The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 831: Deity Declaration and Resentment Curse

"God, ruler, order maintainer, guardian of heaven and earth."

Baihuayin stood on the high stage, his gaze swept away, and the demigod powerhouse's aura broke out in an instant, and everyone including Selma Silvi unconsciously turned their attention to the past.

Wait, what are you talking about? The opening remarks of concerts and musicals shouldn't be like this.

"Worship and adore God, believe in God and express God, the world loves God, and God loves the world."

"If I become a god, I should pay tribute to the gods, the goddess of the ocean, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the night, the goddess of the elves, the goddess of dawn, and the gods of beasts. I would like to share the way of music to thank the gods."

"If I become a god, I should extol the great deeds of the world, the achievements of the gods and the great men, and the brilliance of the epic of the ten thousand races, which shall be widely spread and not lost."

"If I become a god, I should guard the world, spread the sound with my heart, wash my heart with sound, remove the haze of the soul, and restore the soul to peace."

"If I become a god, I should promote the beauty of the world, perseverance, struggle, fraternity, wisdom, contribution, self-discipline, self-reliance, responsibility, kindness, equality, justice, and inspire people with music."

"If I become a god, I should revitalize the way of music, open up an extraordinary career in music, troubadour, singer, not limited to faith, regardless of sect, pure and kind souls can practice."

"If I become a god, when..."

This is what you call the concert of the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe? Everyone in the Indulgent Paradise team cast their eyes on Selma Sylvie, who had already sweated profusely on her face. Baihuayin did not play the cards according to common sense, and directly made a declaration of becoming a god, which made her very passive.

But this **** demigod’s declaration of godhood feels good. He does not compete with the gods for his beliefs. On the contrary, he is willing to share his own way of music. Just this one can get the favor of many gods, and it is not sinful. Under the premise, there is no need to stand in a team, on the contrary, it is more promising and not limited to a certain **** system, and there is a possibility of one step closer in the future.

Baihuayin, is it so cunning? Did she think of these declarations, or did someone plan everything for her?

All declarations of becoming a god, summarizing Baihuayin’s plans after becoming a god, the gods, duties, believers, believers, kingdom of God, and responsibilities are all clear and clear, plus Baihuayin quietly reads out with his own unique voice talent. , It is clear and audible within a hundred miles, the most important thing is that you can remember seven or eight after you listen to it, and you will not even forget it in a short period of time, and it will always come to your mind.

What's more, Baihuayin’s voice is poisonous. With the sound in her ears, her image emerges in her mind little by little. The sacred, beautiful, stalwart, kind, benevolent, and fraternity, the power of faith is just like that. Four-sided approach flew towards the central square of the Indulgent Paradise.

This trick is very rascal!

It seems that the natural ability of the siren banshee clan can also do it, but is she not afraid of being backlashed afterwards? The drawbacks of this method of forcibly plundering faith with natural ability are quite big.

Selma Sylvie only noticed Baihuayin’s method of spreading the voice, but ignored that Baihuayin’s use of her talents was not forcibly plundering her faith, but only to publicize her own way of becoming a god. Belief is voluntary. of.

"Baihuayin deserves to be the **** of music that made the ancestors jealous three points, so soon there will be a gathering of faith, hehe, what you have to meet next is not faith, but the resentment of countless **** demons. I hope you can bear it. This wave of trials, don't just be defeated casually." Selma Silvi murmured to herself, the expression on her face did not change at all, but secretly crushed a communication stone.

In a secret room ten miles away from the central square of the Indulgent Paradise, more than a dozen figures cautiously looked at the communication stone in front of them. Suddenly, there was a soft "pop", the communication stone fell apart, and everyone stood up suddenly.

A huge figure with a height of two feet uttered a low growl, "The time has come, it is time for the natives of this world to see my **** power, send a signal, and gather all human resources to launch a curse of resentment!"

"Initiate the curse of resentment and curse Baihuayin!"

"Hmph, Tier 4 demon generals, the resentment curse of tens of thousands of people, among them there are more than ten Tier 3 demon generals, and it is not easy to curse her."

"A trivial native, I use more than ten third-order demon generals from the hell. Tens of thousands of soldiers can already look up to her. Baihuayin will definitely die!"

"Hmph, a small person who believes in becoming a god, I don't know how many times my plane of **** invades other planes and kills them. We have experience in dealing with them."

In the central square of Indulgent Paradise, Baihuayin's eyes narrowed slightly, and black grievances swarmed in. Although it was not so eye-catching among the dense white beliefs, she was the first to discover it.

Baihuayin was overjoyed in her heart, but did not show it on her face. Instead, her brows wrinkled slightly. The smiles and frowns of the goddess were all so eye-catching. Moreover, Baihuayin was still the protagonist. The goddess declaration in her mouth was not fully completed yet, and still one. Words are pouring out, but the frequency is slightly reduced.

A smile appeared on Selma Silvi’s face inevitable. As the planner of all these actions, she was keenly aware of the changes in the surrounding air, but did not find that Baihuayin had a broken one in her hands. The ferocious statue.

The strands of black light flew towards Baihuayin, but within three feet of her body, it turned and fell straight on the incomplete statue. Countless resentments swarmed, instead of causing harm to the incomplete statue, but point by point. Drop it to repair its damage.

This treasure was originally given to Baron Moon Rabbit by the Lord of Hell to collect negative emotions and transform the magic of hell, and finally opened the gate of hell. However, in an operation, it was thrown out as a substitute for the dead ghost by the timid Baron Moon Rabbit. As a gun, after some setbacks, it finally fell into the hands of Little Ville.

Belief in the road of consecrating the gods is tortuous, and belief in poison has always been a problem that demigods and new-born gods have to face. After thinking about it, Ville and Lilith finally came up with this method. The relatively pure faith is handled by Baihuayin, and it is complaining. And the poisonous faith is directly transferred to the statue of the Lord of Hell.

Anyway, this thing is inherently poisonous. Fighting poison with poison produces new poison (hell devil qi), and this new poison can eventually be directly absorbed by the tree of life seedlings and transformed into pure aura. Ville is not worried about letting this thing happen. Turned into a scourge, the tree of life seedling said that this thing would not cause any harm to him, and could only be used as food.

Baihuayin’s voice became slower and slower, and a little sweat appeared on her face. The smile on the corner of Selma Silvi’s mouth became more and more At the same time, she was listening carefully to Baihuayin’s declaration and found that Her declaration of becoming a **** is nearing the end, does Baihuayin want to hold on to complete this declaration?

Once the show starts, it cannot be interrupted at will, otherwise Baihuayin will lose all previous efforts. It can even be said that this trip to the Indulgent Paradise will be in vain. At that time, Selma Silvi won a complete victory. But if Baihuayin Forcibly completed this declaration under the curse, even if she would be suppressed by the ancestor afterwards, and even needed a lot of effort to get rid of the curse, she was at least half successful.

A communication stone quietly appeared in his hand, and Selma Silvii silently issued a new order: to welcome in the **** demon backup team lurking at sea, and increase the curse before Baihuayin becomes a **** declaration. Break her!

In the high sky, a siren banshee demigod can "see clearly" the situation below, Selma Sylvie's command and dispatch, and Baihuayin's embarrassing struggle made her very satisfied, "Baihua Yin ah Baihuayin, you fell down before I took the shot. Alas, even a trivial trick of my younger generation can't handle it. Your path to becoming a **** is destined to be impossible."

"Invincible, sometimes it is a kind of unspeakable loneliness." The siren demigod said loneliness, but there was a bright smile on his face, a smile of gloat.

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