The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 826: The goddess can't be wrong

  , the **** of music, Baihuayin, visited the paradise of the indulgences. Selma Sylvie, one of the five queens of the siren banshee clan, led an army to welcome into the city.

Selma Silvi’s calculations have no effect in front of the huge and gorgeous car wheel. The size of this thing is so huge and the weight is amazing. If you want to turn around and walk on the trails, people only recognize the road, and they walk very quietly. In the wild, it is not an exaggeration to say that the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, but when it comes to the city, it is invisible and not very lethal.

Gorgeous chariots swayed the city. More than ten Tianlai song and dance troupe members on chariots always played elegant and beautiful music. The majestic sound was endless. Nicole and Angeli sprinkled flowers all the way. The colors are not gorgeous, and these petals are all without exception. It has been soaked in holy water, and if there is no **** demon energy being purified along the way, it is even more refreshing and refreshing. Well, except for **** demons and demon believers.

Selma Sylvie led the general direction, but he couldn't do too much. He even turned in front of him once, but Ville drove the car straight forward, forcing Selma Sylvie to overdo it and regroup. The formation made her face a loss, but she could only endure it.

Hundreds of flowers are sitting in the car, singing sweet songs in their mouths, and the voices spreading far away give people a sense of tranquility. The noisy and chaotic indulgence paradise is like flowers in full bloom, birds, flowers, fragrant bees and butterflies flying, and it has become a lot better. The place was quiet for several miles.

The tyrannical and unreasonable realm of the demigod powerhouse is evident. Coupled with the bonus of the magic circle arranged by Ville and Lilith on the chariot, the holy water is poured out without money, and the **** demons evade three homes along the way, and the devils cry bitterly. Confession loudly, and more ordinary people bowed to the chariot and bowed to the car.

This has already begun Selma Silvi’s gritted teeth but helpless. This is completely different from what I imagined. You are not the style of a song and dance troupe at all, nor is it a demigod who develops believers. The inherent mode, what you show at this moment is basically the means of the gods.

Selma Silvi suddenly had a bad feeling. As one of the five kings of the siren banshee and the master of the Indulgence Paradise, he had lined up his chest in front of the ancestors and promised to suppress Baihuayin. Dao is also the Siren Banshee's own strengths, and it is also possible to use this Dao to become a god, even if the opportunity is slim, as long as it is not zero, they will fight for it.

The mighty army finally reached the end. In the luxurious manor arranged by the Siren Banshee for Baihuayin, the location is superior and the surrounding quiet and elegant place is absolutely in line with the **** of music and cannot be found from all aspects. Something wrong.

   is beautiful, secluded, and vast, and will not be disturbed by vulgar people, and there are battalions of sea clan guarding them outside, and I don’t think outsiders will be disturbed by the **** of music at will.

Selma Silvi sent a large amount of living supplies, wines and foods to be counted, the indulgence paradise is definitely one of the few authority in the illegal place in terms of enjoyment. A small banquet was held that night, hosted by the Siren Banshee. Organized by those in power, the participants are all sea people.

Early the next morning, Selma Sylvie came over early, and she was accompanied by the owner of more than a dozen opera houses in the Indulgence Paradise. Each prepared a copy of their own promotional materials and passed Philomena in advance. When they were sent to Baihuayin, they waited outside obediently, without Baihuayin's call and didn't rush in.

The propaganda materials are both open and dark. There are two copies of the materials for each opera house. The data room on the bright side is prepared by the opera house, while the one in the secret is prepared by Selma Silvi as an indulgence. The master of the paradise, but there is no place she doesn't know that can be called.

Baihuayin looked at the information in her hand, her face was green, and threw a copy of the information on the table with a "pop", the heavy lace gloves almost fell out, gritted her teeth and cursed, "Assholes, a bunch of assholes, what do they manage? The opera house is blasphemy, this is a blasphemy of music"

   Philomena picked up the scoring data at will, and the title on it was a few slightly pink characters to fascinate the opera house.

"The Charm Opera House, the largest opera house in the Indulgent Paradise, covers an area of ​​100 acres and is divided into two floors above and below ground. It integrates song and dance entertainment. There are four song and dance troupes stationed all year round, one large performance venue and three small performance venues. every day

There are at least three to five performances, and the types of programs are rich and varied. "Filomina's voice was very soft, and then picked up the Selma Silvi's information.

Enchanting Opera House, it’s more appropriate to call it Succubus Opera House. The total area of ​​the four performance venues in this opera house is less than one-third of the total area of ​​the opera house. The underground is the main body of this opera house and its main business. It is a succubus style shop.

  The second-ranked opera house Iron Blood Opera House, this is a long-established opera house, which focuses on various epic musicals and promotes iron blood and battle. In fact

   This is a deeply hidden underground slave market, and various foreign races are used to vent their slaughter. There are no less than ten slaves who die here every day, including many **** demons. It can be seen that their methods are indeed extraordinary.

  The third-ranked opera house, the Deep Blue Opera House, is a very stylish opera house, which focuses on marine-themed musicals. Among them, the themes of sea beauties and human princes are the most.

But in fact, this opera house is mainly engaged in the underground trading of various magic materials, and the trading materials are mostly cruel and **** biological materials, among which marine life accounts for 90%, even here. The materials on the Storm Mermaid and Thunder Naga can also be purchased.


Ranked sixteenth in the classic opera house, this is an opera house with a vast area of ​​masks but a rather bleak business. It focuses on a variety of classic and epic musicals. There is no resident song and dance troupe, and a variety of second- and third-rate singing and dancing troupes. You can get a chance to play here.

In fact, this is the base camp of the Assassination Organization of the Industrious Paradise. The boss, Ed, is a saint-level assassin and the biggest assassin broker in the Indulgence Paradise. , The most famous record is that he once introduced a demigod powerhouse and completed the assassination of another demigod. Although he failed in the end, he successfully wounded his opponent seriously.

"This, it is indeed not a good choice." Philomena has never been to the Industrious Paradise before. Although she has learned a lot of information, she feels that it is impossible to be so clear and detailed. The road to becoming a **** is very important. You can't be too careful, none of these places are clean. Baihuayin's admission to sing is definitely a stain on life.

   No, it is a stain on the life of the gods. It is very difficult to erase it. For Baihuayin who is walking on the road to becoming a god, such a place cannot be contaminated.

   What Baihuayin wants to achieve is the **** of justice, kindness, beauty, and holiness. It is definitely not a good choice to get in touch with these places.

"If you don't have a good choice, then let the sister control team handle it. Isn't they what they should do to make suggestions for us" After thinking for a long time and didn't think of a good way, Philomena could only push the problem to the sister in the end. The control group, at least in his own opinion, the wisdom of Ville and Lilith is trustworthy.

   Baihuayin glanced at her bitterly, and said quietly, "Am I really just a demigod who has not succeeded but failed."

   Philomena shook her head hurriedly and said, "Why, you are definitely the kindest music goddess in the world."

"But leaving you and the sister control team, I can't do anything." Baihuayin said quietly, "I thought about it carefully, and almost all my arbitrary actions brought troubles. It’s time for you and the sister control team to finish. Looking back, I am really better than the leaders of the Mercenary Association who I look down on. Are there many things I do different from them?”

   "Some" Philomena flew out a very positive answer.

   "In the end, all decisions are wrong, which brings troubles and failures. What's the difference?"

   "You really want to do a good job and the former leaders of the mercenary association are simply too selfish and can't see the situation completely."

"Yeah, this is my path to becoming a god. I want to succeed wholeheartedly, but the result is just like those outsiders who are too selfish. It will only help me." Baihuayin's voice became even more resentful, "You and sister control group I don't agree with preaching in this place. I chose this place arbitrarily, but in the end I asked the sister control group to carry on with you."

  "You are not optimistic about this place, but you still help me in every way, but I think I think a lot

Taking the job over, it's like choosing the opera house this time. "Baihuayin's voice was filled with a trace of loss, "This was supposed to be the work of the sister control group and you, but I snatched it over by my own initiative. After snatching it over, I found that I couldn't do it, and I threw the problem to you. In the end, I still have to push the matter to the sister control group. If I continue to use it for myself and make the wrong choice, it will be you and the sister control group who are behind the incident. "

   "Am I a very immature demigod"

"Able to recognize your own shortcomings, you have grown." Philomena held Baihuayin in her arms and said softly, "The goddess is not cultivated in a day. Your immaturity is exactly what we need to make up for. You can handle everything by yourself, so please don't worry about what the guardian and the mercenary group of the sister control group do. We will fix this for you."

"You only need to dress up beautifully, and then use your sharpest weapon to harvest the enemy's first level. The goddess cannot be wrong. If it is wrong, it can only be the world. You have always been right. Yes, the wrong thing is this indulgent paradise"

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