The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 794: Weird Long River, Naga invites

"Does the Lord of the Favored come here for the weird river once in fifty years?" As a girl of the Naga clan who is only in her 30s, Alesia has not experienced the weird river last time, but this is what she is. One of the main forces of the Naga clan to fight the weird river.

"Weird Long River?" Xiaowei was taken aback for a moment. He seemed to have heard the name there, but he didn't react for a while, "Xiao Wei, help me check the name."

"The weird river, the weird river that appeared three thousand years ago, the length is unknown, the origin is unknown, once in 50 years, it ends in seven days, and there are countless monsters inside. The information collected by the foolish apostle brother is related to the weird river. There are as many as one hundred and eighty-seven copies of the number. Excluding the conflicting and obvious contrived parts, the materials are organized as follows!" A piece of information that is not a huge amount of information is passed into his mind, and Ville has a little understanding of this weird river. .

Alesia is not a little girl who is not well-versed in the world. The first reaction of Ville, Lilith and others made her suddenly realize one thing, this recently famous boy of the favored one did not come for the weird long river.

"The weird river is a very weird river. No one knows its origin. It appears every 50 years, every time it appears for seven days, and the location is not fixed. Only some people with special bloodlines can vaguely sense it ten and a half months in advance. Our Naga clan is precisely a member of this special bloodline." Alesia's words made Vil suddenly realize.

"I took on the mission of the demigod Hamlin, hunting some high-level ingredients for him, and hunting down a Tier 3 marine monster all the way to here." Little Ville shrugged, and confided his mission indifferently. It's not a big secret. What's more, the task he undertakes is only to hunt for high-end ingredients, and there is no limit to the species. The encounter with the devil octopus is completely accidental.

However, after encountering it, only Ville and Lilith knew if it was accidental that they continued to chase all the way.

According to the legend, the Lord of the Favored has a vast friendship. There are two demigods. A strong master of God level was invited to the Blood God Trial Ground by unknown means. He defeated the Hell Demon who was trying to invade and exiled Mary the Blood God. , And then Hamlin, the **** of light cooking, personally organized a banquet.

It can be seen from this mission that he and the Hamlin demigod do have a very good friendship. You must know that there are very few hunting missions directly issued to a certain mercenary group, and there is no limit to the type. The quality and flexibility are very great.

The three sea tribes all have their own demigods, but it's not that demigods are worthless and worthy of winning. On the contrary, the more they know the power of the demigod, the more they respect the demigod. It's just that most of the demigods already have their own way, and they belong to the super powers who have taken half a step. How can they be so easy to win.

There is still a big gap between demigods and gods, and the reputation of the demigods of the Naga clan is not very good. He actually took the road of looting and plundering, calling himself the **** of pirates.

According to the gossip he received, the God of Vale seems to be helping the chef Hamlin to make suggestions and plans to push him to the altar. Even the lowest rank is a fifth-order god, but it is not an ordinary fourth-order demigod. It can be compared, at least in terms of power and lifespan, there is such a huge difference.

Alesia put aside these chaotic thoughts for the time being, and solemnly proposed his invitation: "I, Alesia Aya of the Naga clan, sincerely invite the Lord of the Favored to join us in the weird river. We hope to get it. With the help of the Lord of the Favored, hunting the strange snakes in the river, for this we are willing to pay a higher level of monsters to return the Lord of the Favored."

Ville and Lilith looked at each other and smiled, how could this kind of good thing be missed, "Deal! But we need more information about the weird river."

Alesia was overjoyed, and directly took out a bunch of materials from the space ring and placed them in front of them, "These are the intelligence accumulated by our Naga clan through the weird river for thousands of years. I hope it will be useful to the Lord of God. According to our inference. , The entrance to the weird river will appear in three days, and the only people who can enter it except for the summoned by the special bloodline are the Favored."

Jasmine couldn't help but let out a grumble of dissatisfaction. There were so many people on her side. It seemed that she and Anjieni were the only ones who were not the favored ones. There was no divine favored body on them. This time she had to hide in the seven-story holy tower and get soy sauce all the time. Up?

Ville and Lilith's expressions suddenly became a little serious, and the same idea came to mind: it was related to the gods.

Kingdom of God? Secret Realm?

It's just that this long river that has appeared every fifty years for three thousand years. If it is really a kingdom of God, then the strength of this **** must be very powerful. Why have I and others never heard of the existence of such a god?

Now that he accepted the commission, it must be completed well. Little Will directly left Alesia on the ocean-going boat, and held a simple welcome banquet for her. The food that was taken out was half of the food God Hamlin. Alesia was full of praise for his handwriting.

You say seafood? The Naga clan said that they are very accustomed to eating seafood.

It is easier to promote communication between people at banquets. Alesia is a rare little beauty if she only looks at her appearance. She quickly became a group with Lilith, Nicole, and Jasmine, and Angeline Still a lazy look. For her who wants to "recover" the male body, exploring the so-called weird river is simply not interesting.

"There are strict restrictions on the entry and exit of the weird river. Once it appears in fifty years, the person who enters must not exceed the age of fifty, or people who were born before the end of the weird river last time, cannot enter this weird river. This is the age limit."

"The entrance to the weird river is dreamlike, real and illusory. The range of the entrance is limited. You can only enter within the range of the entrance. Very large ships and warships cannot pass. After entering, they will follow the current and move forward uncontrollably for a period of time. The distance, quickly out of sight outside the exit."

"Unmanned ships, battleships, and other physical objects cannot be entered. People who do not feel the attraction of blood can drive ships and warships cannot enter. There are people with blood and non-bloods on board. It is very likely that non-bloods will be dropped off the ship, and blood-lined people will drive the ship alone. The battleship enters the weird river."

"A single celestial family cannot enter the weird river without blood attraction. The weird river seems to have its own set of conditions for entering. There are people who are attracted to the bloodline on board, and those who are not bloodlined will not be left behind if they have divine power. , You can enter along with it. It can be said that the entry of the favored ones with the ship is an accident beyond specifications.

Alesia talked and talked about the information he knew about entering and leaving them one by one, saving Vil and Lilith a lot of reading and analysis. However, Vil had just obtained this information through Xiao Wei.

"Space preparation in the weird river will not be forbidden, but it is unrealistic to want to use space equipment to sneak into the weird river. Someone once wanted to bring their assistants into the weird river through space equipment, but found that neither the familiar nor the helper can Summoning, I almost starved to death in it in the end." Alesia said here, with a slightly weird expression.

"Weird Long River has a very special place. The seven days in the outside world are not like that on the Long River. It may be three days, maybe ten days, or seventy days or even seven months or seven years. Depending on the choice of different branch rivers, there are weird differences The person who almost starved to death stayed in it for three months."

The Jasmine Sky Knight suddenly reacted in a violent spirit. If it is really forbidden by a space treasure that pretends to be human, wouldn't it be terrible for himself? Because of the existence of a different space, they don't have the habit of hoarding food in the seventh-floor holy tower. If they are really trapped in it for ten and a half months, they will lose weight even if they don't die of starvation.

And judging by the luck of Ville and Lilith, ten days and a half months are less, and three to five months are possible.

No, you can’t hide in the seven-story holy tower. If you want to stay, you must stay in a different space, where the vast area has achieved self-sufficiency, and there are a group of elves and little beauties waiting for their luck, especially Elfa, bloodline Elfa after evolution is now even more beautiful.

Seeing Jasmine's face change continuously, from the initial shock to indifferent, and finally showing the appearance of a slut, Lilith felt very embarrassed, and almost instantly analyzed her aunt's thoughts.

I don't know this guy, she is not my aunt, Lilith can only turn her head and pretend she can't see her.

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