The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 815: 6 holy losers

   An exclusive mercenary mission, what is the concept of changing six guides in a year?

The first guide, Jeremy Holy Wizard, correctly confirmed that the mission was replaced one month after the start of the mission. The reason was inaction. The mission assigned to him was not completed within the specified time, and he was directly dismissed by Baihuayin as a piggy beast. Also stupid stuff.

   The second leader was a holy warrior, who was replaced two months after taking office for lack of ability. Baihuayin does not make trouble unreasonably. She is just an employer. The leader is Xiao Wei. This guide is not a wizard but a holy warrior. Xiao Wei will give him the task of creating a safe zone, and then shoulder other missions. Not sooner or later, the holy warrior came to Xiaoweier and Baihuayin to show their sense of existence. Two months later, most of the safe area was destroyed by Warcraft, and the second leader was fired.

The third guide is a paladin, who directly led a group of first-order and second-order wizards and warriors to fight, and smoothly completed the safe area within the specified time, and collected the information needed by Baihuayin very well. . Later, when the action was launched, Baihuayin contacted the Guyu Clan of the Sea Clan, and was about to succeed. A mermaid of the Sea Clan royal family came to visit and was beaten by him, causing the Guyu Clan to retreat and try to develop for the first time The Sea Clan followers failed, and the Paladin was fired.

The fourth guide is also a paladin. She is a female paladin. She relies on her gender advantage and Baihuayin’s Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe to integrate, while using her own backing support to continuously improve and expand the safe zone of the God of Music. Follow Baihuayin to monitor her every move. Until one day she suddenly discovered that **** demons were lurking in the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe.

  How can the Paladin with an inflated sense of justice tolerate the **** demon beside the mission target, without notifying the employer Baihuayin, and directly expelling Baron Moon Rabbit and the succubus Sarah.

A paladin, two sky warriors, and two second-level wizards joined forces to be completely retreated by two **** demons. More importantly, they did not show a trace of **** magic until they left. They were all thumping holy wizards. The appearance of the second-level wizard, the paladin faced Baihuayin's question, but he could not produce the slightest evidence.

   I can't say I saw it, but her momentary recklessness ruined the efforts of the previous few months, and finally she could only leave sadly. After all, she drove away the bodyguard in the case of the song and dance troupe. This is more or less unreasonable. The strength of the holy wizard of Baron Moon Rabbit made the paladin feel a bit tricky. Although she had a clear conscience, she couldn't stand someone behind her back.

The fifth guide is a holy wizard. In line with the principle of doing the best with all people and doing his duty, Ville has included this holy wizard in the core research team, allowing him to share some of the research results and the study of the way of music. Results.

However, Ville underestimated the wizard's paranoia and madness. The holy wizard was obviously not interested in using music for collective bonuses, healing, and inspiring, but was very interested in music killing and destroying enemies. As a result, a tribe was created. Injured, was severely wounded by the angry Baihuayin and threw it to the entourage of the holy wizard.

   I am looking for a helper, not an enemy. I have worked so hard to win over the alien tribes. You actually want to use them to experiment with the lethal power of witchcraft.

Baihuayin and Xiaoweier would not say that this is the result of their deliberate guidance. Music not only has a good side, it can also be used as a weapon for group killings. However, this method is best controlled in their own hands. The holy wizard is in There were indeed some talents in this area, but when his utilization value was exhausted, Baihuayin drove him away.

   The sixth guide is a dwarf saint. His strength is not much stronger than others, and his ability is relatively average. Except for his superb casting skills and combat effectiveness, other places are really not better than others.

   But there is one thing that takes advantage of him. He is actually the teacher of the Gru Hammer, and he dangles in front of Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, Nicole, and Jasmine with the Gru Hammer openly. As soon as this favor card was played, Ville’s task assigned to him became much easier. He dispatched dwarf warriors and craftsmen to build and guard the safe area. Pieces of strange equipment were freshly released. The dwarves are very happy. Cool, the dwarf holy warrior is also very happy.

   With the help of this holy warrior's identity, Baihuayin directly visited the dwarf tribe, hoping to get the dwarf's faith, but for the dwarves, what they like is really not

It is often simple casting and fine wine. Even if Baihuayin's singing is beautiful, it is not as beautiful as the sound of hammers hitting the ore in their ears.

Baihuayin, Ville, Lilith, and Baron Moon Rabbit who have returned from a new identity have teamed up to create four or five tracks for the dwarves, including the song of ironing to increase attention and inspiration, the song of wine to increase passion, and the dwarf for banquets. The song of the warrior, the dwarf epic that sings the dwarves.

They like Baihuayin's songs very much, but the singer of these songs is Angeline, who is dressed in men's clothing. This alien mixed in the Tianlai song and dance troupe, with his virtual "male" specialties, shows the heroic dwarves to the fullest. It is the first choice for all male roles in the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe, and the stage name is BYD.

The dwarf holy warrior left on his own initiative. The development of the dwarf tribe’s beliefs did not go smoothly. There were three dwarf tribes in a row, each with tens of thousands of people, and it took three months to develop less than a hundred believers. This efficiency makes The dwarf holy warrior feels a little embarrassed himself, but the faith comes from the heart and cannot be forced.

To be honest, the dwarf’s musical talent is really speechless. Baihuayin has worked very hard, but the result is really so "moving." As the guide, the dwarf saint helped the dwarf grab a place in the safe zone and I did a lot of work in three months, got a good salary, and then offered to leave that I was not competent.

In one year, the six leaders submitted their reports to the upper level of the Mercenary Association. The hardships of the road to gods are unobstructed. Any problem in any one of these links will affect the final results. In one year, apart from the creation of the safe zone, belief Collection and promotion are almost impossible.

The dwarf sage warrior finally gave a suggestion. Give professional things to professional people. The level of strength is second. It mainly depends on whether the professional is right or not. Whether it can give accurate positioning. Baihuayin is originally a demigod, and there is no safety. , They sent the holy leader to take care of each other's identity, but also to facilitate the use of the power of the association.

That being the case, why not send someone who can build a good relationship with them, but who is obedient but can't point fingers at them. What we want is their successful experience, instead of pointing fingers at them. The layman’s command of the insider will eventually lead to the failure of the mission, which will offend many people. of. The news that Baihuayin is going to become a **** is not a secret at the level of a demigod. Many demigods are secretly staring at this beautiful demigod who wants to become a god, only to see failures and frustrations.

   Not only is Baihuayin very shameless, even the Mercenary Association has also been implicated, and the reputation at the demigod level has plummeted. It is the previous guides who have not succeeded or failed.

Except for the last dwarf holy warrior who failed due to racial reasons, everyone else made big mistakes. The dwarf holy warrior at least completed the task assigned to him very satisfactorily. They did not receive the slightest complaint from Baihuayin. The others simply It just blew up and messed up things abruptly.

At the headquarters of the mercenary union, six leaders lined up to accept questions. There were as many as five demigods who attended the meeting this time. Two of them, who had been retired for many years without asking about world affairs, also rarely came forward. They The life span has reached the end of life. Although it is not a big problem to live for one or two hundred years, it is indeed an old age for the demigods, and they are more urgent to become gods than other people.

The six facilitators reported on their work one by one. Five of them were scolded into blood sprays. Finally, the dwarf sage warrior put forward his own suggestion: “The leader should return to the leader’s job, record, supervise, and coordinate, and he can do it without speaking. Don’t speak, and resolutely don’t bring yourself into the task. My failure is that my identity as a dwarf makes Master Baihuayin think about it, trying to take the dwarf’s beliefs into her bag. Ville and Lilith’s little girl from the beginning In fact, they are against it. In their plan, dwarves belong to a race that is very cost-effective and are not recommended for development."

"But at this moment, I was on the side of Master Baihuayin. I naively thought that with my influence and the musical talents of Master Baihuayin, I could gain something. Master Baihuayin's abilities are outstanding. We have helped a lot with several dwarf songs, but the dwarf’s love for casting and fine wine surpasses the so-called leisure Master Baihuayin has not received the return it deserves."

  "This is the consequence of the inaccurate positioning mentioned by the little girl Weier and the little girl Lilith. If it is a casting

The gods of creation and Bacchus, they can easily get the faith and love of most dwarves. I, a layman, didn't take the initiative, just made a stand and messed up things. "Speaking of this, the dwarf holy warrior was ashamed, but the others didn't think he had done anything wrong, because his advantage was only that.

   Without the support of the dwarf, he is just a dwarf saint warrior who is proficient in forging, and has no other advantages.

   "Then your opinion is inaction." The demigod president cast his eyes on Jeremy.

The dwarf sage warrior shook his head and said, "As a must, but as little as possible, do it yourself. Behind us is the entire mercenary association. The small tasks issued by Master Baihuayin are sent directly to the association, and the association sends professionals. It’s good for people to complete, and the leader is just the leader."

   Several demi-god powerhouses looked at each other, and some of the guides had their shadows behind them. It was their selfishness that made the guides unwilling to be reconciled. Only the guides led to today's end.

"If you are welcome, the six of our guides together are not as good as the Weir and Lilith. They almost never made a mistake. Even if the Master Baihuayin disagrees with them, it can only prove in the end. They are correct. Choosing a leader who can fully cooperate with Master Baihuayin, Little Weir, and Little Lilith, I believe that the task will progress more smoothly."

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