The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 801: Giant Rock Bear: Are you demons?

"Second-tier monster rock bear!" Ville paused, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the ocean-going boat quickly advanced. In the cockpit, Alesia was stunned and couldn't believe what she saw. Is there a Hexin Island in the weird river?

For three thousand years, so many predecessors of the tribe have fought the weird river. No one has ever mentioned this kind of thing. The weird river, except for the rivers that never end, are those stupid monsters waiting to be slaughtered, such as monsters and rivers that take the initiative to attack. I have never heard of things like Heart Island.

Is it because of the Lord of the Favored?

But before, there were celestial beings in their own tribe, and the celestial beings under the crown of the sea goddess of the Naga clan fought in the weird river, and they also had never encountered such a weird thing.

Alesia’s little brain turned quickly, and then he put all the conditions together and recorded it in his own notebook: the favored person, the bloodlined person, and the upstream. Perhaps only when these three conditions are met at the same time can they be met. Come to this weird situation.

In fact, Alesia also missed one thing, that is, the blessed person of the bloodline of the earth attribute.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the ocean-going boat actually ran aground. This Hexin Island is bigger than it looks. Looking at a small island less than fifty meters in diameter, a man stood up to a height of one foot and five feet. The giant rock bear let out a roar, slapped his chest vigorously, and then rushed towards the ocean-going boat with his limbs "rumbled".

"Let the ocean boat retreat and leave the attack range of the giant rock bear." The spear in Lilith's hand appeared, and she instantly summoned the deformed puppet incarnation, Ryoma, and quickly rushed over.

Faster than her was Guai Liluo, the sledgehammer Lori, who swung the huge hammer head fiercely, with a loud "bang!" The giant rock bear's body was forcibly stopped by her, and Guai Liluo himself was also because of her weight. The reason was flying out and almost fell into the water.

Lilith drove a steel dragon horse and followed closely, and forcibly caught the strange Liluo who had flown upside down and hugged it in her arms. Her spear shot out like a dragon and went straight to the giant rock bear’s eyes, but the latter did not seem to be without a bit of common sense. Wielding his huge paw, he severely missed the spear, and the huge force almost shot Lilith's spear away.

"Alesia, let the ocean-going boat stay away from here. Nicole is responsible for protecting the ocean-going boat and not letting other monsters damage our transportation." Ville found that this giant rock bear looks a bit unusual, and its wisdom does not seem to be ordinary. Low, and the overall strength is definitely not as simple as Tier 2 Warcraft.

Ville flew out with his feet, and the huge impact force caused the ocean-going boat to retreat a few meters suddenly. Alesia suddenly woke up and hurriedly drove the ocean-going boat to the side, but his eyes were staring tightly. That Hexin Island, with an incredible look on his face, Nicole's double knives were cautiously guarded everywhere.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The giant rock bear slapped both claws on the ground, and sharp thorns rose from the ground. Within a radius of ten meters, they turned into a long forest of thorns in a blink of an eye. Lilith was holding the strange Liluo. Driving the steel dragon horse to dodge quickly, the steel dragon horse turned into a flying horse under the control of Lilith, a pair of steel wings quickly formed an arc and flew into the air, spinning around the island of Hexin.

As a sky knight, Ville can also fly for a short period of time, but he is more willing to be down-to-earth when it is not necessary, and even walking on the water is more labor-saving than flying in the air, "Acceleration!" "Light body skills!" With the magic blessing on himself, Ville ran fast on the water like a water spider, leaving shallow ripples scattered around.

"Roar~" The giant rock bear uttered a roar, with a hint of anger and confusion in the roar, Xiaowei did not have so much time to think about this, the long sword disappeared and replaced by the magic longbow: "Here!"

With the infusion of fighting energy, the arrow struck like lightning, but the giant rock bear's body suddenly leaped forward, and dangerously avoided the deadly arrow. At the same time, his claws slapped the ground fiercely, and the entire Hexin Island was violent. Trembling, the layers of earthy yellow light quickly condensed on the surface of the giant rock bear to form a solid rock armor, and the throat and eyes were all wrapped tightly. Look

Is this still fighting instinct? This is already considered fighting wisdom.

Ville's feet steadily stepped onto the island of Hexin, and the giant rock bear suddenly leaped towards him without any cumbersome body. Ville's legs rose from the ground like a spring and flew directly to a height of more than ten meters. The giant rock bear "rumbled" forward and plunged into the water.

Bears are actually not afraid of water, even if they are now covered in armor and weighing astonishing, they still fluttered in the water a few times and struggled to return to Hexin Island. Lilith just rushed up at this time, and the spear stabbed with the impact of the steel flying horse. The force pierced its eyes fiercely, and the speed, timing, and angle were very precise.

The giant rock bear suddenly leaned down and the whole body hid under the water. One ear was pierced by a spear. Guai Liluo suddenly jumped off the steel flying horse, and smashed it down with a sledgehammer in his hand.

With the loud noise of "Boom!", the giant rock bear slammed its head against the underwater rock, while Guai Liluo lightly landed on the island of the river with the help of a huge rebound force. The giant rock bear was dizzy, but quickly He recovered, his body rolled out of the water.

"Flaming, transform!" When Guai Liluo did not change her body, her strength was already the first in the sister control group. After her transformation, she was able to completely suppress Weier and Lilith, just as a cute little loli, usually What I like most is sitting in the arms of Little Vil and Lilith, and once you transform into a giant bear, let alone sitting in their arms, it is more than enough to lie in their arms.

The giant rock bear waved its paws and rushed towards the little guy who was hitting his head, but in the blink of an eye the little guy began to inflate and swell up, and in a blink of an eye he became three points bigger than himself, causing its body to brake suddenly. Pick up a place of dust.

"Roar~" Guai Liluo turned into a giant bear and made a louder sound than the giant rock bear, and the hammer in his hand also grew louder, and slammed it at the giant rock bear with the whistling wind.

After being promoted to the Alchemy Foundry Master, Ville upgraded the equipment specifically for Guai Liluo. At this moment, the sledgehammer in her hand is no longer a simple one-hundred-forged steel magic rune equipment, but an intermediate witchcraft, even if it is an intermediate witchcraft. China is also considered a rare boutique.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Guai Liluo firmly believes that there is no enemy in this world that a hammer can't solve. To implement his own strange power, the giant rock bear, a huge monster, retreats steadily, but fights steadily and would rather be beaten in embarrassment and absolutely not. Adventurously.

Suddenly the giant rock bear stepped into the air and fell into the trap, but even if Little Ville appeared, he activated the ground trapping wizard trick to make it lose its balance without checking guy, this is not the case. One-on-one duel, you don’t care about your surroundings but you will suffer! Rock thorn! "

The giant rock bear slapped the spurs that came out with a slap, but because of distraction, he was beaten back by the strange Liluo. Wherever his khaki armor was cracked, Ville stood on the ground and let out a loud shout: "Earth armor!"

Huge power condensed from Hexin Island, forming a thick khaki armor in a blink of an eye, making his entire body bigger by three full circles, although it was still a circle smaller than the transformations of Giant Rock Bear and Guai Liluo, The gap is not so obvious anymore.

"Transformed puppet, the steel armor is transformed!" Lilith is not to be outdone. You are all bigger. Wouldn't it be a loss if I were still like this? The deformed puppet is really a good thing. The puppet wrapped Lilith inside, and a two-foot long spear slowly took shape, and the whole person rushed up with heavy steps "rumbled".

A bear bigger than himself, a stone lump covered with earthy yellow, and finally a big steel man. The giant rock bear has only three words in his heart at this moment: MMP!

Are you demons?

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