The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1447: Information Exchange (Part 2)

"You rely too much on the ability of shadows. In fact, you can try to hide yourself in the light. If you can do both the light and the shadow, and you can switch freely, your strength will reach an incredible level."

The Thunder King, who had been waiting to speak, couldn't help but speak out in advance, but what he said made the Shadow Killer stunned for a moment, and muttered to himself: "Hiding in the light? The lurking in the light, lurking in the light and shadow. And switch freely."

The shadow killer's magical power fluctuated slightly, and the whole person was lost in thought, looking a little dull. Everyone's eyes were cast at the Thunder King at the same time. The latter shrank his neck and hurriedly defended: "It's none of my business. I just hid casually, not because I called him stupid."

The goddess of light slapped her forehead, and said annoyedly: "I believe that you are a wise man, and it is my fault to be able to tell any profound truths. I believe you are just teasing the shadow killer."

Seeing a group of people nodding their heads in recognition, the Thunder King couldn't help but a black line, "I am a demigod high-ranking powerhouse, and I understand a lot of laws at all. Why can't I say some profound truths?"

"A second guy who actively provokes his master here being struck by lightning occasionally says something nonsense that he doesn't believe in, don't be too proud."

"You stinky mouth, if you don't speak up, you still look like a person."

"Thunderstruck, please call my nickname now."

"Your uncle." Thunder King added a word directly after his nickname, making the other party a black line: "My name is your uncle."

"Yes, it's your uncle~"

"No, it's your uncle!"

The two of them had a good meal, and the atmosphere suddenly became a lot more cheerful.

However, everyone is a semi-god powerhouse, able to control their own mood, and quickly interrupted the fight between the two dudes. The reason why the Thunder Kings are the best is to soothe their own mood. The feeling of being imprisoned is really bad, let alone the test of life and death.

After the Shadow Killer is the Thunder King. Although his personality has been a little bit off, he is not without wisdom. He just likes to do it more often. "I don't have that strong observation ability, and I don't have much attention. The only advantage is the ability to do it. Strong."

"I have tried again and again. All the doors and windows cannot be opened, the walls cannot be broken, and even the tables, chairs and benches are very strong. They are not indestructible, but they immediately become nothingness."

"Other people’s rooms can’t get in, or you can’t force yourself to break in. The door of your room can only be opened by yourself, but apart from the door, neither the windows nor the walls can be broken. But one thing is strange. The soundproofing effect of the room does not seem to be very good. . I heard a pair of dog men and women making messy noises next door."

The words of the Thunder King caused confusion among the people. The Light Goddess No. 1, the Justice Judge No. 3, the Artifact Forge No. 3, the Shadow Killer No. 4, the Thunder King No. 6, the Wind Blessed No. 6, the Iron Blood No. 7, and You No. 8 Uncle, you can go on the 9th.

The rooms on the second floor are not in a single row in order, but in a double row, with a row of single numbers and a row of double numbers. In other words, the rooms next to Thunder King are not numbers 4 and 6, but numbers 3 and 7.

The artifact caster was stunned for a moment, and cast his eyes on Jagged, "I didn't expect you, a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes, to have such a little secret."

Jie Xue is a tall and demigod of blood, with thick eyebrows and big eyes like a bull, but his voice is hoarse, his eyes staring back coldly: "The room is the only private space in the entire villa. I can't bring people in. ."

"Ahhhhhhh, I heard it wrong, but obviously..." The Thunder King scratched his head, his face was full of suspiciousness: "Think about it carefully, the voice I can hear is indeed the next door, but it doesn't seem to be right or left. Next door, it's up and down. Is it up or down?"

"Forget it, I will look back on this kind of thing and study it carefully. Anyway, I knocked on the walls, doors and windows carefully, but in the end I couldn't find the reason to leave, but accidentally made a hole in the closet and the bed. After being disassembled, I can't assemble it back."

Everyone couldn't help but feel a black thread. Why didn't you also remove the toilet?

Thunder King: Hey, how did you know that I also removed the toilet in my room? I'm about to take the time to visit your room and change the toilet.

"It's time for me. My ability is wind. I can listen to many sounds. I heard the sounds the Thunder King said, but it's strange that this sound can only be heard by myself, and the source of the sound cannot be tracked. Big."

"The entire villa is a closed space. Although there are doors and windows but not a vent, we can see the outside scenery, but we are isolated from the outside world. This so-called isolation is really isolation, the kind of isolation that can't even be transmitted by a trace of wind. ."

"I even doubt whether everything we see outside really exists." The wind-blessed person said with a heavy face: "I don't know if it is an illusion. When we all acted, I seemed to hear the movements of ten people in action. ."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, "The owner of the villa is there too?!"

The Wind Blessed shook his head and said: "I can't confirm it. After I posted this, I looked for them one by one and marked all of you one by one. I counted me but only nine people, but ten people could not be found. Voice It's still there, but it's becoming very irregular, a little bit fascinating, and what makes me unable to figure out the smell, no.

The last four people plunged everyone into contemplation.

"Spirit?" The Goddess of Light asked tentatively, and then she shook her head: "The spirit basically doesn't make a sound. You can hear the sound for a long time. It should not be the spirit. What would it be?"

"Maybe it's really a spirit, but it's a weird resentful spirit." Jie Xue suddenly said: "While exploring the villa, I found some decorative armors and sculptures. The faint breath from them made me It feels very uncomfortable. While inspecting a warehouse, I saw from the weapon on the opposite side that a piece of armor on the back seemed to move."

"This is not an illusion. I really saw the armor move from the vague reflection. Although it was very slight, I adjusted my standing position. When it moved, there seemed to be a trace of blood-red light in the armor. ."

"I didn't hear any sound. When I looked back, the posture of the armor was indeed a little different, but I stood motionless. But what made me feel horrified was that I found out from the reflection of that armor. The other squatting full-body armor behind it seemed to move a Everyone couldn't help but look at each other. All of them in the warehouse checked, why only he went there was abnormal.

"Let's go back and throw all the armors and sculptures into the warehouse and lock them up, think about it carefully, if it is really dangerous, it seems that this thing should be the most dangerous. After all, armored weapons symbolize killing!" The first one responded, and the others nodded in agreement.

On the eighth, your uncle saw everyone's gaze, and his body couldn't help but squeeze slightly: "My discovery is bigger than all of you. I found that all the kitchen ingredients are problematic, and there is a deep **** hidden inside. Another point is that our dignified demigod powerhouse would actually feel hungry."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the voice of "Gurulu~" suddenly rang.

The law in the villa actually affects them so much?

"This villa seems to be very complete, but in fact many things are missing, such as bonsai, murals, dressing tables, etc. What makes me most incredible is that none of us actually inspected the third floor. "On the 9th, if you go away, everyone is awakened, and they seem to subconsciously avoid the third floor.

"In addition to these, there is one thing missing in such a large villa."

"The basement!" On the 9th, you go and said in a deep voice: "We seem to have subconsciously ignored the top floor and the underground. We obviously felt that we should look for and check, but we evaded inexplicably again and again. I went straight to the road three times. Three-story stairs, but in the end they just passed by and didn't go up."

"Once was accident, twice was coincidence, then three times? I was clearly directed at the third floor."

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