The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 806: The little princess Alesia returns with victory

The sea tribe is not a unified race, but a powerful alliance of races. Not to mention that between different sea tribes, even the same sea tribes have different tribes. Unity is very difficult for the sea tribes because the sea is very vast. The power of a single race cannot achieve unity at all, and even if it is forcibly unified, it cannot achieve centralized rule.

Among the three sea clan royal families, the Banshee is the only relatively unified race with a queen, and is also the royal family with the weakest strength and the weakest sense of existence. The two kings of the storm mermaid are opposed to each other, and the following princes are relatively free to rule on their own. The alliance is stronger and more scattered and complex. As long as the storm mermaid of Tier 3 is willing to dominate one party.

The situation of Thunder Naga is between the Storm Mermaid and the Banshee. The seven tribes are independent, cooperating and competing with each other. The relationship is good or bad, and the relationship is not bad. This state has been maintained for thousands of years.

There is more than one entrance to the Weird Long River, and the entrance here gathers the talents of the three tribes of Thunder Naga. The three tribe kings personally sit in this exploration, the king of the Kuroshio Naga and the king of the Purple Coral Naga. The king of Lanyu Naga gathered together, but the atmosphere was slightly stiff.

The Lanyu Naga King is the only woman among the three Naga Kings. At this moment, her face is a little stiff, and her body exudes an icy breath. The Kuroshio Naga King plays with the blue jade wine glass in his hand with a faint look on her face. With a smile, the king of the purple coral Naga put his hand on his cheek and his eyes were out of focus, as if he was asleep.

Was fooled!

The anger of the King of Lanyu Naga kept accumulating, but he forcibly resisted not letting himself burst out.

Exploring the weird river is a very important thing for the Thunder naga clan. The snake beads of the basilisk in the weird river are an important resource for young naga to cultivate the foundation, and any tribe wants it.

In the past explorations, the three tribes jointly or independently explored, often agreed in advance, but this time they gave themselves a vague statement as usual to deal with the matter, and made the wrong decision according to the temptation, which eventually led to the Kuroshio. The two tribes of Purple Coral and Purple Coral entered the weird river one step ahead of time. They left the Lanyu tribe behind and almost monopolized all the strange snakes and snake beads that can be hunted.

The Kuroshio and Purple Coral tribes hunted a total of more than 20 snake beads, but the Lanyu tribe had only two first-order snake beads. After they came out, the two tribes turned their faces directly and denied the plan of joint hunting to divide the spoils.

Now think about it, Alesia hired the so-called favored person and entered the weird river in the middle of the insurance is a conspiracy, delaying the Lanyu tribe’s entry into the weird river, and he was so caught in such a simple calculation. in?

Will the newcomers of the Lanyu tribe be overwhelmed by the Kuroshio and Purple Coral tribes in the next 50 years?

Just at this time someone came to report that the little princess Alesia returned victoriously from the weird river.

A faint sneer appeared at the corner of the King of the Dark Tide's mouth. This little girl actually broke away from the large army and followed the so-called God-loved one upstream, which was simply unattainable. For three thousand years, there has been more than one wave of exploration teams going upstream, but none of them have been able to gain anything. Does this little girl think she will be different?

"My mother, I'm back, I have harvested so many snake beads!" Alesia happily ran in, and saw the mother sitting in the main seat happily and raised **** happily.

Seeing lively Alesia, the King of Lanyu showed a far-fetched smile on his face. Although this girl was used by others, her original intention was really good, but she was a little too simple, "Really? Alesia is really good, a People hunted the snake beads alone, and my mother was proud of you. The snake beads you hunted are good for you."

The two first-order snake beads cannot offset the advantages of the other two tribes, and the king of Lanyu does not think that his daughter will be able to hunt the second-order snake beads after going astray.

"Yeah, thank you mother, mother is the best." Eleshia said with a grin: "Mother, these snake beads were hunted with the help of Lord Goddess. We were witnessed by the goddess before. A contract was signed, and each snake bead must pay them a complete copy of the monster food ingredients that are one level higher than the snake bead. These ingredients..."

Alesia showed a sly smile, and the king of Lanyu couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "You, there are just a few Tier 2 demon ingredients, it's up to you to decide."

Suddenly the King of Kuroshio said, "Little Alesia, uncle has been sitting here for a long time, can't you see me? Uncle is so sad."

"Hey, Uncle Heihuhu is also here." Alesia glanced away and couldn't help exclaiming, "Uncle Zihuhu is also here."

The king of the dark tide wears a gorgeous black robe, and the king of purple coral wears a luxurious purple robe. Hearing Alesia’s words, he couldn’t help but a black thread. This girl is over thirty years old. Is she still so naive? ?

However, the Lanyu tribe has such a silly heir, which is not a good thing for his tribe. The King of the Kuroshio smiled and said: "This is not the end of the weird river exploration. Let's talk to your mother. After all, the next meeting will be fifty years later."

"Uncle Heihuhu is so strange, the ten-year Seven Kings Meeting is about to be held in five years, why wait fifty years?" Alesia asked angrily when he saw the stiff expression on his mother's face. Uncle Heihuhu, are you making your mother unhappy again? Let me tell you, this is wrong, and it won't please girls."

Hearing this, the king of the Kuroshio can't help but a black thread. He is one of the seven tribes of the Naga clan. He has three children, so he won't please girls? And why do you want to please girls, aren't all the girls taking the initiative to join them?

Seeing that the King of Purple Coral suppressed his smile, the King of Kuroshio continued to fudge Alesia with a cheeky face: "Alesia, there are so many snake beads in your hand. You only need one for yourself, and the other one is left. Can you sell it to uncle? Uncle pays twice the price."

The King of Kuroshio and the King of Purple Coral suppressed the Lanyu tribe. Naturally, they liked that the fewer snake beads they got, the better, at least one could be one less, and there were not too many of these things in their own tribe.

"Twice?" Alesia said angrily, "Uncle Heihuhu, are you still not awake? This is the strange snake in the weird river, the treasure that can enhance the blood of our Naga clan, no Ten or twenty times the profit, who would sell it stupidly?"

"Okay, Uncle will offer ten times the price in exchange for the snake beads in your hand." The King of Kuroshio directly typeset, and promised that as long as Alessia was willing to sell him, he would buy it.

"Ten times? Really?" Alesia couldn't help his eyes gleaming.

The king of the Kuroshio patted his chest and made a banging sound, "What are you talking about, little girl, can the king of the dignified Naga clan lie to you?"

"How many are the uncle going to buy? I'll tell you, no matter how much you buy, I won't discount it. After all, Lord Goddess did not give me a discount." Alesia's words made the King of Kuroshio Overjoyed: "I will buy as much as you have."

"If you want to be beautiful, I don't want to sell all of it. I still use this kind of good stuff myself." Alesia said no.

"Then, how much does the cute little Alesia sell, and how much does my uncle buy?" The king of the Kuroshio said pitifully: "The uncle tribe has a lot of children born in recent years. Without the help of snake beads, they will lag behind others. There are a lot of Alesia is so kind, I don’t want to see them being bullied because they don’t have snake beads, right?"

Alesia thought for a while, and with a wave of his hand, ten billowing snake beads appeared in front of him. The king of the black tide, the king of purple coral, and the king of Lanyu stared at the same time. There were actually ten snake beads, all in one color. Sister Snake Zhu, how is this possible? !

"This, this..." The King of Kuroshio couldn't react for a while.

"Isn't it enough? But I want to keep a good thing like snake beads. There are many children in our tribe who don't use snake beads, so..." Alesia's voice was slightly low.

"I'll pay twenty times the price. I want these snake beads." The king of purple coral cut his beard halfway, making the king of the black tide blow his beard and stare, purple coral, your little white face stabbed me in the back, no , I stabbed me face to face, everyone is in alliance now.

The king of purple coral gave him a white look, now and then, now the most important thing is to deceive the snake bead in this girl's hand to be serious, and no one is too much of this stuff. And after coming out of the weird river, their covenant has officially ended, and now everyone has their own abilities.

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