The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 814: The Great Battle of the Gods Conferred by the Faith

"These common senses are not a secret to any demigod powerhouse. I now want to know how you will help me become a **** if you take over my mission." Baihuayin is not so foolish, arms. Staring at Little Vail with her chest folded.

"P" With a thick pile of materials still in front of Baihuayin, Ville rubbed his temples, "Since knowing that we have this mission, Lilith and I have collected a lot of materials, and we have roughly sorted out a thought for you. This is the way that we think is the most suitable for you. Let’s call it a guide to the way of the **** of music. You can take a look first and ask us if you have any questions."

   Baihuayin took it unceremoniously, and pressed her slender hand on it. The huge but very detailed plan came into his mind. The smile on Baihuayin's face gradually became serious, and his expression gradually became serious.

   After a while, Baihuayin collected the information without any intention of returning it to Will, and asked in surprise, "How long did it take you two little guys to sort out this thing?"

   "Three days and three nights, the daily rest time is no more than one hour." Little Weir yawned, saying that he is very sleepy now, but your current appearance is really fake, very unconvincing, OK?

"Little guy, as a formal wizard, ten days and a half months of sleeplessness won't make you any better." Baihuayin glanced at him, suddenly she was surprised and couldn't help but exclaimed, "I almost missed it." , You little guy is amazing."

   Little Will chuckled in his heart, and hurriedly repeated humility. "It's a fluke, a fluke. This time I'm really tired, not only because of staying up late, but also because this stuff is too troublesome and the time is a little short."

I have improved too quickly, and my accumulation is seriously insufficient. The current strength is still not enough to fully protect myself. If I can hide a little, I can hide a little, but why the leak is that I have paid the merits in exchange for a hidden strength. Lilith has also learned the method, but why is she better than what she hides

   For this question, Lilith's answer is very simple. Women are born to act.

In short, for magic tricks like disguise, Lilith can learn faster and better than herself, but you are better than me in knight combat skills. How can you explain that the Overlord’s gun is better than Ville anyway? But Lilith, and Lilith’s answer is very simple, do you have the heart to beat me?

   Regarding this problem, Vil directly retreated, and if he didn't go all out, he might not be able to beat you.

"Little guy, you gave me the full set of plans directly, so I'm not afraid that I will do it myself after taking the plan, and throw you the initiator aside." Baihuayin smiled and looked at the two little guys with eyebrows, feeling for no reason. Unhappy for a while.

  I should find a companion too, but my identity determines that this companion is really difficult to find. Is it possible to take the initiative to send it to the little guy in front of him? His character is not his own.

"I'm not afraid at all. No matter whether you have other backgrounds or not, as long as it is not the Wizard League Wizard Association, I think the available resources are definitely not as good as the Mercenary Association. Without me, the chief planner, you can also implement this plan. , But the efficiency is definitely not as efficient as I did it myself."

Little Ville is very confident and said, "I have been thinking about some things for more than three years. This is just a part of the essence extracted. More detailed things will be much more complicated. There is a way, but how to go, how to go steadily, you Do you really understand?"

   Baihuayin couldn’t help but gave a thumbs up, “That’s nice little guy, I’m very optimistic about you, it’s you, and this exclusive mission is decided for you.”

The holy wizard Jeremy listened to the clouds and mist, and didn’t know what they were talking about. In his heart, there seemed to be a hundred cats tearing up uncomfortable and trying to vomit blood. His purpose was to gain power, dominate everything and become a **** Record it carefully and thoroughly, and try to promote it, mainly because the demigod behind it can be used.

Jeremy has self-knowledge that the demigods themselves are hopeless, but if the demigod behind him becomes a god, he will not be able to be a holy spirit in the future. People are inherently dead, and his own kind of goods is no exception, holy masters and demigods. The gap is too big, and the demigods are far from being on par with the gods.

   But Jeremy’s self-knowledge is still far from enough, he

I only saw the lack of strength in my own level, but did not realize my lack of ability, "Master Baihuayin, can I make a copy of the information just now? After all, this mission is our mercenary association."

Baihuayin nodded suddenly, as if he had just discovered Jeremy's existence, and took out two blank papers. The palm of the palm flashed light, and countless words appeared out of thin air, "This plan really needs your cooperation. These things will be all within a month. Help me prepare everything. If it's done, I will give you the next task."

Holy Wizard Jeremy couldn’t help but get a black line, “Master Baihuayin, can you fully disclose the details of this plan so that we can prepare well in advance. After all, going back and forth may be more troublesome. And if there are any omissions in the plan. We can also prevent it in advance. Our association has countless capable people, and it is still possible to learn from each other's strengths and to check for omissions."

Baihuayin curled his lips, shook his head and refused, "This plan is tailor-made for me. I don't want to expose some things. You are just a guide. In other words, you are a helper. The focus is on Brother Weier. Just do it well. Just do what I tell you to do. Other technical tasks may be difficult to do with your IQ."

  Can I curse? Jeremy's face was flushed by Baihuayin's words. He is a senior deacon of the mercenary association, and there is also a dignified third-order holy wizard in the decision-making level, which is not comparable to a first-level wizard kid

Little Will smiled and made a round. "Deacon Jeremy is also kind. This planned task needs to be carried out smoothly and completed. It requires everyone to work together. Now that the deacon is here, I will just say it briefly, the Association. The preparation here is of great help to the implementation of the follow-up plan."

Jeremy snorted, and his gaze on Ville suddenly became "kind" a lot. It is considered that you are acquainted, but you made a plan and didn't hand it over to the trade union to directly give it to the guest. I will ask you to settle this matter later. The main thing is to figure out the secret that Baihuayin passed directly and promised to issue the mission to him.

   "The plan I made is called the Great Battle of the Belief of One Hundred Clan and Ten Thousand Tribes. The core idea is to conquer many small and weak races that are not produced by gods while taking into account the beliefs of the human race.

"In addition to the priesthood and deity of worship, there is another category of racial gods. Elf goddess, beast gods, barbarian gods, blood gods, etc. are all such racial gods. This requires strong ethnic strength and a huge population Only the base and influence can give birth to a **** of race. At present, more than ninety-nine percent of races do not meet this condition."

"Without their own racial gods, many races are not in a very good situation. If they don’t switch to the arms of other gods, such as the Shadow Clan under the command of the goddess of the night, or they are suppressed very miserably, and the side is living in darkness. Life is like a race of flower fairies and ringtones. These races have good wisdom and potential. Although they are weak and have a small population base, they have considerable development potential.

"Our specific implementation steps are as follows. First, look for a huge barren land outside the Seven Rings Wizard Islands to create a simple safe area for backup. The Wizarding Association selects races according to the conditions proposed by Lord Baihuayin. To confirm the location of these ethnic tribes, we will personally visit and subdue them. After the relatively powerful ethnic tribes who can protect themselves have contributed their beliefs, they are protected by Lord Baihuayin and can stay in place to defend themselves. The weak and precarious ethnic tribes migrate to safe areas settle down."

"What the Master Baihuayin has to do is to create suitable music for them according to the characteristics of each race, music with extraordinary power, and select the elite to form the missionary team of the Church of the God of Music. These missionaries will be one The critics were sent out to preach in the Wizard Islands as a troubadour, spreading the fame of the **** of music and the beauty of music."

"When the power of faith reaches a certain level, the millions of tribes recommended the representatives to gather in the safe area of ​​the **** of music, inviting all the demigods who can invite and have no malice towards us, and use the powerful background to make the gods in one fell swoop. Of course, in Before that, there is another hurdle to pay attention to, and that is the church organization of the Wizard Islands. If possible, connect with them before becoming a **** and get their full support. After all, the **** of music is also a **** of justice."

"Hundreds and tens of thousands of tribes believe in the great battle to conjure the gods, with the help of the weaker to gather the power of faith?" Numerous thoughts flashed in Jeremy's mind. This method looks like the mercenary association's Demigods can also be used.

Little Ville nodded slightly and said, "There are still some particulars about the choice of these races. The first point is to be kind and talented, the second point is to have your own music, and the third point is the choice of strength and weakness, which we have to create. It is the **** of music, not the **** of sheltering the weak. If the hearts of the Hundreds are not sincere, the impact on the gods in the future will cause a lot of inconvenience and even unknown troubles to Master Baihuayin."

   "Faith is a good thing, but it is also a troublesome thing. The deacon, please prepare carefully. We will conduct a second communication in one month and formulate a detailed route and strategy for each tribe."

   "One month is too short, at least half a year." Jeremy didn't even want to directly magnify this time several times.

   Baihuayin snorted and said, "It's okay. You can prepare according to the list I gave you. I will discuss with this little guy in a month. Whether you have it or not is the same. I can obtain information from the Wizarding Association and the church."

   "Three months, this is the shortest time, mainly because the safe area in this illegal place is not easy to handle."

"If you can't, then change. The mercenary union can't always be your kind of idiot who is in a high position but is useless." Baihuayin's poisonous tongue made Jeremy a black line but there was nothing to say. I just read the information inside, let alone one month. If it is only for data collection and analysis, half a month is enough. The reason why I have delayed for so long is nothing more than deduction of the entire plan.

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