The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 842: Dolphin Tone Girl Legend

Dolphin sound girl, twelve years old, half-human, dolphin family bloodline owner, orphan, has no formal training, but has a talented wizardry equivalent to a third-level wizard apprentice and the physical fitness of an advanced warrior, inhabits the southeast of the island In a group of reefs.

She has lived among a group of dolphins since she was sensible. Although every time she surfaced, she could clearly find that she and her friends around her looked different, but she was very used to and liked this kind of free life until one time. When the slaughter came, the dolphins were expelled from their homes, half were killed and half escaped, and the dolphin voice girls were abandoned.

The little girl was not killed because of her human appearance. Instead, she became a trafficked slave and took her to the pirate ship. On the ship, she met the first mentor in her life, a sea clan mage. The seriously injured sea clan mage activated the girl. His blood, at the cost of his own life, broke the pirate ship and summoned a terrible monster.

The pirate ship was shattered, the entire pirate army was destroyed, the sea clan mage was exhausted, and the little girl became an orphan and began her wandering life. She desperately wanted her partner and returned home with her feelings, but there was no more her own ethnic group, only left. Leave her alone.

By chance, she met a merchant ship and rescued a boy who fell into the sea. The boy was very interested in the girl. The conch that the girl gave him was blowing every day. Every time the conch was blown, Girls will appear, one in the stern sea, and the other on the stern deck chatting about ducks and chickens talking about bulls’ heads and horses’ mouths.

The boy had been trying hard to teach the girl to speak the human language, but the girl could only make a dolphin call. Although it was very soft and nice, the boy really didn't understand it.

The boy brought delicious food and delicious juice. The girl gave him many specialties from the sea, such as pearls, deep-sea fish, conch, shells, and shiny gems. The two returned to the boy’s hometown. A small island that is too big.

The little girl is not used to staying on the shore for a long time. She likes the sea. The sea is her home. The teenager took her to this secret base of her own. There is a secret passage under the steep sea cliff. Most people can only enter by boat, but Beware of hitting the reef. There is a huge karst cave nearly 100 meters deep into the cliff with gleaming stalactites. This is the secret base of a teenager, a secret cave discovered by accident during a sea crash.

The boy settled the girl here, and came to meet her every three weeks. He often sat on the reef holding a book and read aloud, and the little girl swam around him in the sea, shaking up the spray from time to time. Laughter.

The boy came from a marine merchant family and often needed to go out to sea. Every time a little girl would set off with him, but the boy didn’t want her to follow her but took risks. So she made a three-chapter appointment with her and asked her to wait for herself here on the sea cliff, and do it in the foggy day. As a guide, he took out the conch that the girl gave him and played a dolphin song.

The girl waited quietly for the return of the boy here in Haiya, but the boy never appeared again, and the merchant ship of the boy family never returned.

There is often fog around the island. The trekking fishing boat often hears the call of dolphins. Following the call of dolphins, they found their way home again and again. Someone saw a young girl in the sea, and she often jumped out of the water to face it. The sound of a dolphin sounded in the distance, with a trace of sadness and expectation in the sound.

"It's really a sad story." Baihuayin stretched out. Although she wanted to express a few emotions, her rich experience did not allow her to do so.

Although she did not know the young man’s family and experience very carefully, she could still easily judge that if the young man hadn’t already travelled far away and separated from the crisis-ridden family for him, it would have been taken down by other competitors in the family. No matter which ending, it is not good news for the dolphin sound girl.

Two years have passed, she is still waiting silly, waiting for the familiar sound of conch to appear, but she may not be able to wait for the sound she wants to hear for a long time in the future, maybe, this sound will never appear again.

"This girl is very good, so I chose her." Baihuayin directly made the decision, and stared at Little Weir fiercely: "She is the target you chose, but she is my future missionary, so you have the responsibility to teach her. Well, it is also an obligation to give her a bright future."

"This is a bit unreasonable for you. I chose the target because this target is in line with our requirements. Innocence and kindness have a certain strength, and they have a love and pursuit of music. They also have a certain legendary color. Packaging can become the protagonist of the story and bring us more faith. But the time-consuming and laborious task of cultivating talents shouldn’t be my turn, right?” Ville waved his hand and said, “The preaching of the sea people cultivated in the sanctuary A taxi is more suitable than me, preferably a member of the dolphin clan."

"Members of the dolphin tribe can help, but they can only hide in the dark, and they can really be known. Only the girl with the dolphin sound is on the bright side, and we also have to write her story and spread it out as much as possible. , Accompanied by her singing." 400

Little Weir began to write a new legend, "You should deploy personnel by yourself. If the number is better, it is best not to exceed ten people, and at least not less than three. The strength should not be too strong or too weak. You can enter the ranks, but you must Mature and stable."

This infamous little island is more than 30 miles north and south, and more than 20 miles east and west. There are twenty to thirty thousand ordinary people living on it. There are no large families and rich resources. It is just an ordinary island with the most strength. Qiang is just a high-level warrior, not even a wizard apprentice.

A legend has spread on this small island recently. The protagonist of the story is a little girl who can only make dolphin sounds. Living in the sea will guide them and herald dangers.

Before the storm came, the girl’s voice was swift and sharp. She would stop the ship preparing to go to sea and make a hurried cry. When the fog happened, she would sing near the coast. The voice was still dolphin, but she could pass through. The mist spread far, far away, allowing lost fishing boats to find their way home.

After becoming famous, there will always be some troubles. The previously inconspicuous girl was noticed by many people, and the place where the girl usually lives was also discovered. When the fishermen came to thank her in a boat with condolences, but A small temple was found in that hidden cave: the temple of the **** of music.

The girl with dolphin sound lies quietly at the feet of the female idol in the temple, with a faint holy light covering her whole, with a quiet smile on the girl’s face, if there is Ruuowu’s singing from the idol, the faint power makes the fishermen kneel and worship On the ground.

A voice of Ruo Ruo Wu came into the mind, the messenger of the **** of music.

This is the new identity of the dolphin sound girl.

The appearance of the temple is very natural, because this is originally a very secret place, if you don't get close to it, you can't see it at all, but when you can directly see the temple on the sea, it is only at midnight of the full moon, which adds to the legend of the temple.

The fishermen found on the stone wall outside the temple some tips for building small boats and hunting fish and shrimps, making them like treasures, but these things they can see but can’t touch, let alone destroy them every time. When they give birth to such a mind, they will be directly rejected out of the cave. There is really a god's shelter here.

Gradually, people on the island discovered that although the girl still can’t speak, she can sing and sing human songs. Maybe she herself is not very clear about the meaning of the lyrics in these songs, but she can perfectly express the emotional color in the songs. Come out, and even cause resonance and miracles.

The singing of the girl attracted many people, and the temple of the **** of music was finally no longer a secret, but gradually some changes took place here. Within 100 meters of the cave’s periphery, people with misconduct could not enter, and the cave was only for those who believed in the goddess of music. People can enter.

And when they pray to the goddess of they always hear a beautiful song, so that their bodies can relax and recover very well, so every night before taking a break It has become a habit of the island residents to pray to the goddess of music every morning after getting up.

The story of the girl spread out with the merchant fleet, and more and more people heard the wind. They watched the girl sitting on the reef singing from a distance. The girl looked very holy in the sun, but these outsiders wanted to get close. Difficult, only true believers of the goddess of music can approach.

Girls’ songs gradually become more colorful, sing praises to the sea, to life, to heroes, to gods, and to the goddess of music!

The smiles on the girl’s face are getting more and more. She is no longer lonely. Everyday, people come to the beach to sing with her. There are new friends around her, and the new friends who teach her to sing and enjoy life are on them. , The girl felt cordial.

The dolphin sound girl still guards the island, her singing is hope under the storm, and the belief in the **** of music begins to spread. The children on the island learn to sing the girl and spread this trend to the entire island. The island became more sunny, full of singing and laughter.

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