The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 805: There is no cure for my sister to control this disease

The Irontooth Ridgeback is getting weaker, and the help it can bring is gradually decreasing. This is the anomaly that Lilith discovered when he challenged the Irontooth Ridgeback for the tenth day.

At the junction of the island and the river, there is a small underground spring. The spring water that flows out has a strong activity and can promote the recovery of the body. Whether it is vindictive or magical, it can even recover some minor injuries. This is the discovery of Guai Liluo.

As long as the Irontooth Ridgeback is injured, its strength will be slightly weakened every time it recovers, but it simply consumes its physical and magical power, and its strength can remain unchanged after recovery. This is Xiaoweier's discovery.

It’s not that we’ve become too strong, but that we’ve become stronger at the same time that the enemy is still weakening. This kind of battle is getting more and more meaningless. Later, when Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo confirmed the simple challenge. When it couldn't bring itself much help, it directly regarded Alesia and Nicole as the main challengers, so that they also had a good experience.

A month later, Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Nicole teamed up to kill the Irontooth Ridgeback, which was almost below the third-order in strength. Amid the loud noise of "Boom~", a fist-sized pitch black gem Appears, and the entire island quickly becomes smaller.

Lilith directly released the deformed puppet and turned into a flying horse, holding the strange Liluo into the air. Ville and Nicole could only rely on their own grudge to fly temporarily. The rapid change of the island caused the surrounding river to surging, and Alesia hurriedly drove the ocean boat Stay away from here to avoid being affected.

"This is a broken bone?" Lilith frowned slightly, and the whole island became a huge breastbone that was ten meters long and two feet wide.

Ville’s Eye of Appraisal was activated, and the truth was quickly discovered, "The wreckage of the fifth-order **** demon, then this thing is..."

The demon heart of the fifth-order **** demon, the product of the instinctive reaction under the power of the ancient river god’s purification power, a touch of Vill’s face is clear, the power will not appear out of thin air, nor will it disappear for no reason, the ancient river **** is actually not It is not possible to completely wipe out all these magical powers, but in the process promotes a high degree of condensation of some magical powers.

Lilith cast her gaze on the black gem in Ville's hand, her brows became tighter: "This thing gives me an unpleasant feeling."

"Xiao Miao told me that he likes to eat this thing very much." Ville shrugged and gave Lilith a piece of news that made Lilith happy. Everything was silent.

The huge breastbone was thrown at Xiao Miao by Will, and an island was directly added to the world of snow wood.

Yes, this breastbone purified by the **** of ancient rivers for thousands of years is filled with the magical powers of the fifth-order **** demon and the gods of the ancient rivers. It is thrown into the world of snow and wood, and there is a small lake in the middle of the lake. Island, the size of the island is exactly the same as the previous Hexin Island.

Xiao Weier immediately took in a large amount of river water from the original location in the river, and built a lake with a diameter of 30 kilometers in the world of snow wood.

They have been in the weird river for five months, but they have not been thrown out at all. Alesia is also not at all anxious, swimming happily every day, and sailing, but their strength is rising awkwardly, and occasionally they can still fish. To a strange snake.

As we traveled farther and farther upstream, the frequency of monster appearances quickly decreased, but their strength was steadily increasing. Now first-order monsters rarely appear, and most underwater monsters are second-order.

A month later, they once again encountered an island, an island also guarded by Tier 3 monsters. Egg pain

"My lord, please be sure to let me participate in this monster strategy." Alesia, who had tasted the sweetness before, stood up for the first time after Ville and Lilith detected the distribution and strength of the monsters on the island.

Laziness is not worth mentioning in the face of strength improvement. This kind of improvement method of fighting in a day to catch up with a month of cultivation is really tempting, and it takes a month before and after attacking a small island, although most of the time is wasted. For the guardian boss, there are some dangers, but the gain is absolutely huge, and this risk is worth taking.

"Oh, how do you want to allocate it?" Ville smiled and looked at Alesia. The latter said very directly: "Fifteen monsters, of which 14 are Tier 2 monsters, and Tier 3 monsters. I don’t need any trophies. , I want three heads for the second-order monster, the last big boss, I will listen to the arrangements of the Lord of the Favored."

Little Ville and Lilith looked at each other and smiled. Alesia is indeed cunning. The last big boss must be done by everyone. The time is long and the harvest will be great. There will be no more than her, and a lot less of her. Lilith is not a harsh person, and naturally will not let her fail, mainly because of the distribution of these second-order monsters.

Ville, Lilith, Wei Li Luo, Nicole, Alesia, excluding the ultimate boss, there are only 14 Tier 2 monsters available for distribution. Alesia’s request for three is not too much, but don’t forget. , Here is her weakest strength, but she has an average value. Isn't this cunning?

"No problem, these fourteen second-order monsters, we are going to challenge each one, and then choose three suitable for you to kill." Xiaoweier made a very generous decision.

Alesia's eyes lit up, and there is actually this kind of operation, yes, the previous Tier 3 monster can be repeatedly swept, why can't these Tier 2 monsters?

Is it just because they are too weak?

No, relatively speaking, the Tier 2 monsters in this space are not weak, but they are too strong. One-time beheading can really give them a lot of improvement, but they can be killed after a few more times. Each monster provides The harvest will definitely be greater, almost doubled.

"I want to join as well, everything will follow the arrangements of the Lord of Love!" Alesia immediately raised her hand and surrendered, expressing that she was a good and obedient girl, causing Lilith and Nicole to cover her mouth and snicker, and blame Liluo for eating fresh. Fish meat didn't care what they said, anyway, she just needed to eat and drink, sleep well, and then listen to her brother to fight.

My brother never forgets me when it's good anyway. Even Lilith is quite envious of this. Sure enough, there is no cure for my sister to control this disease.

"Then, Well, have you noticed that this time the monster has a strange attribute." Lilith glanced at Little Well thoughtfully, and suddenly raised a suspicious point.

Little Weir froze for a recovered from the previous frolicking, and after thinking about it, he was suddenly shocked: "Compared with the monsters that were all earth-based before, the monsters on this island have the attributes. It seems a bit complicated."

Iron-waisted Demon Wolf, Colorful Demon Tiger, Flame Lion, Two-Tailed Cat, Shadow Leopard, Iron Eater, Iron Wood Ape, Earth Demon Bear, Two-horned Deer, Ivy Snake, Rock Monitor Lizard, King Kong Ant, Snow Fox, Flame The demon dog, as the holy beast guarding here, is a very rare steel armor demon scorpion.

"Earth, shadow, flame, ice and snow, green wood, and King Kong. Except for the water attribute, the other common attributes are basically occupied." Little Ville was shocked. This seems abnormal. It was suppressed by the ancient river god. Isn't it a legion? Is there such a complicated composition in this corps?

"Huh~, it seems really weird." Alesia was also taken aback, then shook her head and said: "There has never been an island or anything in the past three thousand years. Now there are islands, and other monsters with other attributes appear on the islands. It's hard to understand."

Alesia has been hit hard enough recently. After all kinds of breakthroughs in her knowledge appeared, her receptive ability gradually increased. As long as the things are still within the controllable range, she will not be too truthful, otherwise she will be very tired. .

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