The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1448: Lost memory

With the ringing of "Dang~", a clock on the wall of the living room attracted everyone's attention. It was a ghost clock, half white and half black. A weird tongue acted as a pointer, and this pointer is now close to a black face. .

An inexplicable message entered everyone’s mind, and it will be dark in a quarter of an hour. Please prepare to go home and rest. After dark, the first night of hunting will begin. You can choose to impose sanctions on one of you at this time. .

If the incarnation of the jealous demon happens to be sanctioned, the game will be over and everyone will be free to leave this enclosed villa. If the guess is wrong, the incarnation of the jealous demon will hunt a person tonight.

The so-called sanctions are to join forces to kill!

Only when the incarnation of the suspicion demon is beheaded will the game end, other than that, even if he is imprisoned or even injured.

The nine people looked at each other. They suddenly found that the surrounding light was rapidly dimming, and there was no lamp in the villa. Of course, there were lamps for decoration, but the kerosene wick was just a decorative item.

With a soft "pop~", a soft ball of light emerged in the hands of the Goddess of Light, and the surrounding light suddenly brightened, but her face changed drastically in an instant, and the ball of light shook in her palm for a few times, "pounce~" The sound burst.

"You can use simple lighting techniques, try it." The voice of the goddess of light was a bit tired, and everyone couldn't help being taken aback, then groups of brilliance quietly appeared and quickly disappeared.

The artifact caster suddenly thought of something, and threw a fireball in his hand, hung steadily in mid-air, "It will be forbidden to make light directly, but fire will not..."

Before he finished speaking, the fireball exploded with a "boom", and the small fireball directly exploded his face with blood, the flame on his body exploded, and the screams rang out, but he himself could not extinguish the flame on his body.

"Healing~" The Goddess of Light didn't act on the flames for the first time, but applied a healing technique to the artifact caster.

The power of the Justice Judge broke out, and the domain was directly used to envelop the artifact caster. Only then did the flame "pounce~ pounce~ pounce~", and then turned into wisps of smoke, but the artifact caster was in a short period of time. Severely injured, he fell to the ground and pumped.

Is the damage so big?

There was an incredible look on the face of the goddess of light, but countless thoughts turned in her heart, "Obviously the damage of the flame is not big, why the injury is so severe, obviously my healing technique has worked, why is there continued damage to prevent it? Body recovered?"

Everyone looked at each other. When the artifact caster heard these words, his dark face could not help showing a hint of red, whether he was ashamed or angry.

"I have been recruited. The fire damage is not all. It can be said that the fire damage is negligible. Even if our dwarf foundry is a Tier 2, it will not be hurt by such a fire. What really hurts me is the enemy's mental attack." Artifact Casting The words of the reader made everyone look at the Thunder King. This second guy once said similar things after being struck by lightning.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? Am I handsome?" Thunder King scratched his head, looking like he didn't know why.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, his reaction was wrong, isn't it an expression that Lao Tzu has known for a long time? After a while, he forgot?

In other words, the current Thunder King is no longer the Thunder King who thundered the day before?

In the end, the justice judge couldn't help but ask: "Don't you think the words mental attack are familiar?"

The Thunder King froze for a moment, and said without knowing why: "For a strong man like us, whether it is a wizard or a warrior, mental attack is not a very difficult method. Anyone can use it, familiar or not. Does it matter? Anyway, I don't use this thing frequently. What kind of look do you guys have? Do you think my dignified Thunder King is the kind of lady who uses mental attacks?"

"Hehe" the goddess of light smiled coldly: "You are indeed not a lady who is good at mental attacks, but you have been attacked by mental attacks today, just like the crafter of the artifact."

"Impossible, as handsome as I could have been attacked by mental attacks." Thunder King repeatedly shook his head and denied.

The Goddess of Light did not speak, but just waved her hand, and a video appeared quietly. A man stood there pretending to be Goldman Sachs and declared: "My name is Thunder King, but..."

The voice was interrupted by another indifferent voice before it fell: "Okay, next one."

"Asshole, what do you mean?! Do you look down on me? The lightning that you struck that little man just now is not useful to this uncle. If you have the ability, you can give this uncle a try." The man was furious, and a lightning flashed out of thin air. Appeared, the man fell to the ground with his hair upright, his legs and arms twitching slightly, trying to make the curled tongue spit out a sentence: "It's not the law of thunder, it's the spirit and attack."

The image came to an abrupt end here, and the face of the Goddess of Light was already sweating profusely. It was obvious that just projecting a piece of memory made her consume a lot. It seems that all abilities related to light in this place are greatly restricted and restricted.

"Seeing this, what do you want to say?" The Goddess of Light looked at Thunder King coldly. The latter took a pose that she thought was very handsome, with one hand on her hips and one hand resting her cheek in silence for a moment before she said: "Handsome, really Handsome!"

"Boom!" With a loud Thunder King fell to the ground, and the goddess of light used her fist to tell others that even if the magic power was not enough, she was a demigod master.

The Thunder King turned to avoid the light goddess and stomped down, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Calmness, calmness, impulsiveness can't solve any problems."

"Don't make trouble, we are running out of time, and it will be completely dark. Before that, we must make a decision about what to do next. Thunder King, talk about what is going on in the end." Judge of Justice Ended this farce.

The Thunder King looked solemnly and said: "I don't have this memory, not all of it. It's just that there is no such thing as being struck by lightning and talking about mental attacks."

Everyone was stunned. The Thunder King said frankly: "I don't have to lie. I really don't have this memory. I told a long introduction in my memory. I am very proud of my eloquence. Then there is nothing below. It’s completely different from this humiliating black history. And I didn’t feel the slightest violation of peace, nor did I have any impression of being struck by lightning.”

"Even a tiny bit." The Thunder King is a demigod of Thunder attribute. He has a strong affinity for thunder and lightning. If he has been attacked by thunder and lightning, he should be impressed, but he categorically denies this.

"So now, what are you going to do? Sanction me?" Thunder King shrugged and said, "After all, none of the eight of you behaved abnormally. Only me, I lost part of my memory."

Everyone was silent. At this moment, the clock made a "ding~" sound, and it was dark.

"It's dark, please rest, the evil spirit is about to kill!" A faint voice sounded, and the breath in all directions suddenly became different, and the four cold breaths in the darkness instantly diffused.

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