The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1446: Information Exchange (Part 1)

Is two hours long?

For a villa with only three floors and no more than 3,000 square meters per floor, two hours is a lot.

Kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, warehouses, study rooms, banquet halls, baths, etc., except for the bedroom, all the other rooms are open, allowing them to go out at will. All kinds of weird things make them dizzy.

An hour later, the nine semi-god powerhouses gathered again and began the first intelligence exchange summary.

"I'm the number one, I'll be the first to come." The goddess of light stretched out her left hand, and a small group of brilliance quietly emerged. "Gratitude and magic can be used here, but all have been greatly suppressed. The facilities are indestructible, at least not easily damaged by my strength."

While talking, the small ball of light contained powerful destructive power and slammed on the table, the ball of light shattered directly, but the table was unharmed.

The goddess of light turned over and took out a gorgeous magician robe, and then the robe disappeared and replaced by a bottle of potion. The potion disappeared and turned into a cake, showing everyone her space ring: "Space equipment can be used, but I can’t use it in a different space with me, whether it’s to enter or fetch things, even if I want to liberate it, I can’t do it.”

Everyone cast their shocked glances. Everyone knows that the precious thing of the different space is that this woman who looks weak and weak actually wants to liberate the different space. That is the different space. Once liberated, it will not belong to her, but this It may indeed be the most harmful method to the different space at dusk, but this kind of damage may only be temporary, and in the long run, the opponent may take advantage of it.

"It's hard to tell the authenticity of the things here. My appraisal technique can't tell them to be fake. The things in the kitchen are edible. The little guy I summoned at least hadn't eaten their stomachs, but couldn't get the space equipment."

"The doors and windows are intact. I can see the outside but they cannot be opened. The outside scenery is completely different from before. Most of the plants in the garden are strange magic plants, and some of the magic plants I know come from hell. This is what I painted. Let’s see if there is any reference value for the Magic Plant Atlas."

"Finally, the door of the bedroom can only be opened by the person who holds the corresponding key. The door is not as simple as pushing the door open. The back seems to be a small independent space, standing outside the door and nothing can be seen. I invited The justice judges entered together and found that there was a small bedroom inside, but the spatial intensity was very high, except for the bed, desk, chair, bench, wardrobe, bathroom, nothing else."

"Well, I can't say that there is nothing. There is a weird blood-red wizard robe in the closet. The robe can't be taken off. It can be seen but can't be touched. It feels weird to me."

The others couldn't help but looked at each other. The Justice Judge nodded slightly and said, "I have tried with the Goddess of Light. The wizard's robe is indeed inaccessible, cannot be destroyed and cannot be sealed, but the wardrobe can be touched and can be sealed. Things in the bedroom. It cannot be collected by space equipment, cannot be destroyed, or even taken outside the bedroom, but it can be moved at will. The weight is not much different from ordinary furniture, and the quality is not too good. It is not even a magic prop alchemical item."

The goddess of light shrugged and looked at the justice judge and said: "That's all I have to say, you are number two, you can continue, I am also very interested in your findings."

The justice judge said with a solemn expression: "You have discovered many and comprehensive things. I am not as careful as you. However, each person’s abilities have different focuses and different things. I don’t know if you have found out. Our body is not as indestructible as imagined. It can even be said that in this weird villa, our body is not much different from ordinary people, especially defense!"

The justice judge stretched out his hand, and the faint scars on his hand shocked everyone, "This scar was made with a kitchen knife in the kitchen, and this scar was made by a decorative sword in the hand of the sculpture next to the hall. This scar is brought about by the magic lamp decoration pendant at the top of the living room, this scar..."

More than a dozen scars were brought by more than a dozen different ordinary objects, and they have not been completely eliminated so far, which is a bit scary.

Then the next sentence of the justice judge made them even more horrified: "Everything I just said, the damage caused to us ignores the defense, even if it is equipped with a semi-artifact-level armor."

The crowd was in an uproar, and there was no trace of contempt for this seemingly ordinary villa.

At the same time, they have their own minds about the self-harm of the justice judge. His mental state seems to be a little wrong, but this discovery is very important, and it can be said to be a matter of life and death for them.

Seeing everyone turning their eyes on themselves, the dwarven demi-artifact caster scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "Well, we dwarves have never been that kind of very careful existence. If we must say there is something to be gained, here All the castings are exquisite, not in the style of our dwarves, with a strong **** style, not to mention, and it can be confirmed that they are the handwriting of night elves."

"The kitchen can cook, and the flame temperature is not bad, but it can cause unnecessary burns to our bodies." The artifact caster seemed to have thought of something, and directly stretched out his scorched hand, "We The dwarves have the habit of testing the temperature with their hands, so they did it subconsciously, and as a result..."

The result is self-evident, almost turned into roast pig's feet.

The magic wand in the hand of the goddess of light quietly appeared, and a white light flew out with a wave of the dwarf demigod, and the burn disappeared visible to the naked eye.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult to cure." The goddess of light showed a thoughtful expression, "Don't you have any medicine for treating burns?"

The dwarven demi-artifact caster rolled his eyes, his beard flicked and said angrily: "Do you think our dwarf caster needs that stuff?"

Everyone nodded at the same As a dwarf who loves casting, ordinary flames really don't have much effect on them. How can flames that can cause harm to them be cured by ordinary potions.

"It's my turn." The shadow killer's voice came from the side, and everyone jumped. Seeing everyone's shocked look, the shadow killer couldn't help but have a black line, "I'm not invisible, I'm not hiding, I Always here!"

The dwarf demigod artifact caster gave a thumbs up and admired: "As expected to be a shadow killer, the killer king in the shadows, even if any extraordinary means are useless, it can make people ignore you subconsciously, awesome, admire!"

"Haha" The Shadow Killer gave the dwarf a half-headed look, and looked up and down, as if looking for an easy place to start. The artifact caster shivered and immediately made a shut-up gesture.

"Just like my title, I am the killer king in the shadows. In the shadows, my abilities can be doubled, but..."

"But in this villa, I can't find a real dark place. There is only daylight. The light is everywhere. Even in the cabinet of the room, it is still bright. There is no shadow in the villa." Shadow Killer said. Everyone was stunned.

In other words, at night, there is no light in the villa?

The magical power of the shadower bloomed, and a dark shadow appeared quietly under his feet. It lasted for just ten seconds and turned into a little magical power to dissipate. "Using the power of the shadow is a hundred times larger than usual, and the power is less than one-tenth of the normal situation, unless I can barely offset this side effect by using the domain, but the burden on me by the shadow domain is ten times greater than usual."

"During the day, it's not good for me, I have nowhere to hide."

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