The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 803: I am Nicole, the brave cat warrior

Since moving upstream, Alesia saw such a huge bifurcation for the first time, and this bifurcation was actually blocked by a huge island.

River Island?

No, this is already a small island in the sea, the small rivers on both sides feel like vassals, and the small island is the main body.

It spans three to five kilometers from east to west, and more than 20 miles from north to south. There are more than ten hills undulating in the meantime. The middle mountain faintly conveys a powerful and creepy atmosphere. Facing a reef, a giant wolf screams up into the sky.

"Is this, the weird river that I know?" Alesia looked at the giant wolf with a complicated expression on his face.

"Perhaps this is the real weird river." Little Will cast his gaze into the distance. The mighty breath from the high mountain was familiar, Yalong? Irontooth Ridgeback? And it's still a fully mature Tier 3 monster, this ancient **** of the river is really, mindless.

You and others are all Tier 2 and you come up with a mature version of Tier 3 monster. Is this a reward or a punishment? You know that Yalong is more powerful than ordinary monsters. Is this the final level? If it passes, will there be more powerful monsters waiting for us?

Since you are so worthy of me, if we shouldn't fight but sullenly avoid it, wouldn't it be a little ignorant to lift up? Come on, ancient river god, and let me take a look at the power left by these **** demons. Minute.

Ville’s momentum continues to rise, and the strong fighting spirit can be clearly felt across 800 meters. The identification eye is opened, and all the information of the creature in front of him quickly flows into his mind, “Nicole, this wolf is handed over to you. , Its speed is very good and comparable to yours, but its strength is definitely above you. The offensive magic does not exist, and there may be auxiliary skills such as frenzy. The weakness is on the waist."

Nicole had both knives in her hands and her face was solemn, "Leave it to me!"

Along the way, Nicole’s growth is not slow compared to others, but the battles are few and far between. Since the tenth day, she was thrown into the river by Little Ville to hone her body and vindictiveness. She practiced half of the time every day. Be alert half the time. It's just that she belongs to the cat family, and she is still a little uncomfortable with fighting in the water. Finally, she finally saw a larger piece of land. Nicole's double knives were already hungry and thirsty.

In the sister control group, Ville is the brain, Lilith is all-powerful, Liluo is clever and speechless, Jasmine is rebellious and autonomous, Floret is not strong enough to guard the rear, Madame Night always yearns for a flat life, only Nicole is the most obedient, as long as she is She unconditionally obeyed Ville's words.

Throughout Nicole’s life so far, she has been living in the world of others. As the illegitimate daughter of the core member of the colorful tiger tribe, her identity cannot be made public. She received a different education under the protection of her grandfather. Concealing her identity, almost all her words and deeds were guided and supervised by the old patriarch.

Until the age of twenty-five, Nicole was accustomed to the existence of the old patriarch. Without the old patriarch, she lacked the backbone, until she accepted an assassination mission and lurked to the Human Kingdom and met Xiao Weier.

Nicole’s life as a puppet has a different color, because the dignified warrior was played by a mid-level knight, leaving the shadow of this young man in his heart, and then he even enjoyed the happiness that cannot be enjoyed in the orc tribe (food plus The carpet in the guest room), gradually more recognition for him.

As the tribe was bloodbathed and the old patriarch was assassinated, the first thing Nicole thought of was not her own **** father, but the cunning human race Xiao Wei, who was thousands of miles away, the old patriarch and young sister who were seriously injured. He traveled thousands of miles to surrender, and in the end he was not only avenged, but also saved.

Nicole is not stupid (not an ordinary stupid). As an illegitimate daughter of the core member of the colorful tiger clan, her potential is very good, but there has been a problem with her education all the time. She is a little more angry and analytical and judgmental.

But the long-term education has allowed Nicole to give priority to who should he listen to when considering issues? Who is your current backer?

There are so many people in the House of All Things, no one is Nicole’s opponent except for the ice cube, but she is definitely a crushed existence in terms of IQ. Among the three of Little, Lilith, and Jasmine, she finally chose Little Will, no matter what. Since the life-saving grace is still the identity of the beast god's favored person, Nicole will not regret her choice if she makes her own choice. She strives to improve herself, determined to be someone who can always be by his side. tower

Little Weier's strength has increased too fast, Nicole never relaxes in her daily practice, but is still gradually surpassed by him and begins to gradually pull away.

I want to be an indispensable member by your side, I want to stand by your side and never give up, I do not want to be left behind by you, I am Nicole, the brave cat warrior!

The ocean-going boat’s hull passed by fifty or sixty meters away from the reef. With previous experience and lessons, Alesia would not take the initiative to hit the reef. The ocean-going boat is indeed very strong, but this is not the initiative to touch The reason for the reef, it is this ocean-going boat that he and others can rely on against the current.

The silver-white-haired giant wolf glanced contemptuously at the few people on the ocean-going boat. The disdain in his eyes was clearly visible across the distance. Nicole's face was calm and her feet suddenly rushed out of the ocean-going boat, and a few ripples lightly stepped on the water. , I arrived on the small island in a blink of an eye, standing on the shore of the cliff closest to the reef, looking down at the silver giant wolf.

Is it overlooked?

The arrogant silver wolf turned around and looked up at the cat-man warrior who bowed his body and stared at him. A pair of shining eyes flashed with cold anger, little guy, you angered me, you have to pay for it!

Without fear of Nicole's geographical advantage, the silver giant wolf let out a roar, and the sound was breathtakingly powerful, and the whole body was shot at Nicole with force with all four limbs.

Condescending, ready to go, and already angered the opponent, if so many favorable conditions are not used, then Nicole is really a little silly girl.

"Tiger Slash!" There are not many strong killing skills in the cat people’s inheritance, but there are quite a few of the colorful tigers. As the illegitimate daughter of the core disciple of the colorful tigers, Nicole has also come into contact with some non-core inheritances at first. Later, he followed Little Weir to Mabstershire to create the Ares Boxing Gym, and he got more good things from the orcs.

The giant wolf's body was severed in the air, and Nicole's body fell on the reef with a smile on her face, but she almost staggered and fell off. The blow to kill a Tier 2 beast just consumed her too much energy and vindictiveness.

One person and one wolf exchanged positions. Nicole half-kneeled on the reef panting. The silver giant wolf's eyes were slightly confused, and gradually turned into a breeze and disappeared, leaving only a bead, a small stone and one on the ground. Wolf paw.

"I won." Nicole looked at the approaching ocean-going boat, cast her gaze on Little Will, and spit out three words.

"Very well done." With a faint smile on Ville's face, Lilith's little hand quietly stretched out between his ribs, and the Dragon Diamond started to rotate 270 degrees.

"Under the pressure of Tier 2 you achieved the unity of spirit, energy and spirit, and broke your own barrier. In the future, your strength will increase more rapidly. Congratulations, Nicole, "Lilith has a sincere smile on her face. Nicole's bloodline level is very good in the continent of the gods, but it is far worse than Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo. She then accepted the Holy Spirit. Blood, but it’s not easy to talk about it completely.

She has worked very hard, but some things are not necessarily successful as long as she works hard. What she lacks is the opportunity for integration.

At this moment, she successfully found a breakthrough and took the first step towards a brand new bloodline. The future cannot be restrained by the two-tail cat bloodline.

A bright smile appeared on Nicole's face, and Lilith's approval was even better than Ville's words. She stood up but almost fell.

Lilith jumped and hugged her in her arms and brought her back to the ocean-going boat. "Get a good rest. This small island is not easy. You will need your help when you finally attack the big boss."

"I will work very hard, don't leave me." Nicole's voice was very soft, and in a blink of an eye she fell into a deep sleep, and the blood in her body started the journey of fusion.

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