The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 811: Task review, identity violence

The conditions for the release of exclusive missions are very high, because this type of mission basically belongs to the ranks of legendary missions, the identity of the publisher must be high, and the mission rewards are also quite generous. Whether it is successful or not, as long as the exclusive mission can be received, it is for mercenaries. An honor.

After the task is submitted, the Mercenary Society will organize special personnel to review the task to confirm that the task is not unreasonable or purely to give a certain mercenary group cheating experience, and then communicate face-to-face with the task publisher and provide some alternatives. , Fully reflects the meticulous care of the Mercenary Association.

A total of three semi-god masters and ten saint-level masters from the Mercenary Society gathered together to make a careful analysis of the task of Baihuayin. Finally, the general mercenary control group, a mercenary who has just been established for less than a year, The regiment and its members investigated the situation.

"This mission should not be fake, Baihuayin, a demigod, let alone how combat power is, but the influence is three points greater than ours." The mercenary learned demigod number one president tapped the table lightly with his finger, His eyes were a little complicated. He was a demigod knight who was over five hundred years old. When he reached his realm, the boundary between knight and wizard was quite blurred.

Become a god? Someone will actually release an exclusive mission to help become a god. If this mission is really completed, then this mercenary group that completed the mission will undoubtedly enter the sight of all the demigods, but how difficult it is to become a god.

After all, if you don’t become a god, you won’t live forever. Half gods and half gods are still mortals.

"Vill Star Mountain, formerly known as Wil Declan, was born in a small merchant family in Drake City, the Karst Kingdom of the Gods, under the tutelage of the classical school Professor Witzel, his father is the second son of the Downfall Knights family, and his mother is a third-level wizard apprentice. , The elf blood awakener. Grandpa is a mysterious school of astrologer Rhein Stadtshan wizard. According to information, Rhine Stadtshan is already a holy wizard." A tall and thin saint wizard introduced to everyone a little bit. Basic information of the key figures discussed today.

"Vill Declan has amazing talents, wizards and knights with unlimited potential for cultivation. After three years of education by Professor Wezel, he is very knowledgeable, so he is valued by the blood count and soul singers and participated in the attack on the land of the death **** Lamod. Go, because of a blessing in disguise, I became the master of the seven-story holy tower and won the favor of seven god-level masters."

"The post-devil believers tried to take away this beloved one, forcibly raising his strength to a mid-level knight, and Will Declan urged the seven-story holy tower to turn defeat and win, suppressing the devil and appearing in front of the world as a hero. ."

"Because of suppressing the devil and possessing the gods, Wil Declan became a noble lord, an honor knight of the church of the goddess of dawn, an honor knight of the **** of the storm, and therefore joined the House of All Things in Drake City, and began his transcendent career. During his tenure, he was defeated. The orc sneak attack and the **** demon invasion conspiracy actively promoted the transformation of wizards from dark to light, the transfer of power, and the cooperation of the wizarding church, which has been recognized by everyone, um, except for the **** demon."

"During the battle of the **** demon, being calculated by the demon led to the divine awakening of the sister of the Favored One, and covered the Declan family with a veil of mystery. It is impossible to know who this deity is, and it can only be determined to be one. The goddess is closely related to the night goddess and the spirit goddess, and now he is practicing in the spirit forest."

"The Declan family started at the end of the day. There are demon believers behind them. The family members are always under the threat of curse. The patriarch of the Declan family is unwilling to subdue to the hands of the demon believers, and his martyrdom attracted the attention of the beloved. With the power of three advanced knights, the large gray dwarf gathering place with at least three advanced knights was destroyed and the blood pool hidden here was destroyed with the power of three advanced knights."

"There is a wealth of metal ore and a small mode ore underground in the Gray Dwarf Camp. Wil Declan built a small wizard tower on this basis. Currently, it is occupied by two second-level wizards. The identities of these two second-level wizards have been investigated. It is clear that one is a master of alchemy and potion, and is also proficient in the cultivation of magic plants, and the other is a master of alchemy forging, and this master of alchemy forging is also a close friend of the wizard of Star Mountain. The two have provided great help to Will Declan. , Allowing him to receive formal training in gold before he came to the Wizard Islands."

"After taking over the territory, Wil Declan assembled the Mabster County church forces in the name of the Favored, actively promoted the sacred medicine and sacred equipment industries, closely linked the church and ordinary people, and greatly increased these The strength of the church’s faith has also made the territory more prosperous and powerful. The most important point is that he has created a new identity for the beast **** and created a new church profession: the **** of war fighter."

"The former lord of Mabster City, Nobby Corleone, has amazing vision and skill. He saw the potential of the Declan Baron and he did not hesitate to give up his position as the lord and join the Ares Boxing Gym. In this way, he intervened in Declan. The baronial. His joining has enabled the baron’s to grow faster and have a more profound influence. It also brings great benefits to the Kryon family."

"Today's Baron Declan is well-known throughout the Continent of the Gods, but Baron Declan has no control over the territory. Here, nobles, churches, merchants, etc. have formed a delicate balance. After our observation and analysis, After the deity of Will Declan left, Nobby Corleone had mastered most of the powers of the baronial Declan. He was both aristocrat and church, because of the good friendship with Ver Declan. , The Declan family also has a certain right to speak."

"After the Victor of Ver Declan left, Baron Declan was not so much the territory of the Declan family as it was the back garden of Nobby Corleone. This former lord of the city has amazing political methods. He even reached out to the Wizard Islands."

The corner of the holy wizard’s mouth appeared, and I could see through the light of your wisdom, "Nobby Corleone, Wall Dicas, Frina, and Bishop Dorothy of the Church of the Goddess of the Hunt, these people are able to communicate freely with the gods. The mainland and the Wizard Islands. This information is true, and the method used has been confirmed: the seven-story holy tower!"

"There are detailed records in our database on this point. Each layer of the multi-story holy tower corresponds to a god, which can carry a controller, and the controller itself can be used as a coordinate to carry out a small amount of personnel. After investigation and analysis, seven The controller of the tier holy tower should be Wil Declan, Lilith Star Mountain, Ro Star Mountain, Nicole Nick, Bishop Gil White of the Church of the Goddess of Flowing Water and Healing, and staying behind in the dark night of the six-ring construction wizard tower. Madam and a clam girl in the Far Sea Territory, a person next to the Great Duke of Far Sea."

"Two years ago, Will Declan followed the fleet to the Wizarding Islands and enrolled in the Five Rings Mitis Wizarding Academy. There was a wave of hard work in the Academy. He took two disciples and brought them together. Cultivated to become a super new star who can gallop across the Fifth Ring and Fifty Academy. Among them, the appearance of the ice and snow shaping wizard caused a sensation. When everyone began to turn their attention to them, Will Declan , Lilith Kendall, and Ro Starshan all applied for graduation."

"They actually embarked on the ancient wizarding way, and successfully promoted to the official wizard." At this point, the holy wizard also felt a little unbelievable, but the other demigod wizard next to him nodded repeatedly: "This kid is good, like me If I hadn’t had a teacher early, even if I was robbing him, I would accept him as a disciple."

"You can't beat Witzel." Another demigod warrior almost made the two of them fight.

"After graduation, Will Declan went to the Sixth Ring Constructed Wizard Tower and registered a sister-controlled mercenary group, directly attached to the Constructed Wizard Tower. There is also a key figure here: the Constructed Witch Julian. This third The celebrity who disappeared suddenly more than ten years ago, and now suddenly appears, according to the information we have, she should be trapped in a goblin ruin and cannot escape, and was finally rescued by Will Declan and Lilith Kendall."

"They got a lot of knowledge about goblin civilization. Wil Declan undertook many tasks similar to alchemy casting in the construction of the wizard tower, and got an ocean-going boat, an ocean-going boat from ancient times."

"The guardian demigod dragon Troy and Will Declan in the shadow of the Constructed Wizard Tower met. The two are suspected to have a special relationship, to be confirmed."

"The sister control group undertook a mission to find the lost girl of the movie clan. On the way, he encountered the demigod Hamlin. Will Declan provided suggestions for Hamlin, provided the establishment of a gastronomic capital, created the profession of extraordinary chefs, and gathered faith in a little way. The idea of ​​becoming a god, the construction of the wizard tower has undertaken the work of building a gastronomic capital, and it has now begun to take shape."

"After careful analysis and research, it is found that if Hamlin sticks to this road, it may be impossible to become a **** after hundreds of years. After all, this kind of ability can fight (control by knife and firepower), can help improve strength (medicated diet), and can maintain Extraordinary professionals who recover their bodies (or medicated diet) still have some room for survival."

"Baihuayin got the news from Hamlin and proposed this exclusive task after confirming Will Declan's identity and role in it. After all, Baihuayin and Will Declan did not know each other, even if The possibility of wanting to "encounter" is very small. It can only be said that Hamlin has good luck."

"and so..."

"Our second-level decision-making team believes that the task application submitted by Baihuayin Demigod does not have any violations. The task is more difficult ~ is set as a **** level, and the probability that the sister control team completes the task is 30%.

"Then your suggestion?" The head of the demigod knight president cast his gaze, his face calm and without any expression on his face.

"It's mainly against the guest, we send a holy master to follow and lead this mission throughout, and record the whole process of creating a god." The holy wizard has a trace of enthusiasm on his face, "This method can bring endless benefits to our mercenary association. Must be in your hands."

"Boy, your thoughts are too naive, it’s not easy to create gods. No matter what you do, but I advise you, it’s best not to underestimate the disciple of the old **** Wezel, the old **** Wezel But his vision is very high, and his students will not be general." A faint arc appeared at the corner of the demi-god warrior's mouth.

"This task review is over. The task can be released. If rewarded, the completion of the task will directly promote the leader of the sister control group to a legendary mercenary." The demigod knight said indifferently: "You can do it yourself for specific matters, as long as it's not because of it. It's good if you cause the mission to fail. Although the mercenary association is strong, it may not be able to withstand so many demigods' malice."

"The temptation to become a god, no demigod can resist."

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