The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 841: March to the 7th Ring Wizard Islands

After some disputes, Thunder Naga's seven royal tribes unified their opinions and assigned a joint force to help Baihuayin implement her plan to become a **** in the ocean outside the Seven Rings Wizard Islands.

Yes, the coalition army is not the five royal tribes of Thunder Naga, but the seven royal tribes. The remaining two tribes are not fools. The other five tribes secretly met, so that they were not alert. Once they started, they soon knew what happened. The general experience, so it was logical to participate.

Even if you don’t get the benefits in the early stage, when the road to Baihuayin to become a **** is completed, the benefits will always be yours, and the benefits may not be lost in the early stage. At least the sea area of ​​the sanctuary is not exclusively owned by the Leiyuan tribe, and the seven tribes have sent some people. , And with the full support of the seven tribes, the route will naturally need to be revised to make it more perfect.

The actions of the Thunder Naga royal family caught the attention of the Storm Mermaid clan, and the subsequent great changes in the far sea also shocked the Storm Mermaid clan, so they tried to get a share after understanding the situation.

The protests of the seven tribes of the Thunder Naga royal family were invalid. The Mermaid of the Storm also sent a volunteer team to join this team. The size of the support team was strictly limited. There is only one holy master, the total number of people. No more than a hundred, no intentional delays in the preaching process, help when they need their help, and no intentional shirk.

There are rewards for credit. Vil and Lilith signed a series of contracts with the Thunder Naga royal family and the Storm Mermaid royal family, and promised to share their benefits. They were very satisfied. They each sent a support team with a holy wizard. Led, there are only ninety-nine people each, and they are very cleverly stepping on the prescribed line.

The team of the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe has grown again, making many people who have different minds even more afraid to act rashly, and the strength of the sanctuary is also increasing. In order to please Baihuayin, or to please the sister control group, the Thunder Naga royal family, and the storm mermaid The royal family sent a lot of sea people with good musical talents to them, making the development of the sanctuary more smooth.

Wandering around the outer waters of the Seven Rings Wizard Islands, with the support of the Thunder Naga royal family and the Storm Mermaid royal family, it took Baihuayin three years to successfully establish more than 500 strongholds, among nearly a hundred sea races. More than 500 temples of the gods of music have developed 300,000 believers, and more than 30,000 people have migrated to the sanctuary. Among them, there are more than a thousand new church members who have initially understood the magic of music.

Missionary matters in the outer seas were not successfully completed. The Thunder Naga royal family and the Storm Mermaid royal family gained many benefits in the process of following their missions. The gains far exceeded the efforts. They were very satisfied, but they could not continue to do so when they arrived at the Wizard Islands. Blatantly appear as a separate force.

As a result, the two royal clans negotiated and cancelled all the two support teams. Each clan sent a five-person team, each led by a third-level wizard, and directly incorporated into the ranks of the little Weier sister control group, which was regarded as theirs. Among the non-staff members, the Thunder Naga clan sent Royce and the little princess Alesia to show their importance, and the Storm Mermaid also sent an elder and a little princess.

The most important thing is that the little mermaid princess named Dinessa actually became a believer in the goddess of music under the **** of music, and quickly understood the magic of music, and became Baihuayin’s pet, despite her age Not big, and the strength is only the first level, but it has a status no less than that of Alesia, allowing the Storm Mermaid and Thunder Naga to basically achieve a balance in this team.

The mission of the Wizard Islands is more difficult than the waters outside the islands, because the human race is the most complex and changeable race of all races, and the human race in the Wizard Islands is the king, other races are mixed, and the situation is more elusive.

The intelligent creatures in the world are calculated purely by numbers. The sea race is ranked first, followed by the orcs, and the human race is the third. However, the wisdom ranking is the opposite, the human race is the first, and the orc race is the second. , The sea clan last.

Human race is a single race, even those with blood awakening still regard themselves as a unified race of human race. This is a symbol of human race unity, and it is also the foundation for human race to maintain its strength first.

According to the legend, the human race is a natural race with no supernatural ability. It has no magical sensing ability, is weak and cannot withstand fighting qi. It has only good wisdom and learning ability. Later, as the tens of thousands of races gradually merged, a human race with extraordinary bloodlines was gradually derived. They imitated Other races gradually emerged with abilities such as fighting spirit and witchcraft, which led to the emergence of warriors, knights, wizards and other professions, and they rose step by step.

The human bloodline has a very strong tolerance and assimilation ability. Many half-humans have been produced in the process of combining with other extraordinary races. If these existences such as half-elves, half-orcs, and half-dragons have been combined with pure humans, it will be very It is easy to produce human races with extraordinary potential, and those extraordinary human races who can still practice fighting spirit and witchcraft without awakening the blood of those extraordinary races. Beautiful

The population base of the Terran is quite large, and almost all people have good wisdom. As long as the bloodline meets the conditions, there is a high probability of becoming an extraordinary person. The Terran is using this advantage to develop and grow step by step.

When the human race was weak, those half-humans with other characteristics and incomplete blood awakening were able to give shelter to the tribe and were promoted as heroes because of their amazing aptitudes. However, when the human race developed and grew, the class and hierarchy gradually solidified. , This type of people became a threat to their status and status, so they were rejected as aliens and suppressed to a certain extent.

Human race is such a complex race, and this suppression has a strong purpose, pushing this special group of people into the bottom of the society, but wants them to work for themselves, and at the same time is unwilling to give them fair and reasonable treatment and lofty. identity of.

The intelligence network of the Mercenary Association is amazing. Dianna assisted Baihuayin’s mission and expanded five new Mercenary Association branches overseas. Saint Anna also gained more power, although this was not what she wanted.

Greater power brings more convenience. The intelligence of the bloodline awakened, half-awakened, and half-human races is collected. Such information is only in this area of ​​islands with a radius of thousands of miles. There are hundreds of them. Many, if it extends to the entire Seven Ring Wizard Islands, the number will be hundreds of thousands. After all, the population here is really too much, and ordinary people will be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

It’s not easy to preach in the human race. Sometimes it’s really helpless to be too clever and too mixed, so Ville and Lilith decided to start with ordinary people and take the route of surrounding the city from the countryside, launching an offensive from the bottom, after the established facts Then unite and win the middle-level people, and finally the upper-level people have to compromise.

Of course, in their eyes, this so-called high-level person is nothing more than a rookie and weak existence. What they are strong is not their strength but their local power and prestige.

There are indeed some hidden masters in the Seven Rings Wizard Islands, but they are only the outermost periphery of the Wizard Islands. The general strength is really not strong. There are a lot of holy masters in the Tianlai Song and Dance Ensemble. If you don’t consider the impact, you can even push the entire seven. Around the Wizard Islands, um, most of the places.

Including the Wizard Tower!

Pieces of simple information piled up into a mountain, although it was just a small mountain, Baihuayin still evaded her. This kind of intelligence analysis work really made her feel boring. Before, she thought about learning more and striving to hold the leading role of the missionary cause in her hands. However, she really can't figure out the methods and methods that vary from person to person according to local conditions.

The siren banshee is one situation, and the storm mermaid is another and Thunder Naga's style has changed again. Later, the sea clan situation encountered is strange, and the methods used are also different. Baihuayin worked hard for a year and finally had to give up.

Baihuayin took the initiative to give up concessions, but Ville and Lilith were unwilling, and a big hat pressed them over. If you want to become a god, it is you or us. We work hard, you are embarrassed to watch. ?

Lilith told her earnestly that our sister control group is just a facilitator, and you always have to be self-reliant. If you are not familiar with or not even the backbone of your subordinates and the church, how will you manage them in the future? So these things must be taken over and familiarized from the beginning.

After flipping through the information for a day and night, Baihuayin saw that the dozen alternatives she had selected were all thrown into the trash can, and the air pressure dropped to the lowest level. These are the fruits of their own labor. You don’t need to do this. Excessive.

"We can't just look at the appropriateness of abilities, but also look at their origin, experience, current situation and personality. Only these two are suitable on this island. I am more optimistic about this girl." Xiaoweier pushed a piece of information to Baihua In front of the sound, she glanced at her brows and frowned slightly: "Dolphin sound girl, this girl can't even speak, let alone rap and sing, can she really do it?"

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