The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1445: Nicknames and the beginning of the game

The nine semi-god powerhouses looked at each other, and a thought came to mind that this alien space actually had a master, and the master was at least a Tier 5 **** demon. They hadn't noticed this in the past few hundred years.

The cold sweat flowed down instantly, and the nine semi-god powerhouses saw anxiety and suspicion from each other's faces.

"Could the nine of us be real people? That so-called suspicion devil is scaring us at all. He wants to collect our suspicions and panic." The female light wizard demigod quietly appeared with a pair of wings, and subconsciously moved closer to the door. It was bright outside, and I don't know when a round of sun appeared on the horizon.

This is a scene that has always appeared on the plane of dusk. Terrell came to the door before her, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not open the door. He could only see everything outside through the window, gardens, fountains, and squares. And, on the gallows on the square, a familiar figure was hung on it, and it had already lost its life.

"Jagger." Terrell's face was pale. They had only seen the broken teleportation formation before, and they hadn't seen Jagger. Originally they had illusions, but now they are disillusioned.

"The door can't be opened, regardless of physical strength, weapons, vindictive power, magic power, domain." After trying several times, the light attribute wizard demigod also gave up, "Trell, do you know who came this time? ?"

Terrell narrowed his eyes, looked around for a week, gently shook his head and said: "I don't want to doubt anyone. We can't be led by the demon, otherwise we will have no chance of winning."

"The devil also needs to abide by the rules, the rules are everywhere." The light attribute wizard demigod could not help refuting.

The dwarf demigod suddenly jumped out, "Yes, why didn't I think about the contract, we can filter out who is true and who is false through the contract."

"Crack~" With a muffled sound, a flash of lightning appeared out of thin air and fell on the dwarf demigod's head, causing his hair to stand up. The whole body was instantly paralyzed and fell to the ground, and a wisp of black smoke came out of his mouth.

The illusory voice reappeared, "Games test wisdom and ability, and legal methods that exceed their own abilities are prohibited. Violators will be punished. The first warning, the second light penalty, the third violation, and the obliteration!"

They are all demigods, at least a combination of more than ten laws, who hasn't broken a little bit of the law, but the law of the contract is not their own, but belongs to the ability of a higher level of powerful existence.

"In order to increase the fun of the game, everyone can not appear by their real names, but call each other by nicknames. Please choose your own nickname. Well, according to the key number to determine the order, please choose the key." Void and ethereal voice sounded, The nine keys with numbers on the table suddenly turned over and changed the numbers underneath, and then the keys jumped and quickly disrupted the order.

What's even more extreme is that these keys are between the real and the virtual, and when they collide with each other, they suddenly pass through each other, and they often come to a space jump, making them unable to track.

In a blink of an eye, the nine keys formed a small circle and lay quietly on the table.

"Please choose your own room number. Once the room is selected, the key binding cannot be changed. If the room is not allowed to enter, you cannot enter at night even if you have an invitation. Of course, as the owner of the space, I am an exception. No going out."

"The countdown begins. Those who fail to select the key within ten seconds will be punished, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five..."

Terrell and the others looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. There was no one person who chose to provoke the owner here. No one picked up a key.

In the sound of "ding, ding ding~~~", the keys turned into numbers and imprinted on their chests, and the array was one foot long and shining brightly.

The light attribute wizard demigod curled his lips and said displeased: "I am actually number one, and I always feel that this number is not very good."

While speaking, a ray of light surrounded her from the ground, "Please tell me your nickname in the game. Once you choose this name, you cannot change it."

The light attribute wizard demigod, hesitated slightly, and suddenly saw a countdown in midair, which actually started from ten. This game or the owner of the room is really impatient.

"My attribute is light, so I will call it the goddess of light."

"An old maiden who has lived for more than two thousand years, I don't think the goddess of light is suitable, the goddess of light is the most suitable for you." The spit in midair made the goddess of light a black line, and could not help but let out a roar: "Yes. You care, my old lady will get married someday!"

Speaking of this, the Goddess of Light couldn't help but glance at Terrell. The latter's key was exactly number two, and the light under her feet shone over him.

At the beginning of the countdown, Terrell did not think much, and directly reported his title: "Justice Judge."

"Haha, a stupid coward who is full of contradictions and entanglements in his heart, who has broken his principles time and time again, is embarrassed to use this title of greatness, do you think he can bear it?

"This is my belief. Even if I'm a little confused for a while, I still insist on my justice. Maybe I haven't done well for a while, but I firmly believe that one day I will make this title justifiable and worthy of its name! I firmly believe that I am. I'm the judge of justice! I will see through all evil!" Terrell shouted loudly, the compelling light in his eyes quietly appeared, and his eyes swept across everyone.

Suddenly a dazzling light flickered, and instantly blinded his krypton dog eyes, and couldn't help but wailing with his tearful eyes.

"Don't be too arrogant, even the great **** demon nobles are not so arrogant. You are a little low-rank 4th human being arrogant."

"My name is the artifact maker!" The dwarf demigod shouted out his good wishes, and shouted very confidently.

"Haha, a dwarf demigod who can't even make a semi-artifact, drinks first-rate, fights second-rate, and casts third-rate dwarf demigod. His tone is not small." The voice in the air made everyone feel a little lost. How could he treat himself and others like this? To understanding?


"My name is Shadow Killer, the lord of the shadows!"

" I hope you won't be killed tonight. I really want to know whether the night is your home or mine."

"I'm waiting for you." The Shadow Killer's tone was full of disdain, "This plane is only dusk, and I am the king of the night."


"My name is Thunder King, but..."

"Okay, next one."

"Asshole, what do you mean?! Do you look down on me? The lightning that you struck that little man just now is not useful to this uncle? You can give this uncle a try if you have the ability."

Give it a try and try, and then the Thunder King's hair is standing up high and falling to the ground, his legs and arms are twitching slightly, trying to make his curled tongue spit out a sentence: "It's not the law of thunder, it's spirit, attack. "

"Next, hurry up, don't talk nonsense, your time is running out, the daytime in this world is not that long."

"My name is the favored man, but..."


"My name is Jagged, don't let me catch you, otherwise..."


"My name is your uncle, Sun Thief, if you have the ability, stand up, and our two will communicate the hardness of your fists."

"Kacha~" There was a thunderous body, and there was another figure smoking on the ground.


"My name is you, let's go." The last short female demigod said a nickname quietly, and the surroundings suddenly became silent. This name is really lucky enough, especially in this kind of occasion.

"The nickname is confirmed. The game officially begins. Please start exploring the villa. After two hours, it will be dark and the killing game will begin! I wish you all a good time! No, I hope everyone can make me happier, hahahaha!"

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