The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 812: Which **** are you reincarnated?

Compared to Hamlin, the **** of food, the **** of music is even more difficult because she is a woman, an extremely beautiful and very intelligent woman.

The meeting place was at the Sixth Ring Constructed Wizard Tower, constructed as a witch, and the newly promoted saint-level constructed wizard Mario served as the host with a simple but valuable fruit meal. The fruit is provided by the Mercenary Association. The meal is half. The handwriting of God Hamlin.

Baihuayin looked at the two young girls in front of her, with a bright smile on her face, which made people feel very comfortable but not too close. The noble and elegant atmosphere came oncoming, and the first reaction of ordinary people was amazing when facing her. The second reaction is to want to get close, but when you look closely, you will often feel ashamed and afraid to approach you.

"It's so young." Baihuayin's sigh made Julian and Mario nod their heads, "This kid is a monster."

"It's not so much a evildoer, it is more appropriate to say that it is the son of God." Baihuayin smiled and greeted Xiaowei and Lilith. It was an equal etiquette that surprised everyone. The deacon of the Mercenary Association holding the contract document next to him was even more serious. He almost threw the information in his hands on the ground, with an incredible expression on his face.

"I'm just an ordinary person, an ordinary wizard who has acquired a little bit of adventure and pursues more knowledge." Ville took Lilith to the courtesy of Baihuayin, and then pointed to the deacon of the mercenary union next to him: "This is a mercenary. Jeremy, the first-level deacon of the union headquarters, the third-level holy wizard of the water attribute, is the leader of our mission."

Jeremy's hand shook slightly, a touch of shock flashed across his face, he introduced his identity and name, but he never told the little guy next to him about his strength and attributes, right? Even the clothes are just ordinary mercenary association staff costumes, waiting for idlers to see their identity at all.

It is very easy for a saint-level master to control his power without dissipating, not to mention that Jeremy has not only condensed his aura, but also has two magic weapons that hide his strength and disguise himself, but why has this only been seen once? Can the free little guy see his own details at a glance?

Is he stronger than himself?

No, it's impossible. This little guy who has just grown up is not even a fraction of his own cultivation at his birth. How could he be stronger than his own holy fifty?

"Serving customers and satisfying them is our association’s mission. Every guest who publishes an exclusive mission is a VIP that we need to take seriously. The headquarters of each exclusive mission will send a guide, and the guide can draw on the power of the local branch. So as to better serve the VIPs." Jeremy calmly put the information in his hands on the table: "This is the confirmation letter of the association. This is a contract. Please confirm whether it is correct?"

Baihuayin took a deep look at Jeremy, without looking at the document and contract, and turned her gaze to Little Will, "The release task is just a form. The person I am looking for is you, little guy. For this task, I think Listen to your opinion."

The corners of Jeremy's mouth twitched slightly, trying to squeeze a smile, but the anger in his heart went up. He was also a middle-level high-level member of the Mercenary Association, and there were people above him. The demigod himself did offend him. No, but is it really good for you to not give face so much? I now represent the Mercenary Association.

"To be honest, I personally don't want to do this task." Ville looked at Jeremy, and then said the truth in front of Baihuayin.

The smile on Baihuayin's face increased, and he smiled and said: "Why? It's too difficult, I'm afraid I can't finish it? The exclusive mission does not require that it must be completed. Even if the mission fails, the reward is huge."

"Difficulty is second. It is too much trouble and time is too long, and input and output may not be proportional." Little Ville's words made Jeremy almost flashed to the waist, little guy, yours. The tone is too big, right? You actually look down on the exclusive mission? This is one of the highest-level tasks of the Mercenary Association. 361 reading

"Little guy, sister's mission rewards are very generous, and as long as you help your sister complete the mission, your mercenary group level can definitely soar to the sky and become a top mercenary group, and you can even become a legendary mercenary." Baihuayin Follow the tricks, but Little Will is not fooled.

"Our mercenary group was established less than a year ago. Now it is a level five mercenary group. I am confident that it will become a top mercenary group within three years. As for the legendary mercenary group, it has just suppressed a level six **** just half a year ago. Beloved of the devil, do you think I will lack such an opportunity?" Ville's right hand spread out slightly, and an illusory seven-story holy tower projection appeared in the palm of his hand, "Compared to helping others become gods, hunting **** demons is for me. It is the task that is really small and profitable."

Jeremy couldn't help but a black line. You must know that among the mercenary missions, the most difficult and dangerous factor is hunting demons. This kid actually thought that those were simple tasks for sending money, but he saw the slowly disappearing holy tower. Xu Ying, he really didn't have much thoughts other than envy and jealousy.

"Compared to the thirty-five years of helping you become a god, I only need five or six years, and at most less than ten years, I can get more rewards than this mission. How do you think I should choose?" Xiaoweier's answer is very direct.

"I think you should choose to help me become a god." Baihuayin's words were more direct.

"Give me a reason to do the task."

"Because I am Baihuayin, with the most colorful voice in the world, and the most beautiful demigod. Isn't that enough?"

"Sorry, beauty cannot be eaten, and in my mind, my fiancée is the most beautiful." Ville always remembers that he is a person with a marriage contract, and his fiancée is by his side. If he answers no Well, looking back is definitely going to suffer.

After leaving Lilith's food, do you want to get around Hamlin often?

Hamlin is a little halfling man with a big beard. Where is the beautiful, gentle and virtuous Lilith?

Baihuayin smiled at the corner of her mouth, "But your mercenary group is named Meikong Tuan, and your sister is also a reincarnated god, and she will definitely become a **** in the future. You won't miss this opportunity, Hamlin and I Isn’t it the best experiment before you assisted your sister to become a god?”

Ville was silent. Jeremy only remembered the joints at this time. His gaze on Ville became more I have carefully understood your background and experience. It is really legendary. I saw the scenery along the way, the classical school Witzel behind you, the mysterious school Rhine Star Mountain, the seven-story holy pagoda and many gods, and your sister, the unknown reincarnated **** . "

"But is it really accidental that these people appeared by your side?" Baihuayin's voice was with a hint of doubt. "In your legend, Professor Witzel is always behind the scenes, and Rhein Starshan acts as an auxiliary fighter. The characters, the seven-story pagoda and the gods are just tools and backgrounds. Your reincarnation **** sister appears like a meteor and hides behind the scenes. As the protagonist of the story, you are still active, but you are seen by others because of those previous existences. Being a genius is just a genius, even if others keep saying that you are evildoers, more people still think that there are so many behind the scenes that evildoers are normal at all."

"But, I don't think this is a normal situation. You have a deeper secret." Baihuayin stared at the quiet little Weir suddenly and said: "You, which **** is reincarnated?"

"Smack~" Jeremy's file fell on the table, and the whole person felt a little bad. The little guy I wanted to take off might actually be the reincarnation of a god?

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