The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 793: Truth is often in the hands of a few people

As a devil octopus, Newman is an out-and-out freak.

Have you ever seen an octopus that almost drowned soon after birth?

Have you ever seen an octopus that runs faster on land than swimming in the sea?

Have you ever seen an octopus that pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger and can turn the human mercenaries around?

Sorry, I am such a maverick octopus.

I, Newman, speak for the devil octopus!

But now Newman is very panicked, it has no way not to panic, anyone who is chased by a mercenary group will panic for half a year.

This mercenary group is small in number, but it is composed of all second-tier masters, sky knights and sky warriors. Only wizards have only first-level wizards in their profession, but these two first-level wizards will use witchcraft to force themselves. The magic of this Tier 3 monster was broken up.

What's even more hateful is that many of these **** are proficient in divine art and astrology that makes Newman feel awkward the most. No matter how hard he tries to escape, as long as he emerges, he will soon be overtaken by the other party, which makes him accustomed to Newman, who looked at the stars, moon and sun, was very upset.

I'm a dignified Tier 3 monster, don't you want to lose face?

Three or five of you rushed forward. Those who are knights don't talk about the rules of knights at all, and those who are elves are completely insensitive to creatures. Compared to me, the devil octopus, you are more like demons.

After all, Newman is not a human being, and the Wizard Islands is not its home ground. After fleeing from life to death, it learned from the human mercenaries the "truth" of its pursuit: the sister control group and a butcher named Hamlin established a strategy He cooperated and promised to provide him with ingredients for hunting monsters, and he was very "honoured" to be on the list of top ingredients for this third-order monster.

I am xxxxx Hamlin of your ancestor, don't be met by Lao Tzu, otherwise you must be xxxx first, then xxxx.

Then I asked carefully, this **** Hamlin was actually a demigod chef, and Hamlin was frantically spilling mucus out of his pores, and even the mercenary ran away **** after forgetting to eat it.

Mom, it's terrible outside, I want to go home.

They are just a devil octopus with a little bit of luck. They haven't done anything bad. Why do these people treat themselves this way?

Is it wrong to eat a few enemies who want to hunt yourself?

Is it guilty to want to live and be forced to act in a play with someone?

Could it be that I was born in an unspeakable place outside that I can decide by myself?

Is it possible that I have to get back into my mother's belly and let my mother run outside and be born again in a different place?

But in another place, wouldn’t he be a devil octopus?

Alas, as a devil octopus, my life in this world is so difficult. Is it my fault to be ugly? Is it your own fault to be born high? When will the devil octopus be able to live freely and openly outside?

Even if other devil octopus is hunted, I can understand it, but this mutated devil octopus can be big and small in size, and it can become cute and weird outside. It becomes bigger and ugly outside when it snatches prey. Enemy, at other times he is a cute little octopus, why do you still treat me this way?

Isn't my body smooth and silky?

Isn't my color not colorful and very beautiful?

The beautiful man in the devil octopus like me, you actually want to eat me? Literary

Are you willing to let this world’s special fireworks disappear?

The world needs beauty. My octopus has raised the face value of the entire devil octopus to a higher level. It is my Lord Newman who saved the face value of the devil octopus. You butchers actually want to eat me?

Doesn't it mean that being ugly will become food, and that being beautiful will become pets? Isn't Tier 3 monsters as pets, isn't it fragrant?

No, you must complete the task as soon as possible, and then go home immediately! Lurking on the bottom of the sea, Newman silently counted the time. Hundreds of ships had gathered on the sea, and groups of sea people appeared quietly in the sea.

Ville’s ocean-going boat was built by him and the six-ring construction wizard tower. Even if the exterior design is as similar to the general ocean-going boat as possible, the overall feeling is still very comfortable and still so different. It seems that Has become a symbol of sister control group.

"Dare to ask the owner of the ship on the opposite side, is the Lord of the Favored of Mount Ver. Star?" A squad of more than a dozen people separated from a sea clan army of thousands of people, shook the head of a beautiful Naga girl with short blue hair and a beautiful face. With a delicate tail, he quickly arrived in front of the ocean-going boat.

The ocean-going boat wrapped in the blue barrier slowly opened the isolation layer and turned into a normal ship. Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, Jasmine, and Nicole stepped out, leaving only the men's beauties who lazily couldn't lift their energy every day. Angeline stared in the cab.

Ville and Lilith approached them as the representatives of the favored ones, but Li Luo tilted his head and looked at the weird man with six arms. She touched her body, but found no more arms. Her cute little face was full of doubts. .

There are faint scales on the body, and it is strong and tough at first glance. There is no soft and silky feeling at all. With a faint fishy smell, even if it looks beautiful, it is not his own dish. Jasmine Sky Knight swept a few Eyes lost interest in this legendary beautiful race.

Nicole thought silently on the side, what is the Naga clan? Fish or snake?

But whether it is fish or snake, it seems that it is food for two-tailed cats and tricolor cats, right? Then a very profound question arises, can Naga eat it?

I am no longer the little silly girl Nicole who could be fooled by five burgers before. After passing through the delicacy of Chef Roshan, Master Lilith of the Gods, and the demigod Hamlin chef, I can’t seduce me with the idle food now, unless it’s really very, very delicious.

These monsters with six-armed snake tails don't look too delicious. Except that the two lumps on their chests are bigger, which can easily arouse people's appetite, it's really hard to say anything about them.

"My name is Alesia, Alesia Aya, a member of the great King Naga." The two sides reported each other's names and offered gifts, which was the etiquette for the first meeting.

One 800-year-old Moon Pearl, two Deep-Sea Python Pearls, and six Sound Transmission Conch. This gift was clearly prepared. It was not a casual deal. There were only six people on board, and Sound Transmission Conch was just a gift. Six copies were prepared, and it didn't seem like accident.

Inviting them to the deck of the ocean-going boat, offering fresh fruits and continental-style gourmet snacks, Xiao Weier handed out two Naga blood essences, which made Alesia's expression a little weird.

"Don’t think too much, my hands are not stained with the blood of any members of the Naga tribe. This is the high-grade blood essence produced by the purification and condensation of the blood that I hunted in the Trial of the Blood God. In theory, it can be said to be from the previous blood. The hand of the **** Mary has very little side effects and is very helpful to the blood." Xiaowei waved his hand and said: "I am the favored person of the sea god, no matter how the identity of the favored person came, I have no malice against the sea god. "

Alesia carefully collected the two blood essences, and then solemnly thanked him, "The **** of death Lamod is a crazy deity. As his right-hand man, the **** Mary is a existence hated by all races. His blood **** kingdom, the number of members of the ten thousand tribes who died under his hands is more than a million."

"As the hero who expelled the blood you deserve our respect!"

Ville spoke politely, but he felt helpless. The blood **** Mary recovered, and was thrown into **** by the people behind Ville along with Lamod, Strand and the cat girl. There is no way to hide this. Yes, I didn't hide it from anyone.

The identity of the master god-level master was secretive, and it was difficult for everyone to find him, so the credit for "expelling" the blood **** would go to Xiaoweier, after all, he invited him.

Although I really want to tell them that Mary was not expelled, but took the initiative to leave, but after these words, no one would believe that she took the initiative to leave her world and go to the dangerous hell? Anyone with a brain would not do this.

Hell is evil and terrifying, this is common sense.

If it weren't for the large-scale invasion led by the giants back then, going to **** alone would be an act of seeking death. No one wants to believe that the blood **** went to **** voluntarily, except for a few people such as Little Weil.

In the world, truth is often in the hands of a few people.

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