The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 799: Devil bone beads, treasure hunting equipment

"Why this strange snake appeared, we didn't have any sense until after it appeared." A first-order monster under the joint hands of Ville, Lilith, and Nicole is naturally easy to be taken by them. The movement of the battle disturbed the inside of the cab. Thunder Naga Alesia.

Seeing the huge monster snake captured alive, it gradually shrank, leaving behind a pair of horns, a snake bead, and a small stone. With the anger of Little Ville's stomach, he was actually beaten by a Tier 1 monster. Even now, his face is still hot. It hurts.

   Alesia’s face was full of surprises, but he looked at the small thumb-sized stone with some doubts. "Snake beads are of great use to our Naga clan. The horns are also high-grade materials for weapons, but this stone."

   "It feels like some kind of special stones." Alesia's words made Vail and Lilith a black line. Will there be stones in the body of Warcraft?

   Wait, this seems to be true. Although it is not common, some special monsters do form stones under special conditions, and their stones often have very good medicinal value.

"According to the agreement, the trophies are divided equally, and I have the priority to choose. For each trophy I will compensate a head of Warcraft food, a higher level of Warcraft food." Alesia unceremoniously took the snake beads and a horn into his bag. There is no room for Bargaining for Little Will at all.

"Wait, is it possible that this little stone is an ordinary little stone that the basilisk devours in order to digest food in the abdomen? You should also know that snakes do this occasionally." Little Vere tapped his finger on the little stone , I found that this thing is very smooth, like an ellipse, it really looks like an ordinary pebble.

"It's impossible." Alesia quickly quibbleed. "We have hunted thousands of these weird snakes for three thousand years. Every time we enter the weird river, we have reaped rewards. We have never found that they swallowed any small stones. , And this kind of strange snake dies without leaving a corpse. There is no food in the abdomen, not to mention the pebbles for digesting food."

"According to the records, the ordinary fish and shrimps here are okay, but after the death of the beasts, there will be no corpses left, only extraordinary materials are left, so I am willing to confirm that this little stone is definitely not simple." Alesia did not lie. But she has her own criteria.

Every beast will leave supernatural materials, and the supernatural materials left by similar beasts of the same level are roughly the same. Basilisk Naga leaves snake beads and a pair of horns, almost never leaving anything, if there is really an extra scale, etc. The things that are basically added are not worth mentioning at all.

   And this is the reason why she proposed to choose the trophy first. Snake Orb herself is determined to win, and the remaining trophy horns are also good things, but they can't be owned all. They always have to be part of the opponent. After all, she is not the main force. Taking into account the possibility of additional extraordinary materials, Alesia not only emphasized the ownership of the snake beads in order to prevent accidents, but also abruptly grabbed the right of priority.

I'm really farsighted, and Alesia is not without pride. What kind of ingredients are the second-order beasts. You must know that every time so many people are dispatched, the hunting of strange snakes and snakes is only 20 or 30, and the most is less than 50. If you can exchange a piece of food for a snake orb, even the senior members of the clan can prepare a lot of food for you.

Little Ville proposed to store the trophies uniformly and distribute them evenly after going out. Alesia directly rejected him. What he wanted was all the snake beads and take advantage every time. Naturally, it was impossible to agree to such a fair plan. He had to increase the treatment, except for the basilisk. The others didn't take any money for the spoils, and took the initiative to deliver the remaining monster horns and small stones to Little Weier.

  Is this gadget really worth mentioning? At the moment of Little Weier's appraisal, it is naturally impossible for the mere Tier 1 treasure to escape his magic eye.

   Demon bone beads Tier 4 **** demon bone marrow crystals, containing a trace of earth attribute magic power. After being washed by the gods of the ancient river, the **** magic energy is completely dissipated. It can be used for alchemy casting and alchemy potions, and the effect is equivalent to that of dragon blood stones.

   Tier 4 alchemy materials, Xiao Wei took it away, and quickly contacted Xiao Wei in his mind, "What the **** is this Tier 4 **** demon?"

  "Ah 嘞嘞" Xiaowei's voice was full of perfunctory "Did I just say that the sixth-order **** demon led an army of demons. When the ancient river **** suppressed the sixth-order demon, by the way, this army was

Suppression began, and there are not a few demonic generals of Tier 3 and Tier 4 among them. Anyway, compared to the sixth-order demons, these are all added, and the foolish apostle brother doesn't need to care. "

   Xiaowei, you are floating, my brother, I am only a first-level wizard and sky knight. If I don’t change my body, I will be a second-level or upper-level existence. Now you actually look down on the third and fourth-level demons.

"What about the equipment I bought" Ville discovered that this weird river might really be a huge treasure house. The trace of earth magic contained in this demon bone bead is definitely a good thing for him, and there is no less **** magic. The side effects will be small.

"Dangdangdang, I solemnly recommend the demigod equipment treasure hunting compass, the spirit hunting stick." A palm-sized golden yellow delicate compass appeared out of thin air in Littleville's hand, full of scale stripes like a sailing compass, and a three-foot-long one appeared in the other hand The black stick, covered with intricate patterns, weighs an astonishing hundreds of catties.

   The methods of using the treasure hunting compass and the spirit hunting stick came into my mind at the same time. The expression on Xiaowei's face was a little weird. The quality of these two treasures did reach the demigod level, but in a strict sense, these were two failures.

   Treasure hunting compass is capable of hunting treasures, but it has a premise that it can only use treasures with the same or similar breath as primers. If you want to find unfamiliar treasures, it is basically useless. The spirit finding stick is also very troublesome to use. This thing can monitor the existence of magic power within a certain range, and the monitored magic power will have a limit. You can set this limit yourself. Treasures that exceed this limit will be Monitored.

   The problem is that if there are more than one such things in a certain range, the consumption of the Spirit Finding Rod will be greatly increased, and the guidelines will continue to change. If the mental power is not strong enough, it will basically not be able to respond.

Another failure of the spiritual wand lies in its weight. When holding the wand to infuse magical treasure hunting, it points in the only direction and no specific distance. If the number of treasures is not unique, it will keep turning, which is not very good. Strength and physical strength can't play this thing at all.

   "Weapon", Guai Liluo, who came to the deck at some point, tilted her cute head and stared at the spirit wand, and she vaguely sensed the weight of the spirit wand.

"The magic wand specially used for astrology is considered a very high-level failure." Ville put away the spirit wand and freed up a hand to rub Wei Liluo's little head. "Little Luo, brother wants to keep catching fish, can you help brother fight the little monsters"

"Help brother, catch the fish, hit it with one hammer," a sledgehammer weighing five hundred jin appeared in Guai Liluo's hands. Alesia saw the little Guai Liluo, holding a person two times larger than her head in her hand. The sledgehammer, the cold sweat on his forehead can't help, you can hear it only from the sound of the wind driven by the swing of the sledgehammer.

Sure enough, the people around the Lord of the Favored are all monsters. The two sky knights and the two sky warriors, you should continue to sail, and at the same time, you can hone your control of power. Anyway, the conditions before. I have already talked about it. Snake beads are very important to me, but for the favored ones, higher-level ingredients are what they need more.

  No, it seems that the food demigod Hamlin really needs these, they are just mercenaries who have undertaken the task.

   If I say that I am hiring them, it feels like a cooperative relationship is more than an employment relationship. After all, they can hunt freely here even if they don’t have themselves. On the contrary, they are more like superfluous and want to take advantage of them everywhere.

A win-win, ah, is a win-win. I definitely don’t have the idea of ​​taking it for nothing. The snake beads can only play the biggest role in the hands of the Naga tribe. It can improve the aptitude of the newborn and make the tribe more genius, but for other races. It's an extraordinary alchemy material of fairly good quality.

  I exchanged higher-level demon beast ingredients with him, at least the Lord of the Favored would not suffer, but he definitely made a profit.

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