The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 827: 1 Cut for the **** of music

   "Music has no country, no race, no level, it is free and unrestrained and all-encompassing. Why must it be limited to the opera house"

  "The gods need the devout faith of the believers, not the worship of gold coins and magic stones. The gods are compassionate and kind, and they will not force their followers to worship anything, especially money and wealth."

   "God is great. He brings the gospel to believers. Believers of the gods should not lose the favor of the gods because of the smell of bronze."

   "As the shepherds appointed by the gods, we have reason to let the brilliance of the gods cover the earth, so that more lost lambs can receive the light of the gods."

As a glorious knight of the Temple, Russef Wilson talked with Selma Silvi. His ultimate goal was to locate the place where the goddess of music performed miracles in the central square of the Indulgence Paradise, not any one. The so-called opera house.

"No, this is disrespect for the goddess of music. Only inexperienced troubadours will perform in the square for the citizens and merchants and earn meager rewards. The real artist should be in the magnificent opera house. Performing noble art." Selma Silvi shook her head, insisting that they be taken back to death.

Paladin Rutherf stared at Selma Sylvie coldly and said, "Queen Sylvie, as a knight of the temple, I have to remind you one thing, you are facing a walking Under the crown of the future on the path of God, He is not a troubadour or a so-called artist, but a **** who practices his own way. Your words and deeds just now constitute a verbal offense to that crown."

"The reason that the adult chose to indulge in the central square of Paradise is because of her benevolence, her greatness, and her fraternity, but this cannot be an excuse to insult that adult. I hope this is the first and last time. once"

   Selma Silvi looked at the righteous temple knight in front of him, who was radiating the light of a fanatic, and suddenly felt a headache. In the face of such a fanatic, you can't make reason to him.

"I always think that the central square is not a suitable place. Indulgent paradise is an open paradise. There are hundreds of races gathered here. Even the Siren family cannot guarantee that everyone will keep their due to the goddess. Respect." Selma Sylvie said half-threateningly and half-seriously, "Opera, we can still coordinate, supervise and control the entrants, but the central square, please pardon me. It is an absolutely free place, but it is not an absolutely safe place. ."

   An arc of mockery appeared at the corner of Paladin Rutherf’s mouth. For his own sake, a tyrant who could shut down the largest port of the Indulgent Paradise for one day, expelled the people along the way, and secretly released a mission to assassinate the troubadour, actually talked about freedom in front of him.

"I believe that under the brilliance of Lord Goddess, all sins will be purified, and all filth and decay will be destroyed." Paladin Rutherf said confidently, "I and the knights of the temple will also swear to the death to ensure the safety of the goddess, Your Royal Highness. Just set aside the place and give us some preparation time. Of course, it would be better if we could publicize the divine grace of the goddess before then."

Selma Silvi took a deep look at the Templar knight in front of him, and a faint sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Since Knight Wilson insists on this, this king can only cooperate, but this king insists that there are only influential troubadour talents. I will wave the harp under the sun, moon and stars, and recite old-aged legends in the noisy flow of people. Under the sound of a hundred flowers, I should receive the appreciation from the nobles in the more high-end and magnificent opera house."

"Pa" Paladin Lutherf left a clear palm print on the table in front of him, "What the goddess crown needs is the wholehearted faith of the believers, not the appreciation of the so-called nobles. They are not worthy to judge the greatness of the goddess crown. Brilliant. Please don’t use your thin brain to think about the wisdom of the goddess, like the sea, your performance will only make your shallowness known."

  As a holy land knight, Rutherf is not at all worried about the so-called sea king, and Selma Silvi’s disrespect for the gods, which makes this knight very upset.

  As the sea royal family, even one of the five kings of the Siren Banshee family, you have not shown the respect you deserve to the gods. You must know that the sea goddess is also one of the world’s most powerful goddesses, with super influence

Is the level strong?

Theoretically speaking, all the members of the sea people are under the protection of the sea goddess. As the protected party, you do not respect the gods so much. If it is not a problem with your mind, then there is a problem with your character. For such an existence, it is true. It is difficult to get the recognition and respect of Rutherf, a true knight of the temple.

Seeing Rutherf's Templar knight leaving, Selma Silvi sneered coldly, "Do you think that you can rest easy if you don't choose the opera house? Wouldn't you be naive to think that performing in the central square will bring piety? Believers of Haha, there will be no devout believers in the Paradise of the Indulgent, and the devout believers with faith will not come to the Paradise of the Indulgent, this is the paradise of the impossible"

"Great goddess of music, don’t you like believers, don’t you actively want to influence those who are unable to? Then I will help you publicize it. I promise as one of the five kings of the siren banshee clan, you will be three days later. 'S performance will be witnessed by many, many people"

"There are so many opera houses that you don’t have a choice. I understand that you don’t give us face. Since you toast and don’t eat or drink fine wine, then I don’t have to give you face anymore, hum, if you choose not to choose the right to decide before. In you, now." Selma Silvi smiled coldly, playing with the wine glass in her hand, "Then all arrangements will be made for you."

Before Selma Sylvie had any action, the hand over there came down to report that the support group of the Holy Kingdom had begun to take action. A team of priests headed by Bishop Holly took to the streets, convening troubadours and proclaiming the gods. She is holding the phonograph of the goddess of music, walking through the streets and lanes of the Indulgent Paradise under the protection of the knights of the temple, and began a difficult missionary work.

Selma Silvi has no good way to deal with this kind of behavior. After all, this kind of petty troubles will easily offend the sacred country if you stop it. He is targeting the **** of music, not the sacred one. China and the Mercenary Association, it is better not to offend these two behemoths.

Selma Silvi did not like to offend the Holy Land and the Mercenary Association too much, but in this mission, she naturally stood opposite to these two behemoths, and the Mercenary Association Saint Wizard Diana came directly to her door. Asked for the right to transform the central square of the Indulgent Paradise, and then led the Mercenary Association to surround most of the central square.

Selma Silvi called the lawbreakers and dignitaries in the Indulgence Paradise to discuss how to deal with this time the preaching of the God of Music, but for this kind of unprofitable thing, most lawbreakers expressed no interest and offended one. The demigod strong, by the way, the Holy Kingdom and the Mercenary Association must be added, which is definitely not a good thing for them, even if Selma Silvi said that there will be a return afterwards.

However, there are exceptions to everything. There is a type of existence that is very exclusive to gods and missions, that is, **** demons. The bottom line of the paradise for the indulgent is very low. This is a paradise for the lawless, and it is also an invisible paradise for the **** demons. The deep **** demon accepted the call of Selma Silvi and said that he would bring in more people to help. Gods have never been the existence that **** demon likes.

  All for the **** of music

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