The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 802: Alesia's guess

The Tier 2 giant rock bear fell down and was beaten to death by three monsters very aggrieved.

Amid the loud noise of "Rumbling", Hexin Island quickly shrank, and the figure of the giant rock bear disappeared little by little, leaving only a crystal clear bead, a fist-sized oval stone, and a sharp one. Nails.

Ville collected the spoils and brought back the original strange Liluo to the ocean-going boat. Lilith flew in the air and watched the small island in the heart of the river turn into a white bone, one two feet long. Huge hand bones.

It was actually the bones of a fifth-order **** demon, and the fist-sized stone was also a demon bone bead left by the fifth-order **** demon, and it magically contained a complete witchcraft inheritance and two incomplete witchcraft inheritance.

"Why are there monsters with earth attributes in the weird river?!" Seeing the monsters and Hexin Island disappeared, Alesia ran out of the cockpit with a look of collapse on her face. She felt that she had prepared before coming in. The work was all wasted.

Ville shrugged and said helplessly: "In fact, I still want to ask you this question. After all, your Naga clan have been attacking the weird river for three thousand years, and Lilith and I are here for the first time."

Alesia scratched her head madly, causing her neat hair to become messy, "How do I know? There is no relevant record in the clan. For three thousand years, the monsters that have appeared here have always been water monsters. We Naga clan Only the basilisk can be actively sensed. Even if you encounter other monsters by chance, they are also of water attributes. Who can tell me why earth attribute monsters appear on the river. This is totally unreasonable!"

"This should be very reasonable. Rivers and lakes are composed of water. Isn't it the earth that carries the water?" Little Weier casually explained.

Alesia rolled his eyes and said, "That's good or not, but this is a weird river. I can tell you responsibly, except for the water and the monsters in the water, we haven't found anything for three thousand years. Existence. It is not the earth that carries the weird river, but the barrier behind the dense fog, an indestructible barrier."

Little Will squeezed his chin and pondered carefully, where do these earth-attributed monsters come from?

The answer is simple, **** devil! It's just that this incident involved the secrets of the ancient river god, and Little Ville couldn't explain how he knew these secrets. After all, he did say that he didn't understand this place before coming in.

"Have you ever considered that after the monsters die, except for the extraordinary materials, where did their bodies go? After all, the number of monsters we can find is limited. Where did other monsters and the thumping aquatic fish and shrimp go after they die?" Alesia was stunned for a moment, and started to follow Ville's thoughts all the way off the track.

Seeing Ville flicking Alesia there, Lilith could only roll her eyes secretly. She knew that Ville must know some secrets, but these sources of confidential information would be a little difficult to explain. Anyway, she was used to it.

As a good helper, Lilith stood up at the right time, “If you don’t understand, don’t think too much. The boat will go straight to the bridge. Our goal has not changed. We will make full use of the resources here to improve our strength and hunt more. Monster. Thinking too much can easily make ourselves confused. We just need to be ourselves and take out what we see and gain."

Alesia was refreshed when he heard the words, yes, he is just a little naga in his thirties, with so many powerful and wise men in the clan, he has no need to be troubled here, and his purpose is to hunt more Strange snake snake beads.

"Yeah, it really deserves to be the good help of the Lord of the Favors, I know what to do!" Alesia immediately turned and ran back to the cab, her strength in the water is probably only better than the catwoman who is not suitable for water warfare. Nicole is a little bit stronger, the others really can't compare themselves.

That being the case, why not do what you can? Temple Street

For example, while cultivating while driving an ocean boat, three monsters, including the Lord of the Favored, can devote themselves to the battle and hunt more monsters for themselves.

They don't choose monsters, mainly because they will take the initiative when they encounter them. Every time they hunt monsters, they will also go all out and will never fail. The basilisk's trophies are also their first choice.

To be content is to be content, contented is always happy, Alesia is a person who is easy to be contented, at least she herself thinks so, while recording what she sees and hears, while thinking about the other things that the Lord of the Lord hunts. There are more monsters than strange snakes. Is it possible to get all the snake beads and two horns of the strange snake?

The ocean-going boat continued to set sail. As Alesia became more and more comfortable with countercurrents, her endurance was improved, and her speed control became more and more comfortable, and she was basically able to complete the driving of the ocean-going boat by herself.

Of course, in order to prevent being too tired, Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo still take on some driving tasks occasionally to give her some rest time.

Well, I regained my energy so that I can better complete the driving work.

As time passed day by day, it seemed that there were really only them in the upstream team. The weird river seemed to have no end. After three months of walking, there were more than a dozen battles a day, and seven or eight Hexins were encountered one after another. Island, killed more than a dozen earth-attribute beasts, and there was even a river island with three second-order beasts living on it.

In that battle, Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo were all transformed to win without loss. At the same time, Alesia also truly saw their strength and felt happy that they did not hide themselves. He swore on the spot in the name of the goddess of the sea. The secret of their transformation into giant dragons will never be revealed.

In these three months, Alesia has harvested more than 80 monster snake beads, among which there are more than 30 second-order basilisk snake beads, which is more than the total harvest of all tribesmen of Weird Changhe in the past three or four times. Up.

Alesia was not a fool. She was observing and thinking while sailing to practice, and based on her intelligence, she drew many analysis results that she believed to be correct.

In addition to being the Favored of the Ocean Goddess, the Favored is also the Favored of the Earth Goddess, the Night Goddess, the Beast God, and the Elf Goddess. In these three months, he has successively exhibited earth-attribute witchcraft, shadow-attribute witchcraft, and The number of water-attribute witchcraft actually exceeded ten, which surprised her very much, and she was slightly uncertain about the wizarding level of the favored one.

The Lord of the Favored should have just turned eighteen years old, right? Eighteen-year-old second-level wizard?

As one of the three major royal families of the sea clan, the young generation leader of the Naga is not a person who is not informed, she has even contacted many wizards of the same generation, 18-year-old second-level wizards I didn't even dare to think about it before, and the 18-year-old official wizard had never seen it myself.

Therefore, he may not be a second-level wizard to a large extent, but a powerful wizard with special abilities. He has a special method to use more formal wizardry than the general number of spell slots in the first-level wizard stage.

And this method is very likely to be related to the gods of many gods. Alesia secretly wrote down this conclusion, and prepared to read the information after going back and study it. Belief is very exclusive and believes in multiple gods unless they are the same god. Department, otherwise it is difficult to appear. It’s unbelievable to believe in multiple main gods at the same time as the Lord of the Favored, but isn’t such a case more meaningful for analysis and research?

Going upstream is indeed correct. The wisdom of the Lord of the Favored is as amazing as his strength. Maybe you need to move around with him more in the future, as if he has a good relationship with the mermaid lord of the distant sea, and the banished fellow can get acquainted. The Lord of the Favored, really lucky enough.

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