacking that kid's family."

"Who, who is it?! Terrell, don't tell me you know nothing!"

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