The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 832: Purify the compass, the devil gives the head

"If I become a god, I should punish the evil and promote the good, distinguish the enemy and me, I should be treated kindly, and the **** demons should be punished!"

Baihuayin's voice suddenly became calm and agitated, and her slender hands lifted slightly, "In front of the **** devil, all races should work together, and all the gods are united. I said, above the sea, the sea **** is respected!"

The colorful lights flickered next to the Ocean Goddess Statue, and a beautiful silver-haired woman wearing a deep blue Ocean Goddess priest's robe appeared out of thin air. The silver-haired woman saluted Baihuayin, and then knelt down in front of the Ocean Goddess Statue and began to recite the teachings of the Ocean Goddess Church.

"Under the sea, the earth inherits it, I said, the earth is honourable."

Where Baihua Yin's slender finger pointed, a tall figure appeared out of thin air. It was the Rich Body Refining Wizard of the Mitis Wizarding Academy, and also the earthly attribute holy wizard. At the same time, he also had an identity, a believer in the earth goddess.

Richie's body refining wizard saluted Baihuayin, and then raised his hands high, a statue of the earth female **** appeared, and a book of scriptures in the hands of Saint Richie appeared. This rough man began to read the goddess scripture one by one. A faint light appeared on the female idol.

"When there is light in the world, there is darkness, I said, the setting sun goes down, the night falls, and everything rests in the dark."

"When there is night in the world, there will be dawn, I said, the night has faded, the morning sun has risen, and the dawn has brought everything to life."

"Life will not hesitate, and the battle will not stop. I said, to protect the weak and fight against foreign invasions, the **** of battle should be respected."

"Flowers and trees are thriving, I said, the genus of vegetation, life (the tree of life, the predecessor of the fairy goddess) is respected."

"Thousands of races fight, the human race should be self-improvement, I said, you are the guardian of the world, and the world should be your backing."

Baihuayin’s voice spread far, and every time a word was said, a person appeared, and along with it erected a statue of the goddess, the goddess of the night and the goddess of the night, the goddess of Lilith and the dawn, the gods of Nicole and the **** of war (actually the **** of beasts) The humanized version of the statue), the statue of Guai Li Luo and the fairy goddess, and finally the statue of Xiao Wei and the Emperor.

"Praise the gods, you do your contribution to the world, and you will live forever!" Baihuayin salutes every statue of gods, and every salute will activate a statue of gods, and there will be a huge ghost of 100 meters high in the sky. .

Seeing the demigod of the sea goddess in the sky, the siren demigod ran away for the first time. She would never dare to do things like standing on the head of the sea goddess. It was not too different from seeking death. It was shameless to use the power of the church and the main gods to resist the curse while secretly cursing Baihuayin for insidious and cunning while running away.

What is the ability to find a backer? Have the ability to do it alone, Baihuayin, I look down on you!

The siren banshee demigod gritted her teeth but was helpless. She is just a demigod. She is too far away from the main god. Even with the statues of these main gods and a trace of projection, she dare not be disrespectful, otherwise she will become herself in the future. God will be dangerous.

The first few master gods all know themselves, who is the last one? The siren banshee demigod escaped dozens of miles in a blink of an eye, but his mind was spinning fast. Is Baihuayin trying to please the gods? Does this make any sense?

Just to use the power of the gods to resist the curse?

Baihuayin is not a fool. Although the power of these curses is difficult, it is not worthy of her to give up her own path and persistence and bend under other gods? What's the point of this?

"Om~" A small disc appeared at Baihuayin's feet, supporting her to fly high, and reaching a place one tenth shorter than the gods, the disc quickly grew bigger and in a blink of an eye it became a huge monster with a diameter of more than ten meters. .

A faint golden light glowed from the seven huge figures in the sky and shot into the compass. A powerful aura exploded on the compass. An inexplicable aura spread out from the central square of the Indulgent Paradise, one mile, five miles, ten miles, and thirty miles. Miles, fifty miles, hundred miles...

Selma Silvi snorted in her heart, a feeling that something bad happened in her heart, the communication stone in her hand quickly sent a message out, and only one word was sent out in a time emergency: Withdraw!

Baihuayin stood on the purifying compass, and a mutilated ferocious statue on the slender jade hand quietly emerged, the demigod level of strength was completely exploded, and countless black silk threads that ordinary people could not see were only connected in all directions, "I said, sin will be Cleanse, the evil will eventually be purified!"

Powerful suction appeared, and **** demons flew from all directions and wailed and roared into the purifying compass. Ten miles away from the central square of the Industrious Paradise, a dozen third-order **** demons broke through the top of the dense roof and flew away. Coming out, feeling the powerful attraction and deterrence, his face was full of shock.

"Run!" A sane **** demon let out a roar and ran towards the sea first, trying to get away from the huge compass. Suddenly a black thread appeared out of thin air and tightly bound him, and the other end was hooked up. It is the statue in Baihuayin's hands.

The silent aura on the Purifying Compass rose instantly, and the dozen or so Tier 3 **** demons who were trying to stay away almost fell to the ground with soft legs, and the powerful attraction forcefully sucked them and flew in the direction of the Purifying Compass.

"Fun!" A Tier 3 **** demon with wings on its back flickered, and a figure with the same magical power appeared and flew towards the purification compass instead of him, while the **** demon himself took out a dark portal-like magic weapon, **** The magic power exploded and opened quickly.

The eyes of another **** demon who was full of flames lit up, and he slammed away his partner who was about to escape, and plunged into it himself.

The black light flickered, and the flame demon's figure was blurred for a while, and he was still on the spot in a blink of an eye. He was a little confused, and suddenly a powerful force struck the whole person and flew towards the purification compass in an instant.

The **** demon with wings on his back could see clearly, his own companion could not go, a thin black thread on his body interrupted the transmission.

"Resentment becomes silk, it is the previous curse of resentment!" A Tier 3 succubus struggled to resist the traction of the purification compass, looking at the black silk thread floating out of his body, and his face was annoyed. You must not leave if you are bound."

Among all the Tier 3 **** demons in the scene, only the **** demon with wings on his back had no resentment threads. Others quickly discovered this and cast angry eyes. Did this **** already know this would happen?

Human psychology is sometimes very strange. We can share adversity but cannot share wealth and wealth. We don’t have to worry about worries and we don’t suffer from unevenness. What's more, the devil’s mind is more violent and direct than the human race. To that terrifying compass, not only did you **** not be restrained, but you also took out a magical space teleportation weapon for escape.

Resentment broke out under the pressure of death, and the eyes of a dozen third-order **** demons instantly turned blood red, "Kill him!"

Worse! The two-winged demon has always been cautious. He never thinks that those who achieve demigods in this backward world will be the general generation. He has always kept a low profile and behaved mediocrely. Among the many **** demons, the strength is not the strongest, and the influence is not the strongest. What is it for trying to play a little transparent?


He "worked hard" to integrate into this group, as if a drop of water was trying to hide himself in the sea. He carefully survived, never exposed, but this time the people he had to deal with seemed to exceed his budget, not only had to face the demigod. In fact, it also attracted the suppression of seven main god-level auras.

Escape is important, everything else is secondary!

The two-winged **** demon's wings sprang up and speeded up in a blink of an eye, and a huge fist slammed into the door.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the two-winged demon took a step backwards, and the **** demon who intercepted him wailed and flew out, and in a blink of an eye he was dragged into the air and dropped towards the purification compass.

This **** hides really deep enough. The demon just now ranks in the top five among the Tier 3 **** demons present, and he is also a **** demon who is known for his physical fitness in close combat. This two-winged demon actually beat him back with bare hands. .

"Kill him!" "Kill him!" "Kill him!"

Seeing the **** demon rushing towards him, the two-winged demon exploded with anger on his face. This group of **** actually pulled themselves to death. Don't you know that this will only make them die faster?

The dense **** demons in the sky wailed and flew by, overwhelmingly amazing. This is definitely Baihuayin's strongest method, but the use of this method is absolutely costly. He doesn't think that Baihuayin, a demigod, can persist, as long as Delaying it to the end will be a relief, but this group of **** have to smash themselves.

A magic weapon spear appeared out of thin air. The two-winged demon did not dare to fly, but could only dodge around to send these "partners" to the sky one by one, watching them enter the purifying compass, bound by the thread of resentment, they couldn't escape or escape. .

The two-winged demon took a deep look at the holy radiance of His face was full of solemnity: "The **** of music Baihuayin, I will write down this account, and I will settle it in the future!"

"Why should it be liquidated in the future? It will be fine if we can't do it together today." Suddenly a crisp female voice sounded, with a loud "Boom!" A square hut was severely suppressed, and the magic weapon portal was lost. induction.

When the strong wind hit, a third-order four-legged flying dragon jumped down from two figures. It was Angeline and Temple knight Russef Wilson. As for the four-legged flying dragon, Jasmine, the owner of the four-legged dragon, took the Moonlight House back with a smile. Naturally, the magic weapon inside cannot be returned.

"Goddess Order, the evil will be cleansed, and the evil will eventually be purified!" The temple knight Rutherf Wilson held up the long sword in his hand, the face of the two-winged demon was covered with ashes, and the mouth uttered an angry roar: "Selma Xi Elvis, I curse you!"

This mighty **** demon is only the pig teammate Selma Sylvie who hates his death. He is not afraid of opponents like gods, but only his teammates like pigs. For the two-winged demon, Selma Sylvie is in the legend. The pig teammate.

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