The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 828: Hunting and anti-hunting

   As night falls, the Indulgent Paradise is still brightly lit. This is a city that never sleeps. There is no real night. If you want to see the stars, you can only see them far and far away in the wild. The city's lights eclipse the stars and the moon.

   Where there is light, there will be shadows. There are more dark places in the indulgence's paradise than the bright places on the surface. A tall figure moves fast, staggering slightly, cursing differently while running.

"Asshole, damn, damn, damn" the black figure quickly moved horizontally and flashed a grudge attack, and the whole person instantly took off and landed on the roof of the slum. Not far away is the lair of himself and others, but these few Hundreds of kilometers are like a moat that is beyond sight.

"Why didn't my uncle ran away and thought of wandering around your devil's lair? It wilted so quickly, are you a man?" Not far in front, a black shadow quickly rose along the wall and reached the roof in a blink of an eye. Turning into a tall and straight figure, a white light flashed not far away, and a temple knight appeared quietly. The vindictive attack just now was his masterpiece.

"Asshole, I just hunted a weak reptile. There is no such thing as an advanced tramp. As for letting two second-order masters chase me all the way?" The tall figure stood up, with a trace of fear on his pale face. I was really planted this time, and I was very unjustly planted.

"When did Tier 2 vampires like the blood of middle-aged old men? Are those ignorant girls no longer able to satisfy you? Huh, stop talking nonsense, this uncle will give you two choices. Confession, and then give this uncle a satisfactory explanation. Secondly, you will resist stubbornly, and finally make a heroic sacrifice. You can choose one."

   "Children only choose, I don't choose anything." The **** man's robe flicked and the smoke filled his body, and the "boom" broke into pieces and flew out up and down in the sky.

"There is such a fool who blew himself up at every turn. Seeing you shed so much blood, let me make up for you." The black figure threw a bottle and flew up in the air. The bottle split and spilled rainwater, and the rain encountered those. The scarlet bat made a "sizzle" sound like sulfuric acid, and a scream rang out.

   The sudden light of "Holy Flash Technique" made people unable to open their eyes, and a taller figure fell straight from the roof in a more screaming scream.

"Wow!" a chain flew out of the black figure to tie up the **** man who fell on the ground and tumbling, muttering in dissatisfaction, "This little bat is not powerful, it is also a second-order master at any rate, it is so easy. It was solved, it was really boring."

"Hehe" Rutherf Wilson smiled faintly. You are a Tier 2 Shadow Clan holding a heavy treasure. Although your opponent is also a Tier 2 master, the bait failed to sneak attack. You were beaten by two gods and seriously injured. You used it once. The blood escape was severely injured, and then your body was corroded by your high-concentration holy water, and finally the magic chain, the giant's legacy that can suppress the third-tier masters, can be treated like this for the second-tier masters.

It is not easy for him to escape so far from the two gods. He has sent five teams of men. This Tier 2 blood race is more likely to choose other decoys to escape, but he chose this one. A powerful group.

Angeli, dressed in men's clothing, pulled one end of the demon-binding chain, and let the blood-worn men rub against the rough and uneven ground, leaving deep blood-red marks along the way, and rushed to the road when she came. , Their mission is not complete yet, and the fishing plan is still going on.

"Boom boom boom" The sound of roars in the far place seemed extremely loud. Angeli paused slightly, her face showing a helpless wry smile, "Xiao Luo is going crazy again, it looks like she won't have to play again tonight. ."

   Rutherf Wilson looked at the light in the distance, carefully feeling the power fluctuations coming from there, his brows couldn't help but curled up, "This feeling, it seems to be a Tier 3 demon."

"It's okay, the third-order devil is no big deal, Xiao Luo is one of the few masters in the sister control group, and there are more good treasures in her hands than mine." Anjieni waved her hand, indicating that if it was just a third-order demon The problem is not big, "What's more, there is a Jasmine Knight beside him. It is really impossible to directly release the four-legged flying dragon to leave. No one can stop them."

   Rutherf Wilson thought for a while, it’s true, but it’s so big

Quiet, today's action is also time to end. Now there are very few troubadours wandering outside, and even if there are, they may not necessarily be good people, otherwise it is impossible to hide from oneself during the day.

The two of them were fast, bright and dark rays of light flickered in front of them, and Rutherf Wilson saw Tao's figure lying on the ground from a distance, and then a vine flew out and wrapped them tightly, screaming in the Industrious Paradise The corners at night are too common to attract the attention of anyone on Guangming Avenue.

   The dying blood man was thrown out, tumbled on the ground a few times and fell at the feet of Lilith and Weir.

The blood man was bound by the devil chain, and he didn’t use his ability at all, but the essence of the second-order blood was still there. He was dragged on the road and moved fast, his body was scarred, and the wounds healed a lot, mainly to survive. After the play stage of Holy Water, he felt a little better.

I looked up and saw two strange but recognized faces. One of them was dressed as a troubadour, facing the bait that she was beaten by a sneak attack, and the other was a young man who almost cut herself in the middle by a sword. It was his magical skill. Make yourself feel painful and your strength will be greatly reduced.

The real screams were getting lower and lower, and the blood men saw a look of horror on the face of the beautiful flowers, and the bound body rolled away desperately, "slap" Xiaoweier and bound the magic chain with one foot. Stepped on one end, the chain was taut, the blood men grouped into a ball but found a thorn that seemed to feel the temptation of blood and slowly stretched out his tentacles.

"Forgive me, forgive me, I say everything is Queen Siren, everything is the mercy of Selma Silvi who instructed us to do it behind his back, no, we really have no intention of offending the **** of music, everything is That **** siren banshee forced us to do it"

"Don’t come here. I know more information. Selma Sylvie contacted more **** demons. She wanted to destroy your arrangement tonight and smash the stage in the central square. She also hired a lot of charms. Demons, banshees, and dead spirits are trying to wreak havoc in tomorrow’s performance and corrupt the innocent prestige of Lord Goddess. No"

"There is no new information." Ville made a haha, and threw the magic chain to Anjieni, and the bloodthirsty vine was all included in the Snowwood World. "Let's go, kill at least a hundred of the opponent for two consecutive days. The strong, even a fool knows that there is a problem. The fish to be caught is almost the same. I just hope that tomorrow’s performance can be successfully completed. I really find it hard to like this place."

"A lawless place without faith, where the power of the gods is needed to purify all evil." Rutherf Wilson, a temple knight from the sacred country, really doesn't like this standard lawless place, it can even be said to be very Disgust, including the Siren Banshee royal family has no good feelings.

"There is indeed a need for purification, but the person who performs the purification is not you." Recently, Angeli likes to compete with Rutherf Wilson, the temple knight. As long as it is comparable, she will actively overwhelm Rutherf. One end, prove that he is more manly than him.

"Stop making trouble, our actions have attracted the attention of Selma Silvi. It is definitely not a good choice to be led by her to block up here. The time for the decisive battle has not yet arrived." Ville waved four people casually. The figure disappeared, and the figure of Selma Silvi appeared after a while, and there were more than twenty second-order masters beside her.

   "Queen Sylvie, you need to give me an confession. All five of my subordinates disappeared overnight, and they were still on your turf." A hoarse voice came from the top of the head.

Selma Silvi carefully checked the traces on the ground, and then stood up and said coldly, "Blood bats, if you are afraid of losing your subordinates, then send some real masters to perform the task, and you will be killed casually. Is it worth your yelling?"

   The thin and pale face of the Tier 3 Hell Blood Race on the roof became paler, his anger was not a disguise, he sent a credible master under his hand, otherwise he would not be so angry.

   "Sylvie, we are old friends too, this time I really value it, and the personnel sent are absolutely elite."

   Selma Sylvie sneered coldly. "If you want benefits, you can Tomorrow that **** concert will be destroyed for me, and the remuneration will be doubled. Those who died, you just

Don't quibble, the atmosphere here is very weak, and the garbage that can be eliminated by the first-order elven clan wood attribute witchcraft tricks is not worth wasting this king's time. "

I am xxxx, the masters of the third-order **** blood clan can naturally clearly feel the residual witchcraft magic fluctuations here. It is indeed the fluctuation of the first-level witchcraft, but this does not explain the problem. The one I sent is indeed reliable under the hand. One of his masters, one Tier 2 blood family, and three Tier 1 blood families, none of them returned in the end and all died.

"Wait, that direction over there" Selma Silvi's face changed slightly. The breath just now was definitely the breath of a Tier 3 master with all his strength, but this breath is fleeting, that is to say, there is a Tier 3 tonight. The master has fallen

A person who can kill a Tier 3 master is at least of the same tier. Even if it is easy to defeat an opponent at the same tier, it is very difficult to kill an opponent. Several

In my own information, Baihuayin’s personal bodyguard, Philomena, is one, and the Diana Saint Wizard of the Mercenary Association is one. It is said that there is also one in the support group of the Holy Kingdom. If they all go out and kill a Tier 3 demon It may not be impossible to succeed, after all, the divine art of the sacred kingdom is still quite a threat to the **** demons. In addition, the sister control group also has a Tier 3 quadruped flying dragon, which counts as four Tier 3 masters, but the quadruped flying dragon is huge, and once it is dispatched, it is absolutely impossible to hide.

   In other words, Baihuayin made the shot himself

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