The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 800: The law of monster appearance

Treasure hunting compass, set the lower limit to enter the stage, the range is one kilometer, start!

Ville found that the magic power in his body was pouring in, the compass instantly enlarged and turned into a golden compass with a diameter of three feet. A breeze spread around, and then there was a little bit of light on the compass. Among them, they were the most. Strikingly, it was the light brought by the treasures of Ville, Lilith, Guai Li Luo, Nicole, and Alesia.

"Three hundred meters to the rear, five hundred meters to the front left, and fifty meters to the right. Unfortunately, I missed it." There was a slight connection between Xiaoweier's mind and the treasure hunting compass, and he quickly confirmed the direction corresponding to the treasure. It's just that these things are exactly what they are. Something is not clear.

"Hoo~" Vier's magic power was interrupted, and the compass returned to its original state in a blink of an eye. In just a few seconds, Vier's magic power was consumed by a tenth or more. No wonder this thing was sold so cheaply, and it turned out to be so cheating. what.

Ville knows very well that although he is still a first-level wizard in name, his total magic power has definitely reached the average level of a second-level wizard because of his cultivation techniques and the support of the Snowwood World. With the support of the Snowwood World and the three dimensions, he has recovered. It's super fast. But even so, Ville felt that he was going all out to run the treasure hunting compass, which could last for a minute or two at most, and it really wouldn't work any more.

The bow and arrow in his hand appeared out of thin air, and Weier's eyes were telescoped to the left and forward. With a soft "swish~", the arrow flew out like lightning and plunged into the water. Then there was a roar, and the surface of the water rolled violently, with a head of profound water. The turtle surfaced.

Why is it Xuanshui Turtle? And it's a first-order Xuanshui turtle?

A certain thought flashed through my mind, but at this moment it was not a time to think too much. The Xuanshui Turtle, who was awakened but received an arrow for no reason, roared and rushed towards the ocean-going boat.

Without waiting for Little Will to take any action, Guai Liluo leaped vigorously under his feet, and his small body instantly rushed out of the ocean-going boat, and the huge hammer head screamed and hit the Xuanshui turtle's tortoise.

There is nothing that cannot be solved with one hammer. If there is, then two more hammers.

It's just that this first-order Xuanshui turtle failed to force Wei Liluo's third hammer, so it exploded with two hammers, and the treasures that burst out were a gem, a tortoise shell, and a small stone.

Demon Bone Bead: Tier 3 **** demon bone marrow crystal, containing a trace of earth attribute magic power. After being washed by the divine power of the ancient river god, the **** magic energy is completely dissipated. It can be used for alchemy casting and alchemy medicine, and the effect is equivalent to that of dragon blood stone.

This thing is not from the same **** demon as the one just now, but it should be of the same race, and its aura is somewhat similar.

The number of monsters encountered upstream is more than imagined, and unlike Alesia’s description of being able to sense bloodlines, these monsters can hide their breath, at least Alesia can’t sense any monsters. Even if it was her mission target, the Najia monster snake lurked very close around.

"These monsters are very different from the description. The clan records that these monsters do not have much wisdom. Some are just fighting instincts. They will not actively attack any targets while lurking in the river, they will only passively respond to the battle, and will never run away. "Alesia emphasized one more point: "The most important thing is that the frequency of monsters is very low. It usually takes a day or two to encounter a monster. This is the result of dozens of hundreds of people scattered."

Looking at the snake beads and horns in his hands, Alesia's face was full of incredible expressions. What is the concept of harvesting two Nagaga snake beads in one day? You must know that every time you enter the weird river, an average of three or five people can harvest one snake orb, and this time, one person has actually harvested two. This is only the third day of the beginning.

Even if he was expelled now, Alesia felt it was worth it. Two snake beads were guaranteed and one was handed in, and he could still keep one.

However, she also felt a little unbelievable. In the past three thousand years, although few people went against the current, it was not that no one had done so. Why didn't the predecessors have such a gain?

In the end, Alesia can only be classified as the monster that he encountered upstream is too capable of hiding. The Lord of the Favored actually has a demi-god-level treasure in his hand that can detect the location of the monster. The first monster he encountered is completely Occasionally, I ran into it while swimming, and the subsequent monsters were all discovered by this treasure. 18

If there is no such treasure called the treasure hunting compass, I am afraid that a monster will not be found behind them, no! It should be said that there will be no monsters coming to the door, and they will naturally not be able to gain more.

I have to say that the equipment of the Lord of the Favored is powerful, and I tried to use it myself. As a result, my whole body was almost drained of magic power, and the scene I saw was very blurred. When I recovered, the ocean-going boat was far away and wanted to look back. They may not be able to find them, which makes Alesia very frustrated.

She discovered that except for Nicole, a pure sky warrior, everyone else could use this treasure. Alesia couldn't help but start to wonder if I was a genius? It is clearly one of the few masters of the same generation in the clan, but why is it so inferior in front of these few people?

Unlike Alesia's happiness and frustration, Ville and Lilith thought of more things, and the situation of these monsters was obviously abnormal.

Although the whole weird river is a bit weird, the monsters that you encounter upstream are obviously different from those shown in the data. They are aggressive and different in types. In the past, the fish in the river should be the most, but the monsters they encountered were only so few.

There are only so many kinds of strange snake Naga, mysterious water turtle, sharp-toothed turtle, sea monster, and octopus monster. Seeing the suspicious gaze cast by Lilith, Ville shrugged and said: "This may not be accidental, upstream. In addition to us, there is also a devil octopus. The octopus monster corresponds to the blood of the devil octopus. The monster is the target of Alesia. There are three remaining, and I have the corresponding blood in my body."

Lilith squinted her eyes slightly, and looked up and down Weier. Her tone was slightly sour and said: "In addition to the blood of the elves and the dragons, the blood of the Thunder Giants you obtained in the Trial of the Blood God, did not expect you to have the blood of the Thunder Giants Other bloodlines. Xuanshui Turtle, Sharptooth Turtle and Kraken?"

Littleville shrugged and said, "I don't want to lie to you, but some things are a little unclear. I can only say that my situation is a little bit special. With multiple bloodlines on my back, I can wake up one by one and continue to merge. Do you remember me? What is his natural ability?"

"Magic shaping?" Lilith remembered it clearly, but for a while, she was a little unsure.

Little Will nodded and affirmed, "When the bloodline awakened, I did awaken the magic shaping talent, so do you know which bloodline brought this talent?"

"Isn't it an elf mage?" Lilith was very sure that Ville had a very rich elf blood, which was inherited from his mother.

"Yes, nor is it." Little Ville didn't sell it. "In addition to the spirit bloodline, this talent ability is more affected by the spirit demon bloodline. It's just that my spirit bloodline was awakened very thoroughly at the beginning, but the spirit demon bloodline is only Half-awakened, this half-awakened blood is just easier to awaken talent, so..."

Little Ville can only say that this is a very strange coincidence, and the very rare bloodline of the spirit monster bloodline does not have much impact on the elf but complements each other to promote his talent ability has been enhanced. .

"Then these little stones, don't you really know what they are?" Lilith played with a demon bone bead in her hand. She didn't think that Little Ville was a talkative person who could tolerate her own losses. Shocked and went to the cockpit to "practice", Lilith leaned closer, their faces were only a few inches apart, and each other's breath was clearly audible.

Ville's throat squirmed slightly, swallowed, resisting the urge to lean forward, and then gently shook his head after a while: "Alesia is not at a disadvantage. Most people really don't use this stuff. For me, This little stone is more precious than the snake beads. For Alesia, this little stone is almost worthless."

"What the **** is this?"

"Demon bone beads, the crystallization of **** demon bone marrow with earth attributes, have lost the high-level alchemy material of **** demon energy."

While the two were talking, a small island in the heart of the river suddenly appeared in the mist in front of them, and a powerful breath came oncoming.

"What is it this time?"

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